Monday, July 29, 2024

Yeppers, The "Cat Lady" Has Already Sung - For J.D. Vance And His Misbegotten Overlord Trump


                                     "How dare you insult me and my kitty!"

The Hillbilly who wants U.S. women barefoot & pregnant
               Shannon Watts, energized to launch 'White Women For Harris'

"Do these women who are still for Trump not know he bragged about intentionally walking in on preteen girls undressed at his preteen pageants! What is wrong with these women , don’t they have daughters ? Trump is more than weird , he’s a predator and a pervert who will lie about anything to save himself." -Washington Post comment

The error of too many machismo knuckle-draggers in the Trump Traitor Cult is they make the error of opening their mouths to show the nation who they - and Trump - really are.  Such has been the case with self-proclaimed hillbilly J.D. Vance who opened his fat mouth in 2021 about the Dems being led by "childless cat ladies", and now that burp is thankfully re-exposed.

The result?  

Millions of women, childless or not, have bonded together to organize new, mammoth fund-raising efforts for Kamala Harris and to get behind her election bid. At the peak of this reaction has been Shannon Watts who, in the wake of one 'Super Zoom' -  with nearly 200,000 white women -  raised nearly $11 million - see e.g.

‘The choice is so stark... between freedom and fascism’ White Women: Answer The Call Zoom Organizer (

This is a harbinger of the massive movement now underway to ensure Trump and his insurrectionist traitors do not get another term and a chance to wreck our democracy. And also while millions of our fellow citizens remain trapped in the Trump Fever Dream, significant others are breaking out and trying to show their peers how dastardly and threatening these reprobates really are.

Look, a redneck Trumper clown like JD Vance dunning women who don’t want to be breeders was bound to trigger an avalanche of blowback – from women across the racial spectrum. Like one black woman said when asked about Vance’s “Dems run by childless cat ladies”: “Who does this fool think he is? And does he have any idea how many women he’s alienated?

One can also look from another angle: Isn't it much better to have people who lack the temperaments for parenting choosing childlessness (or child freedom as some of us call it) than to blindly follow the lemmings who just do it because others are?

 Why risk increased rates of children being ignored, battered, abandoned or  emotionally abused? I'm not saying any of the intelligent child free would necessarily resort to such behavior, only saying that if we actually had a parental licensing scheme like we have for operating motor vehicles- but including psychological testing- you'd see a lot less malfeasance in child rearing!  A lot fewer kids having to be funneled into foster care, already stretched for dollars, or ending up homeless, abandoned or dead (see article at end of this paragraph from Miami Herald). This the underside of the pro -child hype that none of these dimwits (like Last) will tell you. But it also underscores that a childless choice based on temperament may well be an innate "psychological test" the couple has already applied to itself!

When Isaac Asimov, the noted science and science fiction author,  visited Barbados in February, 1976, he delivered a stirring lecture to a packed Queen's Park Theater.

                             Asimov delivering his February 1976 lecture

 It touched on many points, including the limits we humans face living on a finite planet and why our numbers therefore need to be controlled.  Asimov, as part of his lecture, warned that humans had two choices: decrease their population to the Earth's carrying capacity limit to live in an equilibrium with the Earth and its resources, or let nature “increase the human death rate” (e.g. by starvation, pestilence, wars over resources etc.)  He also remarked:

"It is now the willingly childless woman who is the heroine of our planet. She is the one who now deserves all the kudos and praise, for helping to do what is necessary to spare humanity from the ravages of over-population"

Beyond all that, a receding segment of the population can barely afford to house and feed themselves, much less extra dependents. Checked the price of homes in the U.S. lately? Checked the cost of college educations? What factors or aspects in these doesn’t the Ohio hillbilly twit not grasp? Probably none. 

 Here’s a newsflash for J.D.: According to a study released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center a growing number of U.S. adults say they are unlikely to raise children. When the survey was conducted in 2023, 47 percent of those younger than 50 without children said they were unlikely ever to have children, an increase of 10 percentage points since 2018.

When asked why kids were not in their future, 57 percent said they simply didn’t want to have them. Women were more likely to respond this way than men (64 percent vs. 50 percent). Further reasons included the desire to focus on other things, like their career or interests; concerns about the state of the world; worries about the costs involved in raising a child; concerns about the environment, including climate change; and not having found the right partner.

The results echo a 2023 Pew study that found that only 26 percent of adults said having children was extremely or very important to live a fulfilling life.   They have realized, like many of us did 50 years ago, that generating economic units for corporations (“consumers”) should not be the nation’s top priority when it is citizens in short supply.

In addition, research has shown that in the United States, people who aren’t parents are generally happier than those who are. Dr. Jennifer Glass’s 2016 study, which examined the happiness gap in 22 countries, found that the disparity was larger in the United States than in any other industrialized country.  No surprise given the burden U.S. society  places on parents: unaffordable child care, soaring health care costs, limited affordable housing.

