Thursday, May 30, 2024

Voters Nostalgic For Trump Return To White House Need To Know Exactly Who's Behind It

                                  'God made Trump' image circulated by NAR
                                  Swing state bumpkin roped in by NAR rhetoric 

“The American ship of state is heading toward a deadly iceberg while most passengers are dancing in a ballroom of distraction and delusion. Literally and empirically, Trump and team are existential threats, and the threats they pose need far more airtime and attention.”-   NY Times comment

"The latest poll from Harris  released  by the Guardian suggests that well over half the country is delusional. Polling shows that 55% of Americans believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think we are in a recession. Neither of those things are remotely true. Meanwhile 49% believe the stock market is down for the year even though it's at a record high. Even more bizarre, 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low." - Heather Digby Parton

"How did America reach this point where about half our country thinks up is down, black is white, and Republicans are best trusted with our money and national security?" -  Thomas Hartmann,

Something Republicans need to understand is the Left doesn’t have the people in the media telling us all day, over and over, that Conservatives are our enemies. We don’t see you as our enemy. Why would we? You are told that Liberal/Democrats hate this country, hate the Constitution, hate the flag. Over and over you are told we hate the Bible, hate Jesus and hate God. I hear them tell you that we hate our own lives, we hate freedom and we want the government to rule over every aspect of our lives.

 Fact of the matter is, you are being fed a bunch of caca. I hear it and it makes me sick.”   Quora response to question: Do Democrats understand that they will lose any civil war they start with Republicans?


The recurring theme in many news websites, papers these days is that a lot of voters are pining for the Trump years.  Either their brains and memories have turned to mush from the pandemic, or they only recall selective positives, e.g. monies from the CARES Act passed by congress in 2020 to assist the 35 m unemployed.  But not how Trump planned to cut the unemployment benefits under it by a third, forcing people to choose between food and rent.  

Too many of these delusional fools also forget how Trump did bupkis as the virus spread and the death count soared, only blabbering moronic 'solutions' like getting bleach injections, e.g.  

He was indeed one of the biggest reasons more than 1 million died from the virus.  But of all the chumps ready to return this orange maggot to power none compare with the quasi religious lot who are convinced this A-hole walks on water and will deliver them.....errrr from "demonic" Dems. How, I don't know, but I do know most of us will see hell if Trump's Project 2025 insanity gets implemented, i.e.


In her latest issue of Public Notice, Lisa Needham says Project 2025 a fascist takeover scheme devised by the Heritage Foundation, ” checks all the Christian Nationalist boxes: "Banning the abortion pill nationwide? Check. Rolling back protections for LGBTQ people? Check. Deporting literally millions of undocumented immigrants? Check."

Fast forward to a recent Nation piece ('April, p. 41, 'The Trump Revival') and a parallel expose ('Jesus is their Savior and Trump their candidate' in the next to last Sunday Denver Post, reminding us how many of these sanctimonious fruitcakes are prepared to follow the orange turd to the depths of hell. Religious loonies with brains so warped and degraded as to identify an adjudicated serial sex predator,  grifter, monumental liar and traitor with the Christian Savior Yeshua - believed to be the embodiment of the divine.   

Those dozens interviewed in the D. Post piece echoed the refrain that "Trump supports Jesus and without Jesus America will fail."  Also signs abounded with a luminous Christ putting hands on Trump's shoulders, while asserting "Trump shared their Christian faith and values"  Hmmm.... seems to me this orange fungal asswipe more plausibly shares the legendary Satan's values, e.g.

Rural WI Voters Are Convinced Trump Is "Anointed By God" - Can They Be Rescued From Their Delusions?

Trump has two primary powers ready to implement his plan to turn this nation into another third world country banana "republic": The Heritage Foundation (creators of Project 2025), and The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The latter, is "rooted in a long standing alliance of charismatic worship and grievance politics dating back to post-WWII Pentecostal Revivals."  Those, we are informed, "fused nuclear- age anxiety" ( i.e. over the commie or 'radical leftist' threats) "with the spiritual values" of free market capitalism."

In its new revival NAR  has "come under the influence of a Texas oilman and marketeer named Lance Wallnau who proposes to short circuit the old model of evangelical political influence in favor of directly annexing the national government, together with other cultural and civic institutions to revive the American Christian nation"  In other words, create a full-fledged theocracy - which also will be given its power via the Project 2025 directives.   Incredibly, Wallnau already telegraphed his plans in a screed - Invading Babylon- from 2013, in which he lays out the plans to "gain  unrivaled control over the nation's future course."

