Henry Marshall (USDA official) was one of the bodies left behind in LBJ's rise to glory. Why don't liberals take their heads out of their asses instead of protecting a false icon?
“Who controls
the past controls the future. And who controls the present controls the past.”
those immortal words of George Orwell (from ‘1984’) we see at once the
importance of history in determining our lives, and outcomes of public policy.
Sadly, and I hate to say this – too many liberals don’t know their own past,
the nation’s past, and don’t want to. They believe merely because they are
scribes at Salon.com, HuffPo or some other site, they’re entitled to weigh in on
recent history and distort it. Worse, they want to remain gloriously ignorant -
steeped more in hagiography, or misplaced hero worship – than actual history.
See e.g.
Therein I noted
“it is when hagiography eclipses facts and
history that the critical mind must take note and understand when the wool is
being pulled over its eyes. Sadly, too many in the U.S. today are
unprepared to cast a critical eye on goings on, far less be disposed to expose
a so-called history as really pulp hagiography.”
was in reference to all the overblown hype and hoopla on how dear old “Lyndon”
had really been the one to put the pedal to the metal on civil rights and
pushed through those major pieces of legislation, the civil rights bill and the
voting rights act. Do not believe it for a damned minute! LBJ was a feral,
racist rat who also had JFK killed. He called the civil rights act
“that nigger bill” and also used the word with abandon as his own tapes
disclose, e.g.
And indeed, while Chairman of a civil rights commission in the Kennedy administration, he deliberately held up the pending legislation for THREE years! WHY? Well, so he could cash in later when HE was President to build a specious legacy! Now, salon.com writer Elias Isquith appears
to have jumped head first onto the LBJ hagiography bandwagon with his piece: ‘Roger Stone vs. the World: The
Conspiracy-Filled Mind of Legendary GOP Trickster’. See e.g.
As Stone notes in one response to Isquith:
“He was a crude,
corrupt, sadistic, unprincipled psychopath. This is a man who I believe ordered
at least 17 murders on his way to power, murders to cover up corruption or
voter theft. I make a compelling case in my book — using fingerprint evidence,
eyewitness evidence, and deep [research into] Texas politics — that Lyndon
Johnson was the linchpin of the conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy. He has the
motive, means and opportunity. So it reads like a murder mystery, it reads like
a thriller novel, but unfortunately it’s the truth.”
Most of us who have followed the documents track since the release of records via The JFK Records Act, have been seeking the skeleton key, if you will, or the linchpin that ties together all the disparate, apparently unrelated facts – originally portrayed by the media as “coincidences”, "oversights" or “mistakes”. Which too many of us, excessively gullible, accepted instead of they're being deliberately planned.
These included:
of Kennedy’s clothing, including the bullet –holed suit coat - ordered destroyed.
blood spattered and bullet- impacted limousine ordered dispatched to Detroit,, where it was cleaned, disassembled,
then completely rebuilt then sent to Ohio
film (altered with attempted juxtaposition of frames)
- Original autopsy notes of Dr. J.J. Humes (burned)
skull (re-imaged using mattes in re-done autopsy photos to make the massive
wounds appear in the front and the entry wound in the rear- to comport with the
Warren Commission Single Bullet theory[1])
brain (missing from the time the body arrived at Bethesda ). The brain would have shown the path of 'cavitation' clearly and added to the weight of evidence for a frontal shot.
Over the years many of us began thinking that none of the preceding
were coincidence or error – but deliberate- ordered by LBJ to cover his
nefarious tracks, including in the Warren Commission investigation which HE
created! I mean, Oswald couldn’t have
done those things. Nor
could any of these have been done by the Mafia, angry Cubans or even
rogue CIA agents. The orders had to come from the top, since the
evidence was all material, and in addition under control (at various
times) of federal agencies, including: FBI and Secret Service. In fact, the relevant records disclose that
none other than Cliff Carter (one of the co-conspirators found guilty in the
Henry Harvey Marshall slaying) gave orders for the actions which, if refused,
were followed up by Johnson himself making telephone demands[2].
