"The president of the United States has betrayed his oath of office, betrayed his oath to defend our national security and betrayed his oath to defend our Constitution. For yesterday we were presented with the evidence of a call with the president of the Ukraine, in which our president sacrificed our national security and our Constitution for his personal political benefit." - Rep. Adam Schiff, yesterday opening the House Intelligence Committee hearing.
As we heard the recording (released by the LA Times) in which the Swine- in -Chief bellowed and barked about how "spies" were dealt with in the "old days" let's never forget the words came from the only real traitor openly walking and talking in our midst: Trump. And for the record his comparisons were almost unhinged and certainly ignorant and asinine beyond belief. Spies, for the record, are people who snatch information and deliver it to foreign governments. These inter-agency officials that Trump recklessly brands as spies kept all the information within the government - and they were working FOR the U.S. government.
So the only real spy definition that fits applies to this putrid SOB who therefore ought to be hung, certainly as soon as he's kicked out of office next year. Don't take my word! Read the opening words of the House hearing yesterday from Adam Schiff. If you have the time read the formal whistle-blower complaint.
"The President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election,"
If that isn't treason in that it undermines our entire national edifice, I don't know what does.
As you go through the document from this whistle blower patriot, you will see just what an indescribably odious and treacherous slime is defiling the office of the presidency and making a mockery of our nation.. Among its many revelations, the complaint exposes (in a footnote) that somebody in the White House is in the habit of taking transcripts of Trump’s conversations out of the relatively accessible system where they normally would be filed and putting them into a standalone “codeword-level” computer system normally reserved for America’s top secrets “solely for the purpose of protecting politically sensitive – rather than national security sensitive – information”.
Mafia-style criminal that he is, Trump used to have a safe for hush money deals he made with women that was kept by a friend who published the National Enquirer. The complaint indicated that this same syndicate-style arrangement is still in effect, only now the deals have to do with Trump’s political enemies. The safe is the one (normally) used to keep records for things like flying five helicopters into Pakistan at midnight, say to take out an Al Qaeda of ISIS target.
The overriding sense from the whistle blower patriot's complaint is there were a lot of people involved in a scheme by the traitor Trump to both tamper in an upcoming election and to prosecute political opponents, with the help of a foreign government, secured in part by holding up hundreds of millions of dollars in aid previously appropriated by Congress.
What triggered Trump's bile and threats about dealing with "spies" in the recording released yesterday? Well, his learning that the essence of the whistleblower complaint is based on the account of “more than half a dozen US officials”. In accurately describing the contents of a 25 July phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president – despite the whistleblower himself not being on call – the complaint reported that “approximately a dozen White House officials” and at least one state department official listened to the call. After that, “multiple” state department and intelligence officials were briefed on the call.
The complaint indicated knowledge of guilt on the part of officials involved, describing a “‘discussion ongoing’ with White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the officials’ retelling, that they "had witnessed the president abuse his office for personal gain”.
That knowledge of guilt evidently endured for months. According to the complaint, seven months before the July phone call, Giuliani met in New York with a Ukrainian prosecutor who later made public statements propping up both a conspiracy theory threatening to Joe Biden and a conspiracy theory accusing Democrats of collaborating with Ukraine to throw the 2016 election. Those were the two silver bullets Trump was after, as made plain in a summary of the July call released on Wednesday.
The Ukrainian prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was valuable, and Trump leaned on the new Ukrainian president in a Mafia -style 'you now do for me'. This was confirmed even in the note version of the transcript of the phone call that was released.
Trump brought up the prosecutor in the July phone conversation, according to the summary, and received assurances from the Ukrainian president (Volodymor Zelensky)that he would "put the right man on the job."
Clearly then, the traitor named Trump made an effort not only to undermine our national elections for his personal gain, but to sow corruption in the Ukrainian government. Doing this by pressuring its president to appoint a prosecutor general preferred by Trump for that prosecutor’s willingness to hunt for Trump’s silver bullets or maybe to make some- to go after his political opponent Biden.
Trump is garbage. Let's not paint him as anything other than the orange fungus he is, and he merits much more than an impeachment. Let's hope he gets it, for all our sakes and the integrity of the nation!
See also:
by Joe Conason | September 27, 2019 - 7:15am | permalink
Mafia-style criminal that he is, Trump used to have a safe for hush money deals he made with women that was kept by a friend who published the National Enquirer. The complaint indicated that this same syndicate-style arrangement is still in effect, only now the deals have to do with Trump’s political enemies. The safe is the one (normally) used to keep records for things like flying five helicopters into Pakistan at midnight, say to take out an Al Qaeda of ISIS target.
The overriding sense from the whistle blower patriot's complaint is there were a lot of people involved in a scheme by the traitor Trump to both tamper in an upcoming election and to prosecute political opponents, with the help of a foreign government, secured in part by holding up hundreds of millions of dollars in aid previously appropriated by Congress.
What triggered Trump's bile and threats about dealing with "spies" in the recording released yesterday? Well, his learning that the essence of the whistleblower complaint is based on the account of “more than half a dozen US officials”. In accurately describing the contents of a 25 July phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president – despite the whistleblower himself not being on call – the complaint reported that “approximately a dozen White House officials” and at least one state department official listened to the call. After that, “multiple” state department and intelligence officials were briefed on the call.
The complaint indicated knowledge of guilt on the part of officials involved, describing a “‘discussion ongoing’ with White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the officials’ retelling, that they "had witnessed the president abuse his office for personal gain”.
That knowledge of guilt evidently endured for months. According to the complaint, seven months before the July phone call, Giuliani met in New York with a Ukrainian prosecutor who later made public statements propping up both a conspiracy theory threatening to Joe Biden and a conspiracy theory accusing Democrats of collaborating with Ukraine to throw the 2016 election. Those were the two silver bullets Trump was after, as made plain in a summary of the July call released on Wednesday.
The Ukrainian prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was valuable, and Trump leaned on the new Ukrainian president in a Mafia -style 'you now do for me'. This was confirmed even in the note version of the transcript of the phone call that was released.
Trump brought up the prosecutor in the July phone conversation, according to the summary, and received assurances from the Ukrainian president (Volodymor Zelensky)that he would "put the right man on the job."
Clearly then, the traitor named Trump made an effort not only to undermine our national elections for his personal gain, but to sow corruption in the Ukrainian government. Doing this by pressuring its president to appoint a prosecutor general preferred by Trump for that prosecutor’s willingness to hunt for Trump’s silver bullets or maybe to make some- to go after his political opponent Biden.
Trump is garbage. Let's not paint him as anything other than the orange fungus he is, and he merits much more than an impeachment. Let's hope he gets it, for all our sakes and the integrity of the nation!
See also:
by Joe Conason | September 27, 2019 - 7:15am | permalink
"To anyone familiar with the life and times of Donald Trump, there was nothing surprising in the tone of his July 25 conversation with the new president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump spoke in the oblique yet perfectly clear language of a Mafia don who knows what he wants and how to enforce his will.
The dialogue between the two presidents, as seen in a transcript released this week, sounds like a scene from ‘The Godfather”"
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