Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Kamala Needs To Kneecap Trump As The Existential Danger He Is (And Not Merely Because He Has Alzheimer's)


                             Trump caught during one rant - the "Alzheimer's look".

"A Maga stranglehold on Washington would bring America into uncharted waters. All three branches of government would be in Trump’s corner. He already has the 6-3 Supreme Court on his side. The court recently ruled that America’s president has criminal immunity from almost any “official” acts, including assassinating his opponents. You do not need to believe that Trump would go to such lengths to see the ruling as a green light to do what he wants. Without judicial or legislative brakes on his actions, Trump would take it as a sweeping licence to go after his enemies." - Edward Luce, 'The Trump- Harris Dead Heat',  The Financial Times

"Donald Trump is not only the wrong man for the presidency, he is unfit to lead the country. Trump is far worse than Richard Nixon, the provably criminal president...Trump was the most reckless and impulsive president in American history and is demonstrating the very same character as a presidential candidate in 2024."  - Bob Woodward, p. 362, WAR

"I mean, 'Ave Maria'? “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World,” segueing into “YMCA,” followed by tunes from Sinead O’Connor, Jeff Buckley, the cast of Cats, Oliver Anthony, Elvis, and Guns N’ Roses? I kept waiting for them to break out the Dog and Cat Report from the late, great WBCN in Boston. Where were Danny Schecter, the News Dissector, or Duane Ingalls Glasscock? I had time to muse on these questions because the Republican candidate for president* of the United States stood there like a meat monolith for almost forty minutes, looking off into the distance with nothing behind his eyes. For the first time, I felt a small twinge of sympathy. He’s so very freaking lost now. The problem is that a good chunk of our fellow citizens are out there, lost in the ozone with him.- Charles Pierce, 'Trump's Weird Little DJ Set', Esquire

Yesterday Kamala Harris spoke in Erie, a Pennsylvania county that is one of the state’s most reliable bellwethers. Seeing and hearing her warmed the cockles of my heart. For days now, since she suffered a 5 point drop in national polls vs. the Orange Pestilence, Dem pundits (like James Carville) have said she needs to go on the attack. She had, according to Carville in an exchange with the NYT's Maureen Dowd, "let too many fat pitches go over the plate". Well yesterday that shtick changed and Kamala went for Trump's jugular.  She actually played clips from Trump’s recent media appearances and condemned his call for the military to be deployed against opponents he labelled “the enemy within”. “He considers anyone who doesn’t support him, or who will not bend to his will, an enemy of our country,” Harris said at the rally. “This is among the reasons I believe so strongly that a second Trump term would be a huge risk for America”.

Maybe you missed it -  but Rump has been on a fascist romp the past week. At rallies here in Colorado and then in California, he surpassed his usual rants, and added another twist, suggesting that a woman heckler should “get the hell knocked out of her” by her mother. Then on Sunday morning, this freak show senile fart outdid himself in an interview on Fox News, by  yapping about “the enemy within”.  Commies? Nope. Just Americans he described as “radical left lunatics,” including Representative Adam Schiff of California.  Their crimes and transgressions? Simply being determined to hold this deranged fucker to account, oh – and to visualize an America without a traitor and rapist like Dotard at the helm.

This lot (which includes me) he claimed are more dangerous than Russia or China, and could be “very easily handled” by the National Guard or the U.S. military.  This off the rails, fascist rhetoric is why I hailed Kamala yesterday at a Pennsylvania rally- actually showing the rant on a TV jumbotron and then whaling on the fruitcake.

Yeah, okay, I get it, the terms fascist and fascism has been so overused as a denunciation that many Americans have understandably tuned it out. But they are premature and politically naïve to do so, especially when former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told Bob Woodward that he sees Trump as “fascist to his core.

Thus, every sentient American should be shocked to hear a presidential nominee say that other Americans (including a sitting member of Congress) are more dangerous than an actual enemy nation (Russia) that has over 15,000 nuclear tipped ICBMs pointed at us.

This is why Kamala needs to be applauded and why she needs to keep the constant attack lines going these last few weeks – to get the American voters asleep at the switch to wake the hell up. I am referring to those who somehow believe this 78 year old loudmouth actually was better for them than Biden and Harris have been, according to an NBC news poll. Do they not recall the dead and dying all over the place as the pandemic spread thanks to Trump and his feral lies and incompetence? Do they not recall the millions of jobs lost, the supply lines shut down, the barren store shelves that inevitably transpired, the subsequent inflation.  And then the LIES about the 2020 election followed by his treasonous efforts to overturn the certification of electoral votes so he could stay in power. Where the fuck are their brains, their minds?  Has his preternaturally loud voice, aimless and riffing psychotic ranting taken them over,  rendered them numb?

Keep it up, Kamala! Keep pounding away until your message and warnings get through. This nation cannot take another 4 years of Trump. And besides, at the rate his mind is cratering, the 25th amendment for his removal would be likely if he keeps deteriorating at the rate we behold. And after all, his old man died of Alzheimer’s disease which means he likely is showing the first of many symptoms in his babbling incoherence and rants.

And by the way, Rachel Maddow last night ripped to shreds the nonsense that Trump will be the best candidate economically or in anyway. How can he when he’s already got ten screws loose? See e.g.

Rachel Maddow Debunks Key Argument Of ‘Relatively Normal’ Donald Trump Voters (msn.com)

See Also:

Trump sways and bops to music for 39 minutes in bizarre town hall episode


by Maya Boddie | October 15, 2024 - 5:49am | permalink

— from Alternet

Fox News national correspondent Bryan Llenas detailed his experience as a Donald Trump town hall attendee in Oaks, Pennsylvania Monday night, after the former president stopped speaking and "started playing music" instead.

Llenas wrote via X: "Well, this is a very strange Trump Town Hall in Pennsylvania. It turned on a dime after two Trump supporters passed out/fainted/needed medical attention in back to back episodes that paused the Q and A format for a while. The Q and A portion never restarted after four questions mostly on the economy."

He continued, "Trump talked for a little and decided instead to play his favorite music to the crowd. He’s standing on stage. We’ve listened to opera songs Ave Maria, Con Te Paritiro and now we are listening and watching James Brown and Pavarotti on video singing 'This is a Man’s World.' Trump urges people to vote and then plays the YMCA."

Determined to keep the crowd going, the former president said, "No one is going home," according to Llenas.

» article continues...

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