Johnson also violated federal and state
laws with assorted usurpations, destruction of material evidence (as listed above) , not to
mention hijacking Kennedy’s body instead of allowing the autopsy to be
performed at the same Parkland Hospital in Dallas.
by of his creation of The Warren Commission on November 29, 1963, LBJ acquired
the total power to block any House, Senate or Texas state investigations, while
awarding himself the power to control all evidence that might possibly surface,
and either ignore it, suppress it or allow it to be distorted- thereby further
distancing himself, all in the name of “seeking justice”. To quote a notable wit: “To commit the perfect crime it is
only necessary to be in charge of the investigation that follows.”
Thus after
much deliberation, we realized (some reluctantly) it could only have been ONE
man – LBJ – who also had the most to lose if he didn’t get rid of Kennedy at
just that juncture of time. In the words of author Philip Nelson (Chapter 6: The
Conspirators, p. 317):
“The crime
could only have been accomplished with at least the acquiescence and
foreknowledge of the only man capable of choreographing the massive cover-up
which was immediately launched. It is axiomatic that since the cover-up started
before the shots were fired, the order for JFK’s assassination could only have
come from his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson.”
So I hate to break this to Elias and others (like Maureen Dowd and even Bill Maher), but most of us
who’ve been involved in deep politics and researching the JFK assassination have finally
come to realize that LBJ indeed was involved in taking him out – for all the
reasons I delivered in the hagiography link. We only regret it took us over 20 years to realize Craig Zirbel was right all along! (Dating from his 1991 expose of Johnson's role.)
Unsaid in that blog post, not yet revealed, is the way LBJ
secretly courted the military to fire up the Vietnam War though Kennedy was
steadfastly against it – ultimately made clear in his National Security Action
Memorandum 263. Hence, the lingering smoking gun of Johnson’s guilt pertains to
his disgusting back channel efforts to curry favor with the military (especially prime JFK hater Gen. Curtis Lemay). This entailed setting up a network to
receive actual Vietnam intelligence behind Kennedy’s back – while ensuring the
spooks and Pentagon sources delivered only doctored pap to JFK. In many nations, this would be regarded as high treason,
and anyone who did it (and found out) put before a firing squad.
Much of the credit in digging up the relevant records goes to
Military Science Professor John Newman in his book, JFK and Vietnam which documents that by November 24, 1963 – two
days after Kennedy was dead (and before he was even laid to rest)- a policy shift transpired toward massive
commitment to American military forces in Vietnam – despite Kennedy’s NSAM
In the words of another researcher, Peter Dale Scott (Deep
Politics and the Death of JFK, p. 30) it also proves that Johnson –
since 1961 - "had been the ally of the
Joint Chiefs and especially Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay." Let us recall for
reference it was LeMay who compared Kennedy to Neville Chamberlain when he
refused to go all out and bomb Cuba and invade it during the Cuban Missile
Peter Dale Scott summarized Johnson’s treason nicely (p. 31):
“A back channel had been established whereby ‘the boys in the woodwork’
were feeding (Howard) Burris and Johnson a steady stream of accurate Vietnam
intelligence reports which were denied to the President.”
These latter were almost uniformly false and “optimistic”.
He goes on (ibid.):
“Meanwhile, U.S. Army Intelligence in Honolulu kept producing a second
series of reports, more accurate and gloomy. These were denied to the President
and McNamara but supplied by a secret intelligence back channel to Johnson”
If this duplicity was all there was it would be bad enough
but the real smoking gun – I’d even say fired gun – goes off when it is learned
how a secret NSAM (273) had been prepared by Johnson that effectively nullified
Kennedy’s restrictions for further U.S. Vietnam involvement set out in NSAM
Johnson’s NSAM 273 “deleted Kennedy’s restrictions and
sanctioned plans for U.S.operations to begin shortly thereafter”. (That
is, after Nov. 21 – one day before JFK was shot dead in Dallas). In other words, the fell plans for reversing
Kennedy’s NSAM were already in existence a day BEFORE JFK was killed.
Scott notes (p. 30) a draft of this NSAM 273 had presumptively been readied for Kennedy to see.
