JFK in limo moments before the shots rang out in Dallas
So Dotard J. Trump has signed an executive order- among the 78 -odd churned out last week - to release the remaining 3,000-odd classified JFK assassination files. Pardon me while I take a snooze. Recall, as is standard for the Neoliberal media, much hoopla had already been made over the prospective release of all documents to do with the Kennedy assassination, back in 2017. This was when Trump was last in Office. What did he do? He punted and obeyed the CIA 'protectors' when they told him thousands of redacted files could not see the light of day owing to "national security concerns." This pertained to the methods used by the agency in the 60s.
Trump has now given the agency 15 days to deliver the goods. What can go wrong? They have to deliver, right? Yeah right, except now they can redact even more files. When the file keepers believe you're getting a tad too close to the truth and they're ordered to release the ones with utmost security they will redact them. Example: we know themoomommmmmmom! .
Oh, you can't read it? Okay, the CIA wins. Redacted then means all the expected communication or critical signal is blotted out. It's rendered inaccessible. But I get ahead of myself. Recall back in 2022 then President Joe Biden also claimed to be releasing the relevant files still locked up. Biden wrote in his Executive Order:
"Pursuant to my direction, agencies have undertaken a comprehensive effort to review the full set of almost 16,000 records that had previously been released in redacted form and determined that more than 70 percent of those records may now be released in full. This significant disclosure reflects my Administration's commitment to transparency and will provide the American public with greater insight and understanding of the Government's investigation into this tragic event in American history."
Which is commendable, but why only 70 percent of the redacted records released and not 100 percent? Let me put it another way: 70 percent of redacted records released "in full" is not 100 percent of the redacted records released in full. Which brings us to where Trump is this year, in this latest iteration of the CIA game "catch our JFK records if you can.".
At the top of the list of unredacted records should be all those connected to CIA provocateur George Joannides. As I noted in my Dec. 16, 2022 post:
"Researcher Jefferson Morley conjectures the CIA is behind the delay - "slow walking" the release because some of those files are downright explosive - especially regarding one particular renegade, George Joannides:
Joannides, we learn from the film, played a major role in helping to block HSCA access to critical JFK files at the time of that investigation. Later, in 1992, when the Assassinations Review Board wished to release a key Joannides' file and asked a CIA go-between if this could be done, he replied: "I know there's a reason why that file shouldn't be released, I just can't think of it!"
It never did see the light of day. Only after Joannides' role was fully made clear to HSCA Chief Counsel Robert Blakey, did he finally say he would never trust the CIA again. Blakey also observed:
"The purpose of the Warren Commission wasn't to find out what really happened but to assure Americans what didn't happen."
We also still need the release of all the following records:
- All of Oswald's CIA files (OS-351-164 (office of security), the 201-289248 CI/SIG, and the 74-500) and what was done with them, e.g. by the guy who framed him: CIA Mexico City Station chief David Atlee Phillips:
-The elements of the Staff D program run by NSA contact William Harvey. As pointed out by researcher Peter Dale Scott in Deep Politics Quarterly, January, 1994:
In 1961, when William Harvey headed Staff D, he was assigned the task of developing the CIA Assassinations Project, ZR/Rifle.
When ZR Rifle was altered from targeting Castro to targeting JFK, it was all over except for the triangulation of gunfire that took Kennedy out in Dallas. The closest we likely got to who the actual shooters (mechanics) were occurred during the (1975) Church Committee hearings. Former CIA Director Richard Helms spoke at length about ZR Rifle in one session. When pressed, he identified two generic (i.e. for any purpose) hit team members by their code names: WI/ROGUE and QJ/WIN. Helms described the former as "a stateless soldier of fortune and a criminal" (Church Committee Report, pp. 43-44) .
Helms summarized the latter statement in these terse terms:
"If you need somebody to carry out murder I guess you had a man who might be prepared to carry it out.”
- The names of the 2 CIA hit men WI/ROGUE and QJ/WIN. Richard Helms disclosed the code monickers in the Church Committee Hearings, but we need to know: 1) WHO were these guys? And (2): Were they in Dallas that day as part of an assassination K Group team? Which existence has already been exposed, e.g.
Wherein we read:
"The idea of forming assassination teams ('K' groups) apparently originated with Castillo Arenas in 1952. Adopting Castillo Arenas' concept the [ ] chief routinely included two assassination specialists in his training plans. CIA training for sabotage teams in early 1954 also included creating a 'K' group trained to perform assassinations."
- How many of these "assassination teams" were active at the time of JFK's murder? How many were under control of Staff D, William Harvey's program with NSA connections, and how many were connected to David Atlee Phillips and his operations? I suspect the 3% of files still unreleased hold the answers, I also dispute "protecting tradecraft" has anything to do with keeping the files secret.
We already know one specific assassin (NOT Lee Oswald) made the kill (fatal head) shot from the grassy knoll with the shot direction identified from the acoustics in the HSCA investigation of 1978-79 and captured Z-frame 314:

This was traced to the right front temple wound in JFK's skull, as revealed by Robert Groden in his superb book, The Killing of a President. (On page 178 is shown the complete path of the bullet from the right front of Kennedy’s forehead to the rear of his head.)
