Monday, August 12, 2024

In Her First Debate Kamala Needs To Crush Trump's Pretensions To Being President


                       This psycho needs to be in Bellevue, not near missile codes

                       "Waaaaaahhha! I want attention and my sippy cup!"

The stupidest person who was ever nominated for president stood in front of those reporters and claimed Kamala Harris wasn’t smart enough to do what he himself was failing at.”- Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC Thursday

“I watched in its entirety and then, perhaps hoping that the written version might yield hidden intelligence not evident to the ear, read the transcript of the press conference Donald Trump held at Mar-a-Lago last week. Houston, we have a problem. …By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump’s remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse or lunatic.

I’m not even talking here about the usual grotesque hyperbolic assertions or baffling verbal manufactures, the finest of which last week was surely the description of “people dying financially because they can’t buy bacon.”- Gerard Baker, WSJ Today, ‘Trump Is Looking Like A Loser Again

Stunning media stupidity was awash on all the cable news networks as 2 p.m. arrived Thursday and they each covered Trump's incoherent babble that purported to be a "press conference". No it was not. It was a lies and twaddle circus and the press were the marks. How do I know? In the main press the next day (WSJ, NY Times, WaPo etc) we were informed "Donald Trump answered 37 questions".  No, he did not. He spouted, blurtated and spewed 37 lies and outlandish exaggerations which did not qualify as answers. And thank goodness, Lawrence O'Donnell (The Last Word) even called out his own network (MSNBC) on succumbing to this monkey babble, e.g.  

Lawrence: 'Stupidest' candidate Trump did not answer reporters' questions (

As for me I had to stop watching after 5 minutes having seen and heard Demented Dotard spew endless outrageous lies about immigrants, including their being sent (as criminals) by numerous unnamed nations and carrying "horrible" diseases. When the man himself is a disease, a demented, psychotic fungal pestilence.  

 But Trump's deluge of lies were just beginning. The imp went on to say that "nobody was killed in the riot at the Capitol". However, several people did die that day, including one of his own supporters, Ashli Babbitt.  The orange screwball also claimed he got bigger rally crowds than Martin Luther King, in his Washington, DC 1963 assembly.  Trump also predicted in his Mar-a-Lago lie-fest that abortion is “going to be a very small issue” this election, portraying it as a settled matter. Adding:

 I don’t think it’s a big factor anymore.

  Of course this is total gobsmacking codswallop that only a gullible imbecile would bite on.  But we must note the Maggat-Land Cult is loaded with them.  Thus the likely basis for this imp laying the groundwork to contest the 2024 election is he loses, which it now looks like he surely will.

Making one wonder what other factors are exacerbating his dementia and psychosis. For example, also under the media attention radar was Trump's claim in his Olympic lie-athon that he is "more qualified to make monetary policy decisions than the Federal Reserve" (WSJ, p. A2, 'Trump Again Threatens Fed Autonomy', Aug. 11-12). And what basis does he have for this humbug - which the attending media never asked about? Well, "because of my business experience, I made a lot of money".  Huh? What about all your bankruptcies, you damned lying putz?  Why didn't you mention those - and why didn't the gathered media wizards ask?  According to Rick Newman, senior financial columnist at Yahoo! Finance:

"As a businessman, Donald Trump ran 6 businesses that declared bankruptcy because they couldn’t pay their bills."

Six businesses declaring bankruptcy because they couldn't pay their bills, and this moron wants to dictate to the Fed?  How is it again that so many voters are so dumb they think Trump is better on the economy than Biden or Harris? Maybe because the American media isn't doing its damned job.

Mary Trump, a vocal critic of uncle Donny Dumpster, took to X, formerly Twitter and her Substack on Friday to also skewer Trump's press conference and the media coverage of it. She also referenced MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell's opening monologue on The Last Word on Friday, echoing his take that it felt like "2016 all over again."

"Lawrence O'Donnell is right—yesterday felt like 2016 all over again. And that is not a good thing," Mary Trump wrote.

In O'Donnell's monologue, he took aim at the 34- times convicted felon’s and serial rapist’s Thursday lie-athon that was broadcast live to many cable news networks "just like they all did repeatedly in 2016." O'Donnell added that:

 "some of the networks tried to play catch up with fact-checking after Donald Trump finished speaking, but that of course is way too late and utterly useless."

Mary added that, while she and others attempted to fact-check Trump in real time, 

"it's impossible to do that verbally because, given the volume and velocity of his lies, it would mean talking over him the whole time, which would make the livestream an incomprehensible mess."

In other words, invoking the typical modus operandi of a political psychotic in “flooding the zone” with lies. He did this with Biden in their June 27th CNN debate and poor Joe – unable to mentally process what was going on – was left not only speechless but shell-shocked in his expression. 

However, I need to note here that Lawrence O'Donnell did have a solution, mentioned in his 'Last Word' segment (See link above). That is, to input a "side scroll" of Trump's lies in real time as he unleashes them. This way, all and sundry would instantly see how much BS this roach is spewing out every minute.