(The draft prepared for Kennedy’s signature spoke only of “additional
resources” given by the South Vietnamese to fight North Vietnam – as per JFK’s
original instructions in NSAM 263 – but this was the part deleted.)
Peter Dale Scott correctly observes that in the wake of this
perfidy most media sources (e.g. Michael Specter in the NY Times) and talking
heads (e.g. Noam Chomsky) have prattled that “NSAM 273 continued Kennedy’s policies” which it did
nothing of the sort – as I showed. Scott further observes (p. 29) that "even the Nation participated in this obfuscation of the record." The Nation? That icon of liberal media? You'd better believe it!
Indeed, from all I’ve seen, and in exchanges with so-called
“liberals” at various sites (e.g. smirkingchimp) it is clear to me this
bollocks about NSAM 273 has been swallowed as completely as the crap that LBJ was
this avid defender of civil rights. These libs would rather peddle these fairy
tales – along with LBJ’s hagiographers and puppets – than face the brutal truth
that a former DEM President was a bloody conspirator and murderer. ("Oh me oh my, we can't provide any more fodder to the Repukes! Better to hide the truth!")
But I make no apologies for bringing the truth out, any more
than others have, and my only regret is too many choose to bury heads (and brains) in the sand emulating the ostrich.
Lastly, let’s bear in mind the NSAM 273 perversion led
directly to an even greater outrage, the fabrication of the Tonkin Gulf incident in
August 1964, when two U.S. gunboats -
the Turner Joy and Maddox- were allegedly attacked without provocation. This precipitated the Tonkin Gulf Resolution which directly led to the massive expansion
in ‘Nam. As I’d previously written in March, 2013:
“In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical study was
declassified; it concluded that the Maddox had engaged the North Vietnamese
Navy on August 2, but that there were no North Vietnamese Naval vessels present
during the incident of August 4. The report stated regarding August 2:
“At 1505G, Captain Herrick ordered Ogier's gun crews to open fire if the boats approached within ten thousand yards. At about 1505G, the Maddox fired three rounds to warn off the communist boats. This initial action was never reported by the Johnson administration, which insisted that the Vietnamese boats fired first”
and regarding August 4:
“It is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. [...] In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on August 2”
In other words, LBJ and the U.S. aggressors used it as a pretext to demand the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and launch a war that killed nearly 58,000. LBJ had finally delivered on his promise to the military-industrial complex to give them their war in return for having assisted in Kennedy's killing and its massive cover up.
“At 1505G, Captain Herrick ordered Ogier's gun crews to open fire if the boats approached within ten thousand yards. At about 1505G, the Maddox fired three rounds to warn off the communist boats. This initial action was never reported by the Johnson administration, which insisted that the Vietnamese boats fired first”
and regarding August 4:
“It is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. [...] In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on August 2”
In other words, LBJ and the U.S. aggressors used it as a pretext to demand the Gulf of Tonkin resolution and launch a war that killed nearly 58,000. LBJ had finally delivered on his promise to the military-industrial complex to give them their war in return for having assisted in Kennedy's killing and its massive cover up.
Make no mistake, this cornpone Texas turd - so blindly idolized by too many uninformed liberals- is nothing but a verminous traitor, racist and murderer. He not only
saw to it Kennedy would meet his death in Dallas (including by altering the
motorcade route and venue for his Dallas speech) but also created a phony
commission to cover it up even as he manufactured a document to expand the war
in Vietnam leading to monumental loss in blood and treasure.
Anyone who doesn’t do the background work from the released document trail, and that includes Isquith, Maher and Maureen Dowd et al, doesn’t merit any pass to call out “excess conspiracy” on anyone else – even a former Reepo dirty trickster. Let’s be clear here that simply because one’s political past might be shady doesn’t mean he’s off target in his claims – especially concerning LBJ. The liberals and LBJ hagiographers who protect this POS merit no remote consideration – until they also do the grunt work of document parsing!
See also:
Photo-optic specialist Robert Groden, however, believe that the skull was
actually reconstructed using mortician’s plaster, then photographed. See the
details in his book Killing Kennedy.
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