Mensans, as members of one of the high IQ groups, have a vested interest in preserving their brain power.....not letting it go to seed. Some of us may do this by working on difficult math problems, or playing computer chess or GO, while others employ other forms of brain gymnastics. In the recent Mensa Bulletin (January) a number of members submitted their own recommendations, the activities they do to keep their "most important muscle" from getting atrophied.
Here are some of the more realistic choices which blog readers can also do:
Barbara Pixley:
The best way to keep your mind sharp is to use it! One of the most rewarding ways to do this is to volunteer. I've been a docent at various venues for more than 40 years - at museums and parks. Not only does the acquisition of new information keep those synapses "synapsing" but sharing it with others is a vital part of the experience as well.
Kent Perkins:
I number ten items and give myself a minute to memorize the list, and then I let my wife challenge me to recall all the items in a random order. This not only keeps my mind sharp, it keeps me from having to do anything constructive.
G.E. Nordell:
Crossword puzzles. I do them because I like them, but there is some evidence that suggest regular crossword puzzle activity prevents Alzheimers.
Chester Micek:
I wanted to do something to keep sharp so I decided to develop my foreign language skills. Soon, I was studying Spanish while driving in traffic and learning German while using a stationary bike. I was totally pleased. I had found an intelligent way to enhance an old talent while escaping radio and TV.
Ford Thanheiser
I use my slide rule for doing multiplication and division.
Douglas Stidham:
One thing that really stimulate me is to grab something difficult I do not understand. For example, trying to wrap my mind around quantum physics and learn it well enough to explain it to others - that's learning twice. At age 65, the math and physics keeps me sharp!
Richard Gribbins
I work on financial problems and prospects.
Dr.H. Stanley Jones:
In the evening I enjoy playing a few computer games of hearts and solitaire. I feel this is helping to keep my mind sharp because the computer makes no mistakes and I cannot violate any rule without being challenged.
Chelsea Chester:
I talk to strangers often but avoid small talk or social scripts so I can watch how they adjust to the interaction. Some people get mad or confused and give up, but most people try their best. Everyone in the world knows something I don't and I want to skip straight to that part - without al the other boring stuff.
And Now Some Mensa Wordplay From the Same Issue:
Ambidextrose: The ability to eat sugar equally well with either hand.
Anheuser's Disease: Memory loss caused by excessive drinking.
Catso: A very fat cat.
Democrazy: A form of government of the fools, by the fools and for the fools.
Hyperbowly: The type of hype generated around the SupreBowl.
Pressert: A Sweet treat before a meal.
Serendopity: When you do something stupid that turns out surprisingly well.
Surrealtor: An unscrupulous agent who tries to sell clients castles in the air.
Mental exercise:
Try to think up a few of your own "snappy snigglets" to create new definitions along the lines of the examples shown. The best ones - submitted via comment- will be published in a future blog post.
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