Mary Trump made a further comparison to the ungodly 2016 media election coverage of her uncle, noting: "I was quite frankly horrified by the billions of dollars in free coverage the media gave Donald Trump. While Hillary Clinton was giving important and substantive policy speeches, network cameras were trained on empty podiums and planes idling on the tarmac waiting for Donald to show up."

More recently, the orange maggot has repeatedly sought to cast Kamala Harris replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee as nefarious, likening it to a “coup”.  The fuckwit has even -  in recent days-  claimed it may be “unconstitutional”  because she was not atop the ballot in the primary process. All of this in concert is a sign of an unbalanced psychotic who has no business running a porto-potty far less being near nuclear codes.

Yet the media (as on CNN's Chris Wallace show Saturday) continues to portray him as a normal, sane candidate.  But after having watched the first three episodes of the new HBO documentary 'The Signs of a Psychopath', it's clear he is not.  

As I discerned from those episodes, and Lawrence O'Donnell referenced, a psychopath is capable of sounding almost sane and rational because he adopts a fast talking "sales" patter that often overwhelms and snookers casual listeners. Or even so-called veteran reporters more interested in getting "a story" or "answers" than grasping what's going on and staying focused

Speaking of which I have to call out a last bit of irony in the WSJ weekend reporting (p. A1, Foreign Tik Tok Networks Spread Political Lies About Trump') writing that the Journal had identified 91 overseas Tik Tok accounts "using images and themes to churn out lies about former president Donald Trump."

Well, that's pretty choice given that Dumpster Donnie is the biggest liar on two legs, having reeled off more than 31,500 according to the Washington Post's running tally. So maybe one can think of these Tik Tok lies about Diaper Don as karma coming back to whack him.

 It's high time the media wake up and not allow a repeat of the 2016 Trump 'love fest' to materialize. And to aid in that goal, Kamala must destroy every last pretension Trump has to ascend to the presidency again. Parrying every major lie he barfs out of his piehole with a humorous zinger, i.e.

"You claim you are qualified to virtually run the Fed? Well, tell us Donald, how did those six bankruptcies work out for ya?'

She will need to be on her game, especially to pick up more of the tiny sliver (about 15%) of undecided voters remaining. This is because Trump's psychopathy has really done a job on many of them already. From the weekend WSJ (p. A4, 'Sliver of Undecided Voters Is Shrinking'): 

"More than half of these voters approve of the job Trump did as president compared with only 20 percent who give Harris a positive job rating. Meanwhile 62% believe Trump is the better steward of the economy* compared to only 12 % for Harris.  They also rate Trump as better at handling immigration, crime and foreign affairs."

She needs to remind these forlorn forgetful fools, of how Trump mishandled the pandemic, leading to over a quarter million additional deaths while also seeing the most job losses in that pandemic year. Oh, and the stock market crashing.

And hopefully, ABC will help her out by having a side scroll of the orange roach's lies as he tells them - including bragging about "accomplishments" in his last term. 

We expect no less this time around, having allowed and enabled the bombastic traitor to hoodwink so many millions before.  And as a final testament to Trump's total derangement we note that yesterday the orange Turd falsely claimed on social media that a crowd at a Michigan rally for Kamala Harris last week “DIDN’T EXIST.”   He asserted, rivaling his evident psychosis in his Thursday presser:

Nobody was there” 

and that photos of the event were fabricated by artificial intelligence.  

How much longer must we wait before this deluded mutt is carted off to the psych ward  (preferably a padded room) at Bellevue - and put into a straitjacket? Then ECT administered once every hour.  Here's his rant in full just in case anyone thinks I am being hyperbolic:

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane,” Trump wrote. “She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake ‘crowds’ at her speeches. This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING.”


On the positive side, The Financial Times yesterday reported Harris is now trusted on the economy more than Trump, e.g.

FT Michigan Ross poll shows Democratic candidate leading on the issue for first time in nearly a year

See Also:

by Alex Henderson | August 27, 2024 - 6:14am | permalink

— from Alternet

The first presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, with ABC News hosting. Initially, September 10 was set as the day for a Trump/Joe Biden debate, but that was before the president dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Now, according to Politico Playbook reporters Eugene Daniels, Rachael Bade and Ryan Lizza, Trump is implying that he may not go through with the debate.

The campaigns, they report, have "hit an impasse over the rules of the debate, according to four sources familiar with the issue."

"The holdup? Whether or not the candidates' microphones will be muted when it isn't their turn to speak," Daniels, Bade and Lizza explain. "Back when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection, his campaign came to an agreement with Trump's: There would be two debates — CNN's on June 27 and ABC's on September 10 — conducted by mutually negotiated rules. One of Biden World's red lines — which the Trump team agreed to — was that microphones would 'be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak,' as CNN announced on June 15."

» article continues...


by Carl Gibson | September 8, 2024 - 5:48am | permalink

— from Alternet

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are about to meet in-person for the first time on Tuesday night at ABC's televised debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And several Republicans are exceedingly nervous about how Trump will handle the moment.

