"The president and his campaign are trying to project the sense of unease and violence taking place under his reign onto a hypothetical Biden administration—including by using footage of protests not in the U.S., but in Barcelona. Is this the sign of a failing campaign deeply behind in the polls, responsible for an unprecedentedly disastrous response to a pandemic and a tone-deaf answer to protests against police violence? Yes, certainly. But there’s also a deeper subtext: Trump is implicitly promising a no-holds-barred authoritarianism if he wins a second term." David Atkins, 'Trump's Message Isn't Confused. He's Promising A Dictatorship', Smirkingchimp.com
"The Republican party claims to be a party of law and order. But respect for law and order does not consist of what you can get away with. The GOP's cynically illegal acts offend our core principles of democracy." - Letter writer in Denver Post
Amidst the holocaust of erosion in national honor, unity, truth and decency that has been the Trump criminal cabal, it is unthinkable they could snare another 4 years based on "law and order". And yet a WSJ article from today (p. A4) poses that as a potential reality, e.g.
"With Mr. Trump trailing the former vice president in national polls, and by a smaller margin in many battleground states, his team is banking that the chaotic images from places such as Kenosha, Wis., and Portland, Ore., won’t just rally their base, but sway undecided voters and suburban voters who had been moving away from Mr. Trump. “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order,” Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway told Fox News this week."
Law and order? Trump? This is a guy who's paid hush money to porn stars, used his office to get dirt on political opponents (using other nations like the Ukraine) and openly conspired with the Russkies to toss the 2016 election his way, as a recently released Senate intel report confirms. This is a dirtbag surpassing all historical dirtbags in degeneracy as well as pathology. Well, okay, maybe with the exception of Adolf Hitler!
Even given that up to 60 percent of swing voters are known as "low information" (i.e. get most of their news from Facebook or other social media) it is incomprehensible they would bite on the above Kellyanne Conway dreck and vote the most lawless white trash in U.S. history back into office for another chaotic, hideous and LAWLESS term.
A Biden presidency would usher in "more chaos, anarchy and vandalism"? Hello! That is happening NOW under Trump! Hence, as Chris Hayes put it on 'All In' Friday night, "the greatest political Jedi mind trick ever would be to get enough people to believe the chaos we now see under Trump is somehow connected to Biden - or will be."
To quote Janice: "It would take an especially low I.Q. to believe that!" Yeah, but no one ever lost money - as H.L. Mencken once wrote - by underestimating the intellect of the American voter. That includes believing that the social unrest widespread now is somehow the Democrats' fault when pro-Nazi and KKK prez Trump has fanned the flames of bigotry to the point of encouraging right wing vigilantes to show up at peaceful protests and incite violence - by displaying long guns and even firing them.
Are undecided voters truly dumb enough to put this infernal maggot back into office when they have to know deep down he will only make things worse? Especially the U.S. response to the pandemic - which I already predicted will see more fatalities than the Civil War deaths (675,000) if Trump gets in again. DO the 'swing' voters really want that, as well as the unending chaos, rage tweeting and FOX TV -watching that marks Trump's existing presidency, far less another term? Can they really abide another ten million jobs lost and a total cratering of the economy into a Depression because Trump and his cabal still haven't dealt with the pandemic?
Clueless Peggy Noonan, vying for the journalist 'weasel of the year' award, scribbled in her latest WSJ column re: the RNC - (Aug. 29-30, p. A13):
"The Republicans confronted what the Democrats at their convention glossed over: rising crime, looting and rioting in city protests."
Conveniently omitting the vicious right wing elements who've descended on the peaceful 1st amendment protected protests, in order to wreak havoc,violence and even deaths - using the peaceful protests as shields. The Denver Post drew attention to this in a piece (Aug. 28, p. 5A) noting how in the very minutes after the Jacob Blake shooting in Kenosha, right wing sites were summoning "militias" to travel to Kenosha - and use the ruse of "protecting businesses" to arm themselves and shoot protesters. Well, Kyle Rittenhouse, a self -professed pro-Trump punk heeded the call to arms, traveled to Kenosha from his home in Illinois, and blew away two protesters (one of whom was attempting to stop him after he'd already fired off a few rounds).