Let us recall here that Oswald was alleged to be shooting from the Texas School Book Depository which was behind the limo, so no shots from there could have delivered the right frontal head shot. In addition we have the Z-film frame after 314 showing Jackie clearly moving backwards over the limo trunk, she said (in secret WC testimony) to try to retrieve a piece of the skull)
Which comports with the physics of the bullet trajectory, i.e. shooter being in front and the momentum driving the head backwards, with Jackie's backward motion consistent with backward momentum of dislodged skull fragments.
With the Biden release, the National Archives said 97% of the roughly 5 million pages in its collection related to the assassination had made it out to the public. But some experts then said the government continued to redact or withhold important information that might cast the CIA or other agencies in a negative light. From what I have noted above, that much is obvious. The question is why - after nearly 60 years of this hide and seek B.S. - is this withholding still being done? What possible national security interests could there be after so long a time? I believe the core basis is to protect LBJ as the de facto architect of the assassination.
Most of us who are researchers in deep politics firmly believe that the Vietnam war was the “Devil’s deal” LBJ struck with his JFK assassination collaborators, in order that he be catapulted into office – while facing felony charges(barely days before). This isn’t “blowing smoke” either. As Steve Kornacki reported in his ‘UP’ journal on MSNBC, the morning of Nov. 23, 2013. Using tapes and media documents, Kornacki showed that Johnson was about to be exposed as an influence peddler in conjunction with the Bobby Baker scandal by LIFE magazine in its upcoming issue.
A paper trail of bank statements and payments was to have been included, and as Kornacki pointed out a Senate investigation would likely have ensued with LBJ being dumped from Kennedy’s 1964 ticket. In other words, LBJ had by far the most to gain from JFK’s assassination. He also had full say in planning the motorcade route in Dallas, along with the Mayor (Cabell) - the brother of the CIA deputy (Charles Cabell) JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs.
Philip Nelson, whose powerful book ‘LBJ – The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination’ – is noteworthy for its exacting documented detail, observes (Chapter 6: The Conspirators, p. 317):
“The crime could only have been accomplished with at least the acquiescence and foreknowledge of the only man capable of choreographing the massive cover-up which was immediately launched. It is axiomatic that since the cover-up started before the shots were fired, the order for JFK’s assassination could only have come from his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson.”
He goes on to note that no other conceivable person, whether Santos Trafficante, Sam Giancana, Clint Murchison, H.L. Hunt….or Lee Harvey Oswald…" had the motive, means, the opportunity, the demonstrated pattern of previous criminal – even murderous conduct, and the resolve to see it through.”
Before any reader's head pops, let's ask: Could Johnson have actually stooped to have anyone killed? The Dallas Morning News story from March 23, 1984 (see image below):
is blunt about it. Billie Sol Estes reported that Johnson had Henry Harvey Marshall, a USDA official in charge of the federal cotton allotment detail, killed because he had attempted to link Estes’ nefarious dealings to the then Vice-President. While Estes ended up doing prison time, he did have his say before a grand jury (which subpoenaed him) after his release in 1984. As reported in news story, Estes linked Johnson and two others to the slaying of Marshall. In the follow-up grand jury investigation, Johnson, his one-time aide Cliff Carter, and ‘Mac’ Wallace were all deemed “co-conspirators in the murder” of Marshall.
Lastly, it's important for researchers or others keen to obtain any new records, not be distracted by horse manure, disinformation. At the top of that list is Oswald's alleged visit to Mexico City, long since dispatched by serious deep politics researchers.
For example, back in October, 2017 at the last Trump effort at release, we read:
"Longtime JFK-watchers had hoped the trove would shed more light on what the U.S. government knew about Oswald before Kennedy's assassination, particularly his activities in Mexico City in the weeks before he opened fire in Dallas." But as I have repeatedly pointed out, the Mexico City babble is total disinformation based on an inaccurately reported image of an alleged "Oswald" appearing at the CIA station there, e.g.
Hence, this is all irrelevant to the facts already known, disclosed, i.e. from earlier file releases in the 1990s. And we know Oswald not only had no part in it but was himself assassinated within two days of Kennedy's assassination, eg.
likely to prevent him from revealing his role (as a decoy) in Bill Harvey's Staff D operation. For the most authentic depiction of how the assassination went down, check out the relevant sequence from 'Executive Action' (1973):
In the meantime it will be interesting to see if Trump really can deliver on getting the spooks to release all the redacted files- and in unredacted form. My bet is he'll flop just like all of his hollow exec orders - when the courts get hold of them.
See Also:
Dallas Journalists Need To Grow Up And Face The Reality of Conspiracy In Kennedy Assassination
In One Blockbuster JFK Assassination Documentary 7 Parkland Doctors Expose The Chicanery Of The Warren Commission
One Of Top Ten Books On The JFK Assassination - From Former British Intelligence Officer
'JFK Through The Looking Glass' - A Superb Oliver Stone Documentary (But Perhaps Too Much For Casual Viewers)
NOVA 'JFK Cold Case' Special - Another Hit Job - On The Truth
James K. Lambert- Another WC Toady and Tool - Tries To Spin JFK Assassination Researchers As The Original Fake News Purveyors