Fig. 3 - Mikey comes down on Atheists - for about the 50 th time!
Before ol' Pastor Mikey removes his pathetic blog, let's have a look-see at some of his hateful howlers from bygone days- including choice quotes as well as images he's put up.
The quotes:
The quotes:
"I'm talking about the dalai lama who yesterday (Feb. 23 ) visited Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton campus , and today is supposed to visit Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Fla ( THANK GOD he's NOT going to spread his venom at MY current university , South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary , located in Deerfield Beach , Fl ! ) .Anyway , my friends , here is another putz that has people refer to him as "His Holiness" , just like his bro' , 'da popey.' I mean , what is it with these guys - and their "blind" followers ? (From 'Two Peas in Pod, Feb 24)
"Brothers and Sisters ; let me begin by unequivocally stating that the best way to understand the nature of atheism is to understand its author. Satan is its author ! (From ‘Atheism – The True Facts!’ Feb 13)"
"I think if Darwin were alive today, he would be hooted out of the scientific community because he was not a trained scientist and because of his outrageous views about black people. Darwin thought that blacks were closer to man's ape "ancestors" than the white race ! Wonder what Jesse Jackson thinks of that ? (From ‘Was Darwin a Racist? Hmmmm..’Feb. 12)"
"Hitler, Mussolini, Marx, Engels, and Stalin were all outspoken evolutionists, ( as well as ATHEISTS ! ) , and these people and their theories have been responsible for the slaughter of multi-millions of people, and the destruction of freedom all over the earth (Ibid., Feb. 12)"
"Using scientific theory to disprove the Bible is like using gasoline to put out a fire.. The Bible is perfect because it is the divinely inspired, true and infallible word of God, not science! (from ‘Those Poor, Arrogant Atheists’, Feb.4)"
“Let me elaborate on the alleged "Big Bang " theory . Now , my friends , try to think of ANY explosion that has produced order . Does a terrorist bomb create harmony ? Big Bangs cause chaos . How could a Big Bang produce a rose , apple trees , fish , sunsets , the seasons” (From ‘More Evolution Stupidity’ Jan.31)
“My dear friends , Evolution is a Religion - it's a worship of a make-believe time-god by the atheists - and their partner-in -crime. . .SATAN !!You see , people who believe in evolution have been brainwashed. Their main problem is not the arguments for and against evolution and creation. Their problem is they can't bring themselves to reject evolution, because they have already rejected God.” (‘Don’t Become Brainwashed by the Damned Evolutionists!’, Jan. 27)
"Non-Christians are like burn patients smashing mirrors; like people who fear they’ve got cancer refusing to see a doctor. They are living in denial. No matter how sophisticated they pretend to be, in spiritual matters they are driven by fear and guilt. Inside, they’re Adam, naked and running for cover. They're like a dog chasing his own tail . The reason people don’t flock to Jesus is not because people believe in evolution, nor because they think there are errors in the Bible. The reason, in the words of Scripture is that they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil" (From Feb. 27)
"Ask yourselves , Was Jesus 'friends' with the Pharisees and Sadducees when He called them "hypocrites' , "fools" , "serpents" , "vipers" , and damned them to HELL !! ? ( cf. Matthew 23 ) . (Should Christians Be Friends with Non-Christians?' Feb. 26)
"Brothers and Sisters ; let me begin by unequivocally stating that the best way to understand the nature of atheism is to understand its author. Satan is its author ! (From ‘Atheism – The True Facts!’ Feb 13)"
"I think if Darwin were alive today, he would be hooted out of the scientific community because he was not a trained scientist and because of his outrageous views about black people. Darwin thought that blacks were closer to man's ape "ancestors" than the white race ! Wonder what Jesse Jackson thinks of that ? (From ‘Was Darwin a Racist? Hmmmm..’Feb. 12)"
"Hitler, Mussolini, Marx, Engels, and Stalin were all outspoken evolutionists, ( as well as ATHEISTS ! ) , and these people and their theories have been responsible for the slaughter of multi-millions of people, and the destruction of freedom all over the earth (Ibid., Feb. 12)"
"Using scientific theory to disprove the Bible is like using gasoline to put out a fire.. The Bible is perfect because it is the divinely inspired, true and infallible word of God, not science! (from ‘Those Poor, Arrogant Atheists’, Feb.4)"
“Let me elaborate on the alleged "Big Bang " theory . Now , my friends , try to think of ANY explosion that has produced order . Does a terrorist bomb create harmony ? Big Bangs cause chaos . How could a Big Bang produce a rose , apple trees , fish , sunsets , the seasons” (From ‘More Evolution Stupidity’ Jan.31)
“My dear friends , Evolution is a Religion - it's a worship of a make-believe time-god by the atheists - and their partner-in -crime. . .SATAN !!You see , people who believe in evolution have been brainwashed. Their main problem is not the arguments for and against evolution and creation. Their problem is they can't bring themselves to reject evolution, because they have already rejected God.” (‘Don’t Become Brainwashed by the Damned Evolutionists!’, Jan. 27)
"Non-Christians are like burn patients smashing mirrors; like people who fear they’ve got cancer refusing to see a doctor. They are living in denial. No matter how sophisticated they pretend to be, in spiritual matters they are driven by fear and guilt. Inside, they’re Adam, naked and running for cover. They're like a dog chasing his own tail . The reason people don’t flock to Jesus is not because people believe in evolution, nor because they think there are errors in the Bible. The reason, in the words of Scripture is that they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil" (From Feb. 27)
"Ask yourselves , Was Jesus 'friends' with the Pharisees and Sadducees when He called them "hypocrites' , "fools" , "serpents" , "vipers" , and damned them to HELL !! ? ( cf. Matthew 23 ) . (Should Christians Be Friends with Non-Christians?' Feb. 26)
Selected Images from Pastor Mikey's recent public Hate site:
Fig 1a- From - 'Da Popey Vicar of Christ, Yeah Right!’, Jan. 4
Fig. 1b- From 'Has da Popey Shed his Nazi Past?', Feb. 13)
Fig 2: From - 'Two Peas in a Pod'- Feb 24)
Fig. 3 - From 'Those Poor Arrogant Atheists', Feb 4)
In one last check today, I see his odious crap is now unavailable to the public as attempts to access it yield the notice:
"This blog is open to invited readers only"
So, his hate is at least now quarantined to only those who hate like he does. At least on small 'w' for this blog!
1 comment:
Jeezum, you've showed beyond any doubt that this character has more screws loose than a jalopy after being hit by a Mack truck! This fool is best off in his own nook somewhere where he and his followers can't continually erupt in public spewing their vicious vitriol.
But here's one thing I don't get: He writes: "Non -Christians are like burn patients".....yadda yadda, but as you show he comes down on Roman Catholics like a ton of bricks! So, he's obviously against Christians too (since Roman Catholics were the original ones, from which his lot broke off in the Protestant Reformation).
He is really against MOST Christians, since he's fired up his Hell ovens for all those who don't believe explicitly as he does.
What a loser! Good riddance to bad rubbish!
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