This deranged right wing imp actually paraded along an avenue in Kenosha with his long gun in the open with nary a cop trying to stop him - and certainly not firing seven rounds into his back like they did with Blake.

Clearly demonstrating one set of laws for white punk right wingers, another for black men instantly marked as public enemy No.1 for allegedly holding a knife. How many other KKK'ers, Aryan Nation creeps, Proud Boys, Boogie Bois et al were in Kenosha that night, we have no way of knowing. More than likely, as Janice opined, the others went into hiding or left after the Illinois terrorist (Rittenhouse) fired off his rounds killing two. But does Peggy Noonan factor in any of this? Hell no.
She also has the nerve to write (ibid):
"Republicans hit on the one shared fear shared equally now by the rich, the poor and the middle: that when you call 911 you have to go to voicemail."
Again displaying a cluelessness unbecoming of a journalist. If she'd done even limited research she might have been able to trace that defect to the lack of funding for public - state and local- emergency and other services. That was earmarked in the HEROES act, but Mitch McConnell has sat on it, refusing to let it pass. The lack of action has caused state and local economies - subject to Covid lockdowns - to crater leaving precious little in the 'pot'. Yet Noonan mentions none of this. However, I do give her props for at least writing:
"This country is full of law -abiding people of all colors who are appalled by Donald Trump. It is political malpractice to push them toward him."
Indeed it is. So that means when writing your op-ed columns to deliver the details of the truth, not the "post truth" Trumpie version of events!
As I wrote in a previous post, "no good thing can really be said of our nation until and unless the Trump interregnum is totally canceled, extirpated." Why is this? It's because Trump and his cabal have turned the state into a criminal enterprise and which promises to metastasize if he's given a 2nd term, out of voter ignorance, laziness (not voting) or indifference. A core problem also, which resides mainly in the media, is that for decades Western legal thought had viewed the state as the ultimate guarantor of safety. This is why Obama and other Dem critics of Trump have echoed the same refrain, "A president has one job to do, to protect the American people". Well, not just the president but the whole infrastructure with which he governs (including agencies like DOJ, FDA, FBI, CIA, etc.) as well as congress.
The problem is that the U.S. media, as well as many legal theorists (and even some historians), have problems when a developed state - like the U.S. - itself turns into a criminal entity. This is beyond their imagination despite the fact it already happened when - under Adolf Hitler- the German state became the agent of criminality as well as the principal perpetrator of crimes, e.g. the slaughter of 6 million Jews and many others. Most distressing to read was the opening paragraph of a recent review on the book, 'Hitler- Downfall: 1939-1945', in The Denver Post, e.g.
"The impulsiveness and grandiosity, the bullying and vulgarity, were obvious from the beginning. If anything, they accounted for Adolf Hitler's anti-establishment appeal for Germany's unpopular conservative elites. Hitler's energy and theatrics made him an enticing partner when they appointed him Chancellor in 1933. But anyone who thought Hitler and the Nazis would rise to the occasion were summarily purged from the system as an utter impossibility became indomitable reality: The Weimar Republic had become the Third Reich.
It would take another world war, a genocide and millions of dead before the dictatorship finally collapsed in 1945, a full 12 years after Hitler was invited into power.""
A kind of repeat of history is on the verge of happening again with Trump. if U.S. citizens become too besotted by fear to think clearly, or believe this criminal tyrant in waiting really has their interests - and safety - at heart. Fortunately, the distinction is we have the chance for a do-over of the horrific mistake that brought Trump to power in 2016. The Germans didn't once Hitler was appointed Chancellor. But we cannot afford to fuck this up, not again!
The fact of over 180,000 dead from the pandemic ought to convince any thinking - hell sentient person- that Trump is not their friend. Or their protector. He is their Alpha predator merely waiting for the chance to rip their throats out.
See also:
by David Atkins | August 30, 2020 - 6:30am | permalink
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