Any of those 20 percent of blacks (according to some recent polling) really still thinking of voting for Trump? Well they may wish to consider the end objective of Wallnau's - as well as Heritage's - proposed vision. Which is no less than returning WHITE Christianity to: "the dominant political and cultural demographic force in the country."  

So, what role pray tell, for those blacks impatient with Biden's delivery of promises, and now ready to vote for Dotard? Well they can look forward to more job openings as sanitation workers, janitors, gig -delivery workers, and Uber drivers.  Also, more redlining - like Trump used in the 70s-80s -  to keep blacks from homeownership in the Queens, Brooklyn. Upward mobility in Trump's Amerikka? Not so much.

As for those inclined to greet such warnings and alarms as "more hysteria from the anti-Trump left", they'd be advised to check out the book White Evangelical Racism, by Univ. of Pennsylvania Religious Studies chair Anthea Butler, who warns (ibid.): 

"All the talk you hear about demonic stuff, about violent stuff - people should take that very seriously."

She was referring to the militant and existential cast embedded in the NAR's theological politics: i.e. an essential painting of Trump's Democratic opposition as "Satan's minions".  If they are Satan's minions then they are de facto 'othered' i.e.  cannot be treated as humans but as perverse demons in disguise,  who must be removed by any means possible. A preview of the type of potential violence that is spawned by such demonization occurred back in 2016 with the Pizzagate conspiracy, e.g.

Crackpot "Pizzagate" Tale Promoted By Michael G. Flynn Almost Led To D.C. Tragedy

 In that case tragedy was narrowly averted when a brain-jacked lunatic (Edgar Lynch) was barely stopped from shooting up a D.C. restaurant called 'Comet Ping Pong'.  This after being incited by fables of Demos holding child sex slaves there and sacrificing them to Satan.  Looped into insanity this crackpot loaded his rifle and drove nine hours from North Carolina to liberate the "hostages  to Satan."

Storm in a teacup? Think again. As I write this these religious crackpots from NAR and white evangelical allies are conducting "Jericho marches" in swing state capitals.  These messengers of hate grasp they only need to get Trump wins in two or three sing states to be able to install Trump as their "king" and deliverer.  (As the Nation piece noted, Trump is hailed as the "spiritual heir to the ancient Persian King Cyrus").  No, folks, you can't make this shit up. It's as real as a heart attack and our democracy is on the line whether you want to believe it or not.

Let's again make it clear that Trump is no "Messiah" or even a bona fide presidential candidate. Nor should he be treated as such by voters or the press. He's a criminal and insurrectionist traitor who is exploiting the multifold weaknesses of our democratic and judicial systems to storm back into unearned, unmerited power.  He's also prepared to ride on the backs of willing  pseudo religious snake oil salesmen and extremists to arrive at a quasi-theocratic Trump Reich. At which point he has openly proclaimed he will 'burn the constitution' and exact vengeance against all perceived enemies while he enlists fellow thugs to help him turn this nation into another authoritarian state. It is time for Americans to "wake up and smell the coffee".  

Is there any hope to get out of this mental morass?  Maybe. One can look to the recently published  Polarization Extends Into Gender via Young Adults Who Lose Hope,” Glocalities, a marketing firm based in the Netherlands, which found that:

The radical right increasingly resonates with conservative segments among young men.”

But on the positive side:

Young women have significantly strengthened their embrace of liberal and anti-patriarchal values over the last decade .”


Young women in recent election cycles constantly turning out to vote at higher rates than young men,”

Supported by  a recent essay, “The Growing Gender Gap Among Young People from  Elaine Kamarck and Jordan Muchnick, both of the Brookings Institution. In the end, young, college-educated women may well be our only hope to escape the degenerate Hellscape a new Trump reign promises. It should be a greater fraction of the other gender as well, but evidently they (Hispanic, black males) seem to be way too "Trump curious" to the point of actually casting a ballot for this fungal offal.

See Also:

by Bill Berkowitz | May 24, 2024 - 5:33am | permalink

Everybody knows that the presidential election will come down to six or seven battleground states. There’s bad news for the Biden campaign as a recent poll has Trump leading him in 5 of six swing states. And to add fuel to the bad-news fire, Lance Wallnau, a major figure within the New Apostolic Reformation, an ultra-Christian Nationalist movement, has launched a major campaign chasing Christian voters in districts in those states. According to veteran journalist Frederick Clarkson, “Apostle Wallnau's Courage Tour is not just a tent revival road show. This is a sophisticated, targeted, political outreach campaign to increase evangelical turnout in selected counties in swing states.”

