Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"Liberal Fascism" ? It's An Oxymoron. Trump Is The Real Fascist - Along With His Cult Of Thugs

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"Fascism now, fascism tomorrow (if I get re-elected) and fascism forever! Heil Trump!"

Trump endorsing fascism is nothing new as we've beheld it hundreds of times in his tweets, public statements and actions - from  teargassing peaceful protesters in D.C. so he could do a bible pose, to vowing to send in the military to break up protests, to entertaining fantasies about limiting free expression, and even endorsing Chinese concentration camps against the minority Uyghur Muslims,  gleaned from John Bolton's just released book ('The Room Where It Happened').  

But in his pathetic Mt. Rushmore July 4th (actually 3rd)  event this walking, squawking human sewage outdid himself, with his batshit crazy claims.  This, even as his own radical Right minions will now face charges in federal court pertaining to targeting law enforcement as well as legitimate protesters in the wake of George Floyd's killing, e.g.


 The piece from June 23, p. A4, details how assorted right wing renegades  (including Steven Carrillo, facing charges for murdering a Santa Cruz sheriff's deputy)  have now been apprehended and will be held to account, including members of the "Boogaloo Bois" I'd earlier cited as the real fascist culprits AG Bill Barr ought to be turning his spotlight on, e.g.


As opposed to the members of Antifa, who Barr - reckless with accusations as usual (even creating an anti-government task force")-   sought to turn into the nation's No. 1 Public Enemy and Boogeyman Even triggering hysteria amongst the Red state dregs, i.e.


At his Mount Rushmore culture war slime fest, which would have done Hitler proud (in one of his dozens of bellicose efforts), Trump barked:

"We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation's children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life."


"In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far left fascism that demands absolute allegiance."

The preceding just two samples of the tons of palpable brain sewage hurled out by the man of sewage.  A disingenuous and ignorant maggot buffoon who clearly has no remote idea of fascism.     As a CNN piece  by Chris Cillizza aptly  replied:

"I   looked up the definition of "fascism." It's this: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

And let me complement that with this earlier 1983 American Heritage Dictionary  definition:

"A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."

Which fits Trump and his reprobates to a tee, including Bill Barr. But why be surprised when this traitor with pretensions to extending his reign (and forging a real fascist dictatorship)  doesn't even read his critical daily intel briefs, e.g.


The man, then, is merely the embodiment of  fascist slime,  a Divider- in- chief, and seamless traitor to boot. A low class demagogue grifter and psychotic who needs to feed his deplorable base  incessant hate and division to have any chance at staying in office and not being put turfed into the nearest federal prison for his crimes.  A pestilence who yet seeks to use the office to enrich himself at the expense of the people, i.e.

Even as he lets Americans perish by the tens of thousands from his inaction on the virus.  

Incredibly, the WSJ editorial yesterday  ('Trump at Mount Rushmore', p. A16) remains in a delusional bubble even within its own paper, babbling:

"Dark? In most respects Trump's speech was a familiar Fourth Of July ode to liberty and U.S.  achievement that any President might have delivered.."


"Contrary to the media reporting, the America Mr. Trump described is one of genuine racial equality and diversity, as he highlighted the central ideals of the Declaration of Independence that 'all men are created equal'"

Which reinforces my take that tunnel vision in the service of ideology - especially on the op-ed pages dictated by Rupert Murdoch - can be an effective means to blind both the author(s) and the public ingesting this piffle.  First, because it is directly contradicted by the WSJ's main story on the event (p. A4 yesterday) which pointedly noted (for the benefit of the Journal's editorial nabobs who likely didn't read it):

"The president's effort to exploit cultural divides is a familiar tactic, recalling the 'American carnage' he described in his inaugural address."

Further it is preposterous for the WSJ editors to try to portray Trump  "defending America's founding principles" when at the same time he's viscerally and deliberately denouncing one group of citizens to another  - and employing, lies, historical distortion and monumental (no pun intended) dog whistles and gaslighting to do so.  Absolutely, this was not any speech any other president might have delivered. No way in hell. It was a performance - more like a red meat for a rally -   demagogue swill, that a Hitler or Jim Jones might have let loose. It was, when all is said and done, an insult to all the preceding decent presidents, as well as to the soldiers (like  my Revolutionary War ancestors) who fought for the real principles underlying the Declaration.   Which this fungal-infested orange garbage has not the slightest inkling of.

So there is little doubt in my mind, both Conrad and Jockel Brumbaugh - if they beheld his performances the past week - would see him for what he is:

Image result for brane space, American revolutionImage result for Trump as Traitor
And want him hung from the nearest tree.  They'd know that all the authoritarian or fulsome faux patriot banter disgorged by this orange -tinted Turd can't disguise he is a traitor.   

See also:
by Lucian K. Truscott IV | July 5, 2020 - 7:23am | permalink







"We are now reduced to bitterly watching a small, stupid, petulant excuse of a man conjuring up racial bogeymen for the cynical purpose of turning Americans against each other.
The fact that Donald Trump would travel to Mt. Rushmore for yet another opportunity to fan the flames of racism to an audience of white supporters frothing at the mouth at his culture-war catcalls is more than simply dispiriting—it’s pathetic. The fact that he and yet another of his stupid Republican lackeys—this one occupying the South Dakota Governor’s Residence—would make a point of pride out of the fact that this audience would not be burdened with taking any health precaution, in the midst of a pandemic that has already erased 130,000 American lives isn’t just perverse—it’s pitiable.

The fact that Trump barely mentioned the worst public health crisis to strike this country in over a century to an audience crammed together on zip-tied folding chairs, breathing, coughing and shouting in each other’s faces isn’t just sick—it’s malignant. The fact that he twisted a nation, riven for weeks by protests against police injustice, into an argument for white supremacy and more violence isn’t just disgusting—it’s revolting. "

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