Well, truthfully, that's a hard one. It's nip and tuck, but I do think the religious beat out the politico morons just by a nose. But we let the former off this time and focus on one of the most laughable, half-witted Repuke morons going. In fact, to see and hear this guy's spiel is to be introduced to a whole new level of moron wunderkind and DNA. It boggles the mind!
This, of course, would be Paul Ryan (R-WI) who has evidently been handed the reins for the next budget battle: to pare the federal budget by nearly $6.2 trillion over the next ten years.....get this...while making NO cuts to the military (none, zappo, nada) and not one to the richest 1% - who will all keep their Bush tax cuts indefinitely! Now, how effing stupid is that?
SO how does this nitwit intend to cut $6.2 trillion without going after the big waste items? Why, by converting Medicare to a voucher program! Oh, Ryan won't go near the word 'voucher', don't worry! He prefers to use the euphemism: 'premium support', which I suppose is just high falutin' sounding enough to rope in all the moron Repuke followers who are addicted to FAUX News - the biggest propaganda network in the nation. (Maybe why they have so many repuke-retards featured on it every day)
WHY is Ryan's plan so disastrous? Because it will raise no revenue and in the end convert a barely hanging-on middle class into an underclass. At the same time, it will dump seniors into a proverbial "shitcan" where they'll be handed a pittance check each year then be expected to go out into the marketplace and purchase their own health insurance! Errr.....what's wrong with this picture?
For starters, NO ONE - not one insurance company - wants to insure old farts! There are too many health problems, and too many costs arising from their treatment, so the medical loss ratio (defined as the ratio of unhealthy subscribers to the healthy ones that support them via fees, costs, deductibles) will be unsustainable. In other words, we'll have millions of seniors dying on the streets with no care at all, as was the situation before 1966, when fewer than 1 in 22 seniors reached the age of 65. But mayhap this is the Repukes' real plan: to kill 'em all off before they can reach the age to start collecting Social Security benefits!
Even those seniors in relatively good health will not be in nirvana, because the costs dumped on them will be enormous. Think of $1,000 just for a checkup and up to $25,000 for a simple procedure (like gall bladder removal). Because seniors will have no place else to go, and because the voucher system is one of last resort, they'll be at the mercy of predatory capitalist insurers, as well as PhRma. As it is, those approaching retirement today are told to have at least $225,000 on the side to cover the medical and drug costs that Medicare won't handle. You can expect that to double if Ryan gets his way and his insane budget goes through!
And what's with the richest getting their way, anyway? Haven't they already got enough? Isn't the top 1% controlling more than 58% of all the wealth and resources "fair" enough? Isn't the top 10% controlling 90% of the wealth bad enough, do we have to make it worse? Think of this now: think of a hundred people and a pizza delivery guy just brings in 100 pizzas, as all one hundred look on, expecting to receive one pizza each. However, to their utter amazement, NINETY of the pizzas go to ten people to distribute amongst themselves! The ten people then walk out with the 90 pizzas (their loot) and leave the ninety other people to divide ten pizza pies! THAT is what Paul Ryan is basically proposing with his numbskull "prosperity budget" which is in reality a poverty budget for nearly all Americans.
But it's actually even worse with the real Ryan plan, compared to the analogy, because in the real Ryan plan all those ninety folks with the ten remaining pizzas will get no medical help if they all get sick. They'll all be on their own (assuming all of the people are 67 or over, based on Ryan's Medicare voucher plan and increasing the Medicare benefit age to 67).
The real question is obviously HOW can regular working people support such a plan? One that is directly opposed to their own interests? Have the repukes put crack into their food, or what? Or is it maybe just that they're all that susceptible to being brainwashed by FAUX News?
Meanwhile a piece of advice for the Dems when they decide to run ads against Ryan's Medicare plan and budget: Be sure to recap the ads from the late 90s showing grannies in wheel chairs being pushed off cliffs by smiling Republicans in suits. THIS will get the message of what Ryan is planning over better than anything else, and each ad can be done in under 1 minute!
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