In the Pew study, most of those surveyed said that not having kids had made it easier for them to afford the things they wanted, make time for their interests and save for the future.

 This comment from a NY Time reader says it all:

We pay $31,000 per year for our 1 child to go to daycare. I had NO maternity leave. I had to take disability, because that’s how America views having a baby. As a DISABILITY. My employer, a top academic medical center on the upper east side, where I also delivered, offers no maternity leave. Let me repeat that, NO MATERNITY LEAVE. I received 60% of my salary for 6 weeks....this is NOT what happens in most of the world."

 What is also true, and will likely torpedo the Reeps' chances in November, is that Vance's brutal verbal crudity is out in the open, unmasked and unedited. As Michael Steele (former RNC head now MSNBC host ) noted: "Vance says out front what Trump also says but no one takes seriously".  When Vance says he is being "sarcastic" no one buys it especially not the women because whenever he opens his mouth it doubles down on the fear and loathing people have for Trump and his threats."  There are no filters or 'showman' like distractions.

 Trump gets a break, although he's equally bigoted and vicious, because most people think it's a big act or put on - like when he invited the Russians to hack Hillary's emails in 2016. Then fathead trolls like the WSJ's Holman Jenkins Jr. came out and assured one and all that "no one takes that bravado and bombast seriously".  Oh yeah? Well I sure as fuck do, as seriously as a heart attack.

But no more, not with his last verbal expulsion, addressing an assembly ("Believers Summit') of Christian evangelical zealots. i.e.

Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote anymore.”

And kudos to Adam Schiff who  shared  it on X so no one can plead ignorance regarding Trump's designs.

As Historian Michael Beschloss also put it (on Velshi yesterday a.m.):

"He's come right out and told people what he plans to do. And know what? We need to take him seriously!"

This blatant warning, along with Vance's redneck babble ought to ensure this sordid ticket sinks under its own depraved weight come November.

See Also:

Trump and Vance seem ready to offend as many women voters as possible


by Joan McCarter | August 16, 2024 - 6:36am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

The Republican presidential ticket is getting weirder—and more misogynistic—by the day.

Donald Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, has already bombed with voters—and particularly with women. Newly unearthed audio from an interview he did in 2020 is definitely not going to help.

Heartland Signal obtained a snippet of audio from Vance’s appearance on a podcast called “The Portal,” during which Vance and host Eric Weinstein carried on a vapid, pseudointellectual conversation about the pitfalls of “hyper-liberalized” economics. It’s not a scintillating listen—that is, until you hear what they really believe about women and their place in society.

When Weinstein posited that “the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female” is for grandmothers to help raise their grandchildren, Vance agreed, with a clear “Yes.” Once the ovaries shut down—that’s it! No more need for older women unless they’ve got grandkids to chase after.


Trump faces backlash for ‘in four years, you don’t have to vote again’ remark


by Amanda Marcotte | August 2, 2024 - 6:29am | permalink

— from Salon

"Don't laugh. Just don't laugh. Don't laugh under any circumstances."

In a recent interview with Laura Ingraham of Fox News, Donald Trump did not mince words about how he wishes Vice President Kamala Harris would behave. The Democratic nominee for president is known for her easy and boisterous laugh, which contrasts with the unlaughing Trump or his forever stern-faced wife, Melania Trump. As many political analysts have pointed out, Republicans aren't doing themselves any favors by freaking out over the fact that Harris has a sense of humor. The ongoing GOP outrage that Harris sometimes expresses joy only reinforces the Democratic accusations that Trump and his allies are "weird." Laughing when something's funny is normal. Coming unglued because other people laugh is not.

by Thom Hartmann | July 25, 2024 - 5:46am | permalink

— from The Hartmann Report

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz yesterday blasted JD Vance for being a “grifter,” because Vance claimed he was some sort of a hillbilly who grew up in rural Appalachia when, in fact, he grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati. Governor Walz, on the other hand, grew up in a town of 400 people with “24 kids in my graduating class” where “12 were cousins.”

In Vance’s autobiography Hillbilly Elegy he trash-talks his poor relatives, essentially accusing them of not being successful in life because of moral defects like laziness and addiction; he doubled down on these memes in his RNC speech, pointing out his own mother’s drug use.

In fact, they’re victims of Republican policies that make the rich richer and keep poor people poor; his mother’s addiction is a symptom, not a cause.

Vance, of course, “nobly” rose above it all with the help of our socialist GI Bill (which Republicans opposed) paying his way through Yale, and with help from rightwing billionaires who took Vance under their wings and helped him set up a hedge fund that made him fabulously rich.


by Joan McCarter | July 30, 2024 - 6:47am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

Hcontinued, “The enthusiasm is real. It's genuine and if they want to say it's manufactured, that's cool. [Republicans] should continue to kid themselves all the way for the next 100 days."

Democrats really are having fun at Republicans’ expense. Take this tweet from the DCCC: “100 F*CKED UP THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN HOUSE REPUBLICANS’ MAJORITY”

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