Monday, August 5, 2024

Wisconsin Voters Would Change To Trump Because Of Housing Costs? A Colossally Dumb Move


As the presidential race has tightened in the past two weeks, with Kamala Harris now basically even with Trump (46.2% vs. 46.5% in national polls) an  undercurrent of unease remains in terms of battleground state voters. 

 According to a new Wall Street Journal story ('Wisconsin Voters Seethe Over Housing Prices', Aug. 3, p. A3) Wisconsin voters are livid that housing costs in the last year have gone up 8% - higher than in any other state.  Most upsetting, and noted in the piece:  

"Some voters have said their frustration over housing could determine how they vote in the November election."  

See, now that is a capital bad idea.  It implies knee-jerk reaction to a situation and not measured reasoning.  It suggests acting like a lemming, jumping blindly off a cliff simply because housing prices have soared- then expecting that voting for Trump (who plans 10% tariffs across the board, including on building materials) will make one's life better.  Housing costs lower.  No it will not. You will be further in the pits.  A "world of hurt" in fact and regret it at your leisure. 

Such is the case with black mom Karone Moore -  "a self-employed makeup artist living on the border of Milwaukee  and Wauwatosa" - featured in the WSJ piece.  Karone told the WSJ that she is so damned frustrated with the  housing  prices and her protracted futile house hunt that she is prepared- get this -  "to change her lifelong record of voting for Democrats."  

Bad idea. Really bad.  Not for the Dems, for YOU. Never mind the lady blames Biden and Harris "for not making anything better."  

Well, I've got news for ya, dearie, it's not under their control, never was. And by jumping from 'frying pan into the fire' you're just going to make your life (and those of loved ones) a hundred times worse. That is by voting for Donald Trump - who made his bones in NYC in the 80s, redlining properties to make them unaffordable for blacks.  Look it up, Google it! This cat is no friend or ally of blacks. Don't believe me, Google his appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists and look at what he did, what he said.  This orange fungal roach actually had the chutzpah to bark: 

"I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln.”

Meanwhile, Mrs. Moore needs clues one and two. Clue one: Biden does not control the housing supply or demand for it.  The housing supply cratered starting in the pandemic of 2020 when available labor grew sparse and supply bottlenecks ran amuck.  (This was Trump's last year in office btw.)  Because materials supply and labor cratered, and demand then went up, prices went up too - since of c0urse limited supply coupled with high demand always results in higher costs.  This is a general economic rule ('law of supply and demand')  and I'd advise Mrs. Moore to get hold of a basic economics intro text to check it out.  

Clue two: blame the Federal Reserve (an autonomous branch of gov't), not Biden or Harris for your housing price woes. That's because after prices shot up so high, the Fed entered the picture and began jacking up interest rates to cool the inflationary bubble that started in the pandemic. The higher interest rates led to higher mortgage rates and higher housing costs.

Knock on Biden all you want, but before dropping out of the race he had proposed a "new $10,000 tax credit for first time home buyers... and providing as much as $25,000 in down-payment assistance." (According to the WSJ)  Harris will also  pick up on this  and "she has a history of negotiating settlements with big mortgage companies to give relief to struggling homeowners."

But do go ahead and cast your vote for Donnie Dotard (alias 'Captain Bonespurs') who has no such history and whose plans for massive tariffs will only magnify your frustration and misery.  Then you will have to wait until 2028 to get a chance to return to the Dems, that is assuming Trump allows any more voting at all.

See Also:

by Frances Moore Lappé | August 3, 2024 - 5:31am | permalink

In the presidential race, Democrats and Republicans remain neck and neck. But how could this be?

Afterall, free-market mythology, politically popular since the 1980s, has led us to believe that humans are essentially selfish creatures, eager to put ourselves first. Yet, Trump’s many policies that harm the vast majority of us do not seem to diminish his appeal.

Before puzzling over “why,” here are a just a few examples of party differences that one might think would have brought the truly self-interested to abandon Trump and jump on the Democratic bandwagon.

On Social Security.Trump remains ambiguous, failing to provide any specific measures on how he would protect Social Security. In contrast, Democrats promise not only to protect but to strengthen benefits, including—if needed to cover the cost—raising taxes on those earning more than $400,000. They have also expressed support for raising benefits for low-income recipients and improving Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustment formula.


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