Trump's psychopathic mugshot: $7 million raised already "I happen to think that Democrats would be safer with a nominee who’s younger than Biden is and radiates more energy than he does. But I believe at least as strongly that if the unideal choice before Americans winds up being Biden, with his imperfections, or Trump, with his, rejecting Biden because of how old he has grown isn’t a grown-up decision."- Frank Bruni, NY Times, 'Trump Is Really Old Too'
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised when not long after Trump and 18 members of his cabal were booked last week, with mugshots taken at the Fulton County jail, yet another Biden media takedown effort would soon follow. In this case it came from a little Aussie turd named Gerard Baker who is described as "editor at large" at the Wall Street Journal. Well from his attempted demolition piece on Monday, The Media Try to
Inflate Biden’s Stock, under which one read:
Journalism by omission aims to suppress news
of the president’s frailties and possible misdeeds
There was little doubt it was more a troll piece than truth piece. It was aimed at further tarnishing Biden's successful brand and accomplishments before the upcoming '24 election. The motive? If Trump is gonna go down under the weight of 91 felonies and 4 indictments, we're gonna take Biden down too. So it's not a case of the media "inflating Biden's stock" which they certainly have not done the past 2 years, e.g.
Why Are Biden's Poll Numbers So Low Despite Vast Personal Satisfaction...
But rather the rodents occupying the rat warrens of the WSJ trying to tear down Biden's image further, reducing him to a doddering, drooling doofus who can't find his shoes for his sleeves and could never have crafted the successes the Dems claim including:
i) Inflation went down after passage of the inflation reduction
act and is now near 3.2%. We actually have the lowest inflation amongst the G7
nations (See Harmonized Headline HICP graph).
U.S. has had the highest GDP growth in the G7 group (Again check the available
Unemployment in May was lowest since 1969, and the lowest income workers made
the largest historic gains.
Housing starts have surged to the most in 3 decades (Reuters)
Less noted:
v)The typical U.S. worker produces nearly 5x the output of a Chinese worker. Also, American worker output is greater than that of Europeans, Japanese, British, Canadians and Australians by a wide margin.
vi) The U.S. arguably has the deepest and most liquid financial market in the world enabling the birth of new businesses and continued growth of successful ones. The public financial value – known as market capitalization- now stands at 170%. (For most countries it is below 100%)
According to the UK magazine The Economist: “By a whole range of measures, American dominance is striking”.
So by any logical measures Biden indeed has one
of the best narratives in terms of economic success. Despite all the
disruptions and headwinds the U.S. has the best economy in the world. Yet the Reeptards are determined to bring him down, by piffle such as Baker put out on Monday. Why? Because for his traitor psycho hero Trump to have any chance at all, he and his fellow WSJ op-ed trolls must seek to make Biden appear weak and incompetent. And indeed he has succeeded amongst the clueless WSJ rightist readers who wrote the following comments;
Thanks to the WSJ Op/Ed section to at least bringing a semblance of coverage of the liberal media campaign!
Biden has wrecked the country already! Keep digging up more dirt!
You can make Biden blink, but you can't change the price of gas or groceries. Eventually the economy is good and the world is a safer place or not.
Unfortunately people will have had to suffer four years of bad domestic and foreign policy before they realize that he was asleep on the job!
Baker began by focusing on Biden's Maui trip and the 80 yr. old president sympathizing with locals' post -disaster plight. Something Trump would never do (he'd more likely toss paper towels at them like he did in Puerto Rico after it was struck by a hurricane during his term). Baker also brought up the trope of "Sleepy Joe" and that Biden may have been blinking, because he was partly asleep during his meet and greet with Lahaina locals. This led Baker to pounce, writing:
"A less partial observer might
conclude that if we need high-definition video to be certain that the
president’s eyes are “open, blinking” while he performs his duties, we have a
problem more serious than mean-spirited conservatives making fun of him."
But he wasn't done, then trying to blame the mainstream media for providing cover for Biden's flaws, foibles, verbal gaffes etc.:
bias is nothing new, but this goes further. For almost four years there has
been a concerted, sustained and so far successful effort by supposedly
independent media organizations to elect, defend and preserve in office the
nation’s leading Democrat. It is immanent throughout the coverage of this
president and mostly takes the form of misrepresenting reality by willfully
ignoring or suppressing anything that undermines him—what we might call
journalism of omission.
The juxtaposition of the
attention given to the Hawaiian fact-check with the effort to look past the
many infelicities of the president’s island misadventure is a small example of
the Biden-Keeping Operation."
"Island misadventure"? WTF are you bellyaching about? But you can't make this blowhard journalistic bombastic bullshit up. It is now the warp and woof of the reactionary Right media, especially at FOX and the WSJ op-eds. But Baker is cockeyed foolish if he thinks the mainstream media have been giving Biden a pass for 3 years, given they've relentlessly pounded his age, e.g.
So why so much negativity? The Economist’s assessment of the data suggests the pessimism we’re seeing is nothing more than “emotional baggage brought on by a perpetual negative news cycle”. This emphasis is because newsrooms are convinced that only negative material, content gets clicks or reads. So beating a president who's the polar opposite of the feral wretch Trump is cool, especially over his age, inflation and other factors beyond his control. Like the price of gas at the pump.
This ongoing litany of whining leads to an entrenched negative news cycle and pessimistic information bias. Much of it is driven by politics (often from the Trumpian Right) working overtime to decapitate Biden and the Dems and thereby turn lazy people into automatons who will vote against their own interests. Why? Because the tropes and canards are then regurgitated on social media and the dregs of the net like 4chan, 8chan, Telegram etc.
As Chris Hayes pointed out in an ALL In episode 2 weeks ago, the Reeps are going deep in to pile on Biden because it provides them with an excuse not to admit their traitor hero is a piece of degenerate slime, a pestilence parasite and a malignancy on the Republic. A walking turd who ought to have been put away multiple times over by now. As opposed to still being out and about, spewing all manner of vile rhetoric about the judges, the prosecution and especially Jack Smith. E.g.
Deranged Imp Trump Needs To Be Locked Up For His (and OUR) Own Good
Any other person would have been remanded to custody long ago, but this roach is allowed to keep on keeping on with his toxic torrents which - as former prosecutor Cynthia Alksne noted two nights ago- could well have severe repercussions for a DA, judge or prosecutor. But despite that, no one is willing to take the orange fecal fungus down.
See Also:
by Norman Solomon | August 30, 2023 - 5:57am | permalink

Ever since Donald Trump became a former president, news outlets and commentators have cited polls showing that many Republicans believe violence might be needed to save the country. As Trump’s legal woes increase, so do mainstream media alarms about the specter of violent responses. But we’ve heard virtually nothing about connections between two decades of nonstop U.S. warfare overseas and attitudes favoring political violence at home.
by Robert Becker | August 28, 2023 - 5:29am | permalink

Will stupid leftists ever behold
Why MAGA captures young and old?
Deadbeat libs troll our sainted hero,
But who’d make a better pharaoh?
Unshakable fans know far better –
Bigly causes surpass the plate-setter;
The left guffaws at the “Trump cult” –
Yet sad envy drives that cheap insult.
Crackpot libs can’t match our grievances
Because they lack real allegiances;
Only patriots with righteous causes
Defy bad laws, like daring outlaws.