Several longtime Republican strategists and consultants told Politico that they think Trump could score high marks in the debate if he refrains from lobbing personal attacks at Harris and sticks to discussing policy. But they also commented that it was unlikely the notoriously bombastic former president would be able to do so when standing across from his opponent.

"I think — I pray — he can be disciplined," Tricia McLaughlin, who was a senior advisor to Vivek Ramaswamy's campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination. However, she added the caveat that any discipline could go out the window if Trump feels like Harris and the moderators are ganging up on him.

"If Trump feels like he’s backed into a corner and feels like it’s three on one, that could be a problem," she said.

» article continues...


by Robert Reich | August 12, 2024 - 5:41am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack


by David Badash | August 17, 2024 - 6:01am | permalink

— from Alternet

Donald Trump, the ex-Commander-in-Chief, is under fire for saying presidential medals given to civilians are “much better” than those given to members of the U.S. Armed Forces – at times given posthumously – for acts of valor, by Presidents via their members of Congress.

On Thursday, Trump praised the eighth richest woman in the world, billionaire GOP donor Miriam Adelson, who runs a pro-Trump super PAC, after his campaign staff reportedly has spent days trying to clean up the “mess” he made when he directed angry texts to be sent to her. According to The Independent, Trump directed the texts to Adelson, wife of the late casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, to call the people who run her political action committee “RINOs,” Republicans in Name Only.

In 2018, then-President Donald Trump awarded Miriam Adelson the nation’s highest honor: the Presidential Medal of Freedom. On Thursday, from his Bedminster private golf club, Trump told the audience, “I have to say, Miriam. I watched Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version.”


by Amanda Marcotte | August 13, 2024 - 6:21am | permalink

— from Salon

"What a stupid question this is!" Donald Trump recently raged at a journalist during a lengthy public meltdown that was billed as a "press conference." 

The reporter had correctly noted, "You have not had a public campaign event for nearly a week now." This factual observation set Trump off on a diatribe full of lies. "I’m leading by a lot," he insisted. "I am campaigning a lot," he pushed back. In reality, Vice President Kamala Harris is up two points over the former president in national polling. And while she's been hitting the road, even holding multiple rallies in a day, Trump has mostly been hiding out at Mar-a-Lago, only doing one campaign event in the last week in the MAGA-safe space of Montana. As Philip Bump at the Washington Post showed in a recent analysis, "Trump is holding far fewer rallies" and public appearances than he did in both 2016 and 2020.

Last week's hastily assembled press conference was Trump's attempt to fake "campaigning" without actually leaving his house. The Washington Post reported that "When he heard his team had summoned reporters to Florida for a briefing without him, he asked them to arrange for buses to take them to his club so he could hold a news conference." His team needs to do a better job, in that case, of keeping secrets from their boss because that press conference, like most of Trump's public appearances before mainstream news media, was a disaster. As Joe Scarborough noted on MSNBC the morning after, "his people just don't want him to go out and give speeches. I'm sure they didn't want him to go out and give the press conference yesterday, but Donald Trump is still driven by that belief that 'I alone can do it.'"


by Joan McCarter | August 9, 2024 - 7:04am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

Donald Trump is not adjusting to his new political environment very well. According to friends and advisers who spoke to The Washington Post, he’s “complaining relentlessly and asking friends about how his campaign is performing.” He’s apparently also angry that all the attention has been on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ stunning entrance into the campaign.

“It’s unfair that I beat him and now I have to beat her, too,” Trump reportedly whined to one ally over the weekend. He’s also mad, the Post reports, about “the media focus on his campaign staff, suggesting to others that his advisers get too much credit.”

It’s not helping Trump’s mood that Harris and her new running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, have taken the crowd size trophy away from him. Wednesday’s rally in Detroit drew about 15,000 people and the campaign announced it raised $36 million in the first 24 hours after the Walz pick. Trump is definitely stewing over that.

» article continues...

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by Robert Reich | August 9, 2024 - 6:38am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack


Today, Trump held an hourlong news conference in the main room at Mar-a-Lago. He insulted Kamala Harris’s intelligence, lied about the state of the U.S. economy, and claimed the country would be in mortal danger if he didn’t win the election.

In other words, the usual Trump torrent of lies and insults.

But what got my attention was his description of his departure from the White House as a “peaceful” transfer of power, his insistence that the group that mounted the assault on the Capitol was relatively small, and his boast that attendance at his January 6 rally preceding the assault was larger than the crowd Martin Luther King Jr. drew on the National Mall for his “I Have a Dream” speech.


by Heather Digby Parton | August 10, 2024 - 6:48am | permalink

— from Salon

Donald Trump is in a bad way.

His campaign has completely lost its bearings with the withdrawal of Joe Biden and the ecstatic reception of the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz ticket among the Democratic faithful. He is so upset about losing Biden as his opponent that he's even taken to posting freaky fan-fic on his Truth Social platform, hopefully suggesting that Biden is going to storm the convention and take back the nomination:


by Marjorie Cohn | August 10, 2024 - 5:53am | permalink

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