Some years ago, following my then doctor's recommendations (because of too high triglycerides) I went onto a meat-substitute kick. As opposed to eating the great-tasting Nathan's hot dogs, I changed to a soy "hot dog". I believe I tried them maybe twice before chucking the notion, and going back to the real deal. (Albeit not as often as I had been eating them!)
Now I see a new meat substitute has evidently taken the nation by storm, though not ncessarily uniformly agreeing with everyone's stomachs, according to a WSJ 'Marketplace' article today: 'Food Activists Fired Up Over Quorn', p. B16). To highlight the problem, one lady cited in the article, 56-year old Ginny Linehan of Minnesota, decided to do without real turkey last year (probably at Peta's incessant suggestion) and purchased Quorn's "Turk'y Style Roast". Well, as the Bajans would say, 'Who told she do dat?' Within minutes the lady broke into a cold sweat and proceeded to vomit non-stop- so bad that she "passed out in the bathroom, hitting her head".
Another guy from Florida, who tried Quorn's "chicken cutlets" at his girlfriend's place, went for a mile run afterwards, and all of a sudden experienced an itchy throat, then had trouble breathing. His face swelled up like a balloon and only abated after he took some Benadryl.
Both people filed complaints with the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which itself has sustained a vigorous campaign to have Quorn products banned from store shelves, given the risk of severe allergic reaction from eating fungi protein. Of course, on the products' labels no one is aany the wiser. The typical label states (ibid.):
"This product contains egg and wheat ingredients and is made in a facility that also processes milk. Mycoprotein is high in protein and fiber and this may cause intolerance in some people".
You don't say!
The problem here is mycoprotein is fungi-based protein. But what kind? Mushrooms? (Which most of us have consumed at one time) No, not at all.
Quorn originated in the UK, with its formula based on a fungus originally found on the West End of London. It's extremely stringy, and undesirable looking, and when a Londoner first showed it to me, I was sure I was looking at Zombies' veins. If you've ever watched AMC's 'The Walking Dead' you have an idea of what I mean! The highlighted, stringy and sinuous veins that are popping out of the necks of most of these 'walking dead'.
I understand the yen now (including via health concerns and to lessen greenhouse gases) to have people curb their appetite for meat, but as far as I'm concerned I will do that by eating less overall, not by selecting a faux meat product that contains a fungus with an unsettling physical resemblance to Zombies' veins!
Now I see a new meat substitute has evidently taken the nation by storm, though not ncessarily uniformly agreeing with everyone's stomachs, according to a WSJ 'Marketplace' article today: 'Food Activists Fired Up Over Quorn', p. B16). To highlight the problem, one lady cited in the article, 56-year old Ginny Linehan of Minnesota, decided to do without real turkey last year (probably at Peta's incessant suggestion) and purchased Quorn's "Turk'y Style Roast". Well, as the Bajans would say, 'Who told she do dat?' Within minutes the lady broke into a cold sweat and proceeded to vomit non-stop- so bad that she "passed out in the bathroom, hitting her head".
Another guy from Florida, who tried Quorn's "chicken cutlets" at his girlfriend's place, went for a mile run afterwards, and all of a sudden experienced an itchy throat, then had trouble breathing. His face swelled up like a balloon and only abated after he took some Benadryl.
Both people filed complaints with the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which itself has sustained a vigorous campaign to have Quorn products banned from store shelves, given the risk of severe allergic reaction from eating fungi protein. Of course, on the products' labels no one is aany the wiser. The typical label states (ibid.):
"This product contains egg and wheat ingredients and is made in a facility that also processes milk. Mycoprotein is high in protein and fiber and this may cause intolerance in some people".
You don't say!
The problem here is mycoprotein is fungi-based protein. But what kind? Mushrooms? (Which most of us have consumed at one time) No, not at all.
Quorn originated in the UK, with its formula based on a fungus originally found on the West End of London. It's extremely stringy, and undesirable looking, and when a Londoner first showed it to me, I was sure I was looking at Zombies' veins. If you've ever watched AMC's 'The Walking Dead' you have an idea of what I mean! The highlighted, stringy and sinuous veins that are popping out of the necks of most of these 'walking dead'.
I understand the yen now (including via health concerns and to lessen greenhouse gases) to have people curb their appetite for meat, but as far as I'm concerned I will do that by eating less overall, not by selecting a faux meat product that contains a fungus with an unsettling physical resemblance to Zombies' veins!
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