Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Bipartisan House Hearing Today May Finally Expose Decades Of Govt Obstruction On UAP-UFO Reports


                              Jerry - observed photos with EBE bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB

"Either the greatest story in  human history has been kept hidden or we will learn crazy people have occupied high places in our intelligence agencies." - Sen. Marco Rubio last week (NBC News) on the forthcoming House hearings on UAP -UFOs and the efforts to hide their pilots for over 60 years.

The US House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), formerly known as UFOs, today, July 26th. The Republican-led initiative will be chaired by Representatives Anna Paulina Luna and Tim Burchett.

In a press conference last Thursday, Burchett said that the committee was facing pressure from several quarters about the hearing. He said, “We've had a heck of a lot of pushback about this hearing. We've had members of Congress who fought us we've had members of the intelligence community and also the Pentagon. Even NASA backed out on us. There are a lot of people who don't want this to come to light".  

Anyone wonder why?  Let's delve into immediate and then more abstract reasons for the pushback.  The immediate reason is that the paternalistic elements in government are terrified of mass panic, possibly global hysteria - and mayhap one borderline nation incited into hitting their nuclear buttons.  Think that's histrionic?  Then you never registered what transpired the night before Halloween, 1938 on Orson Welles mock Mercury Theater broadcast of the 'War of the Worlds'.  (Which has now earned a place in old media infamy.) While Welles did give a preliminary 'heads up' before beginning that it was a fictional radio broadcast, millions never got the message, as they tuned in late. 

 In the words of author Aja Raden (in her book, 'The Truth About Lies', p.  202):  

"They believed that what they were hearing was real news. And they lost their fucking minds. Looting and rioting ensued. Accidents proliferated and hospitals were jammed with people injured or killed by other people, hysterical people, people in shock, stroke and heart attack victims.  People scared stiff, as well as others who harmed themselves rather than be captured or killed by the Martians.  

In San Francisco, people overwhelmed army headquarters looking to fight. In Birmingham people overwhelmed churches, certain the world was ending.   A woman in Indiana burst into one crowded church and screamed 'New York is destroyed! It's the end of the world! You might as well go home and die! I just heard it on the radio!"  

Barely nine years later, in July 1947, an actual craft (saucer) crashed near Roswell, New Mexico - as my now deceased AF brother Jerry has noted - e.g. 

and the response was for the military under Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey  to shut it down, gaslight the locals into believing it was a weather balloon.  That shutdown of the (arguably) cornerstone event has been followed by over 75 years of stonewalling, bogus investigations, gaslighting ruses and disinformation.  So why would anyone believe the paternal powers- that -be, petrified of a repeat reaction to what happened in 1938,  will be quiet or passive now?   

As to the more abstract reason for their behavior, as I have written in other posts, this can be traced to a paper in the journal Political Theory by Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall, e.g.

Sovereignty and the UFO - Alexander Wendt, Raymond Duvall, 2008

In which they argue the phenomenon of the UFO (or UAP) tends to be rejected as real because it collides with the human concept of state sovereignty. As one columnist (Daniel W. Dresner) one articulated it in a 2019 Denver Post Perspective piece:

'UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility.  The puzzle is explained by the functional imperatives of anthropocentric sovereignty, which cannot decide a UFO  exception to anthropocentrism  while preserving the ability to make such a decision. The UFO can be known only by not asking what it is."

So that the real reason UFOs-UAP are dismissed or treated as unworthy subjects  of scientific investigation is that any serious attention poses an existential challenge to human hegemony over the known universe.  After all, there can't be two superior civilizations or species of beings.  Especially for a home-grown lot that already fancies itself the top of the cosmic food chain.  In effect, to in any way admit the physical reality of alien craft in our airspace would directly challenge this comforting codswallop - also begs the question of why no serious measures have been taken to protect terrestrial airspace from these intruders. (Given they cannot be Russians or Chinese based on reasons I've laid out numerous times before.) 

 So we have a two-pronged basis for rejection of any admission the invading craft are real (say by the military and intel agencies) as well as unfit for serious acknowledgment (i.e. by academia and the media).  So the two work hand- in- hand.  But I argue the immediate reasons the former don't want these House hearings to go very far is that neither the paternalistic military (namely the Air Force) or the intelligence agencies (mainly CIA, NSA) want threats to national security erupting out of sheer panic, hysteria - given a population now faced with the reality of possibly hostile extraterrestrials - and piloting their craft all over with impunity.  

The chatter has intensified recently with a revelation by former US intelligence officer David Grusch, that the US government is in possession of an "intact and partially intact" alien vehicle and that this information is being illegally withheld from Congress.  Grusch is no flake, but was part of the Department of Defense (DoD) and led the analysis of UAPs until he resigned in April after a 14-year career.

According to a report in The DebriefGrusch has suggested that the government has come into contact with “malevolent” alien pilots.  As bad as Orson Welles'  invading Martians from 1938?  Maybe not, but certainly enough to raise intelligence agency hackles of the fallout - say if taken too seriously by too many. Hence, there will be a certain push to discredit or diminish any testimony - say using disinformation or questioning the mental balance of those giving witness. That would include- for now - Grusch, as well as former Navy commander David Fravor and Navy pilot Ryan Graves.   I look for one of more of these guys to bow out before delivering the goods. If not, I hope they are ready for the blowback. (They will likely need to go see the 'Barbie' flick afterwards!)  

Meanwhile, according to Politico, the Pentagon was tracking around 650 incidents of unidentified aircraft as of April.    For his part, Burchett said the US had evidence of technology that “defies all of our laws of physics.” He added: “We’re gonna get to the bottom of it, dadgummit. Whatever the truth may be. We’re done with the cover-up.”

You may well be done, sir, but the ever-patronizing paternal powers-that-be are not. Mark me well. If they don't try to embarrass you, by turning the hearings into a clown show, they will seek to intimidate any serious witnesses. They cannot afford the smallest chance that any chaos - such as followed the 1938 Welles' broadcast- ever manifests again.

See Also:

Watch Live: UFO hearing underway as House panel pushes for more transparency - CBS News

House panel to hold hearing on UAPs, or UFOs, as pressure builds for more transparency - CBS News


The House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee is convening at 10 a.m. to hear from three witnesses with firsthand knowledge of how the government has handled UAP reports. CBS News will stream the hearing live in the player above.

"They either do exist or they don't exist. They keep telling us they do exist but they block every opportunity for us to get ahold of the information to prove that they do exist," GOP Rep. Tim Burchett, the subcommittee's chairman, said at a press conference last week.


Gov't Whitewashing OF UAP-UFOs Is Still Based On Myth of Human Sovereignty..



Transient Optical Phenomena of the Atmosphere - a Case Study    


Physics Today Book Reviewer Kate Dorsch Is As Clueless About UFOs As Neil DeGrasse Tyson 




How would contact with U.F.O.s and other civilizations change ours?


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