Monday, January 6, 2025

Remembering That Day Of Infamy Four Years Ago



As congress assembles to certify the election of a traitor and 34-times convicted felon it is important that his insurrection four years ago not be whitewashed or forgotten. To that end I have assembled the following pertinent links - lest too many forget Trump's atrocities like they forgot most of his original 4 year term when they voted him back in again.

Beware of an Impending Sedition Shitshow Tomorrow As Reep Traitors Object To Electoral College Results


We have since learned that - in addition to Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri -   12 other  Reep Senators have vowed to be the traitors who, with some 147 Reeptard House seditionists,  plan to try to thwart Biden's electoral certification.  Thereby orchestrating an indecent, undignified challenge to what ought to be a simple pro forma ratification of the Biden win.   See e.g.

The Senate’s coup-staging ‘Dirty Dozen’ shouldn’t be allowed to hold office

Egging them on is the orange -hued fungal putrescence, traitor and sewer scum -in -chief,  who may yet have to be dragged bodily out of the White House on Jan. 20th by the FBI or the Capitol police, e.g.

But in the meantime this criminal degenerate is still wreaking havoc and ready to sow civil unrest and possible bloodshed to try to remain in the office he was just kicked out of.  By nearly 81 million voters no less.

Trump the Traitor then barked  louder for his conned terror apes to march on the Capitol (he vowed to go with them but didn't) ,  creating  a scene evocative of coups and uprisings associated with authoritarian countries around the world.  

Within minutes of the terrorists arriving they breached the walls of the Capitol building, smashed windows and crawled inside, violating even the inner sanctum of the People's house.  One ape was even seen carrying a Confederate flag into Statuary Hall - desecrating it on the spot.  This as shots were fired and the Capitol police were overrun and overwhelmed and lawmakers ordered to shelter in place. 

 The Capitol was put on lockdown and tear gas was deployed inside the once citadel of American democracy - now defiled by a raging, brain-fucked mob of  QAnon lunatics and white nationalist terrorists incited to insurrection by the Traitor-in-chief.  Meanwhile Metropolitan police officers guarding the House chamber drew their pistols in an armed standoff but knew it was a losing wicket without the National Guard to back them up.  Others, incredibly, had selfies taken with the MAGA traitors and insurrectionists.

                   Trump's savages (top) and insurrectionists

Where was the National Guard in all this?  Who knew?  We kept seeing tweets from Kayleigh McEnany over CNN that they were "on the way"-  but all Janice and I saw was more bedlam on the screen.  Later,  Daily Kos and other media  reported that Trump ordered the Guard to stand down.  Also, he ordered his traitor toady defense secretary to prevent the Guard from other states (.e.g Maryland) from coming in. Which comports with his subsequent praising of the rabble as "patriots".   Can't have  white racist bigots and "patriots" getting shot or gassed now can we? After all, they ain't black or brown folks.  Like the unfortunate peaceful protesters pepper -balled and flash-banged into submission when Trump pulled his bible prop stunt near Lafayette Square back in June. 

  • Why The Insurrection Of January 6th Must Not Be Lost In The News Cycle.
  • Excerpt:
  • Those who know their American history - not including the Trump MAGA terror tribe - recognized it had been more than 220 years since the U.S. Capitol  was ransacked.  That was in 1814, just 14 years after the building opened.  Then British forces in the War of 1812 tried to burn it down. The invaders looted the building first, and then set the southern and northern wings ablaze — incinerating the Library of Congress. A sudden rainstorm prevented its total destruction. 

     But that event stands in stark contrast to the terrorism carried out by our own people on Wednesday.  Hundreds violating the citadel of our democracy, invading offices, terrorizing lawmakers, rifling through drawers, smashing furniture, pawing historic artifacts and stealing documents - and oh yeah, leaving chewing tobacco spittle behind -- along with 11 Molotov cocktails, two pipe bombs and other paraphernalia, e.g. assault rifles fully loaded.  

    Who are these people?  Steve Schmidt - former GOP strategist provided his insights last night on MSNBC 'Last Word':

    "These people are like the blackshirts of Italy, and brownshirts of Germany in the 1930s.  They are society's losers. They're on society's fringe.  This is an army of the aggrieved and the incited."  

    Adding that whenever one sees such losers, there are always those in the background manipulating them - like chess pawns - in the name of power.  In Schmidt's view  "they are more dangerous than all the criminals and terrorists that stormed the Capitol."  

    Why?  Because they engineered and created the memes and propaganda the MAGA losers imbibed -but which they were too stupid to see through.  Schmidt names two of the "seditious elites" manipulating the mob -  Josh Hawley, a Yale Law school grad, and Ted Cruz - a Harvard law grad. Two who theoretically ought to know better than to stir the "beast" - but find power more enticing. In Schmidt's words, driven by: "The cynicism, the sociopathy, the sickness in their souls, to incite this."

  • Should Trump Be Held Accountable For Fomenting Terror Strike On Capitol? Yes - No Less Than the 9/11 Terrorists

    • Excerpt:
    • The insipid  - and at once insidious - question,  posed in The Sunday DenvePost header: Should the president  be held accountable?  had the same ring as asking:  Should The Terrorist Osama Bin Laden Have Been Held Accountable for the 9/11 Attacks?  Hyperbolic comparison?  Histrionic?  Excessive? Not at all.  Bin Laden had orchestrated a vicious Al  Qaeda attack on the capital of American finance, while Donald J. Trump had orchestrated a domestic terror attack on the nation's Capitol - its abiding symbol of democracy.   Yes, many more were killed in the first, but as we've since learned, many more could have been slaughtered in the second, e.g. from the NY Times (Sunday):

      "It was such an embarrassingly bad failure and immediately became an infamous moment in American history,” said R.P. Eddy, a former American counterterrorism official and diplomat who now runs a private intelligence firm. “But it could have been so much worse.”  

      Eddy was referring to the mass of weapons subsequently seized including styrofoam- laden Molotov cocktails designed to act like napalm, pipe bombs ready to activate, assault rifles and the vow of many of the invaders to execute lawmakers.  As one ABC security specialist put it yesterday morning "We narrowly averted a mass casualty event."

      So let's cut the crap and admit - even as more images and evidence emerge from the Capitol insurrection- that what Trump did was unconscionable and differed from Osama bin Laden's external terror strike only in degree.   As I noted in my January 7 post:  

      "As for the chief terrorist he ought to have been hung by now.  But at the very least he needs to be impeached again to ensure he can never again hold a public office.  Yes, this is what it has come to and how far our nation has descended into the abyss under this detestable, depraved criminal rat."

    • See Also:

    • by Robert Reich | January 6, 2025 - 6:39am | permalink

      — from Robert Reich's Substack


      The man who instigated a riot at the U.S. Capitol four years ago tomorrow to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president will be certified president.

      The peaceful transfer of power lies at the heart of American democracy, but Trump sought to overturn the result of the 2020 election and has not been held accountable.

      We must never forget his treachery.

      When Vice President Mike Pence walked into the Capitol four years ago tomorrow, on January 6, 2021, he faced a withering pressure campaign by Trump, who had already twisted the arms of governors and election officials around the country to change the result of the election in his favor.

      » article continues...

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