First, recent polling. According to The New York Times’ Nate Cohn, “Donald J. Trump leads President Biden in five crucial battleground states, a new set of polls shows, as a yearning for change and discontent over the economy and the war in Gaza among young, Black and Hispanic voters threaten to unravel the president’s Democratic coalition.


by Robert Becker | May 30, 2024 - 6:01am | permalink


by David Badash | May 22, 2024 - 7:02am | permalink

— from Alternet

Political experts, historians, and scholars of fascism are sounding the alarm after Donald Trump posted video Monday afternoon that promised a “unified Reich,” once again echoing language used by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

“Trump’s continued use of Nazi rhetoric is un-American and despicable. Yet too many Americans are brushing off the glaring red flags about what could happen if he returns to the White House,” former Trump White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews warned. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

The video features made-up newspaper headlines claiming a Trump win of the 2024 presidential election. It asks, “What’s Next for America,” and promotes “the creation of a unified Reich.”

“The 30-second video, which Mr. Trump posted on his social media site, Truth Social, features several articles styled like newspapers from the early 1900s — and apparently recycling text from reports on World War I, including references to ‘German industrial strength’ and ‘peace through strength,'” The New York Times reported. “One article in the video asserts that Mr. Trump would deport 15 million migrants in a second term, while text onscreen lists the start and end days of World War I.”


Thom Hartmann's picture
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by Thom Hartmann | May 24, 2024 - 6:35am | permalink

— from The Hartmann Report

Americans are dumbfounded. How is it that half this nations’ voters are on the verge of returning to office a guy who:

— Began his life of crime busted for writing “C” for “Colored” on Black rental applicants’ forms,
— Mismanaged the Covid crisis so badly America had the developed world’s highest mortality rate with at least a half-million unnecessary deaths,
— Is credibly accused of sexual assault by more than twenty women (one 14 years old) and found by a jury — twice— to have raped one of them,
— Forcibly tore nursing babies from the arms of their mothers with almost a thousand of those children still missing,

— Praised Nazis who marched chanting “Jews will not replace us!” as “very fine people,”
— Conspired with militia leaders to storm the US Capitol, leading to the death of 5 civilians and 3 police officers,
— Regularly quotes Hitler’s vicious, racist rhetoric referring to human beings as “scum” and “vermin” while claiming people of color “poison the blood of our nation,”
— Stole national security secrets and repeatedly lied to the FBI when we tried to recover them,
— Abandoned our Kurdish allies to Putin, leading to their mass slaughter by Russian troops and warplanes,
— Gave to Russia at least one spy we know of in an Oval Office meeting with that country’s foreign minister and US ambassador,
— Did his best to destroy NATO and hand Ukraine to Putin,
— Negotiated a deal to build an office/apartment building in Moscow that was to be executed a week after he took office and lied to the American people about it,
— Knowingly lied to the nation for almost four full years about having lost the last election,
— Called our fallen soldiers buried at Normandy and Arlington “suckers” and “losers” and ridiculed John McCain and every other American POW,
— Gutted the EPA and sold off public lands to drilling and mining interests who were greasing his party’s palms,
— Proudly packed the Supreme Court with people he hand-selected to end women’s right to abortion,
— Repeatedly violated the Hatch Act, using federal property for campaign and political activities,
— Is currently violating the Logan Act by interfering in President Biden’s foreign policy efforts,
— Praised the world’s worst dictators while trash-talking our democratic allies,
— Holds rallies in which he curses, using words that can’t be broadcast on TV or radio,
— Threatened the Georgia secretary of state with jail if he wouldn’t help overturn the 2020 election,
— Facilitated his son-in-law extracting two billion dollars from a murderous dictator,
— Gave billionaires a two-trillion-dollar tax cut that’s being paid for by raising taxes on working class people for the next few years,


Trump’s ‘reich’ video, Biden’s pandemic and political smoke detectors - The Washington Post


Voters’ Memories Crater: A Majority Now Believe Trump Was A Better President Than Biden 


German Author - And Contemporary Of Hitler's - Has Words Of Warning For Americans Today 

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