It's fairly obvious that Pastor Mike knows how to toss out questions. The question is: Can he take questions and answer them in his own right? OR- more likely- will he punt- or use some excuse to opt out? Well, we shall see. We will see whether, as some commentators have observed, he is a "clown", "buffoon" or "carny barker" - OR if he is a genuinely serious person who is capable of answering serious questions, as opposed to turning them into jokes.
The questions for the illustrious pastor are as follows. We will even be generous enough to let him use crib notes....errr....google answers...should he need to!
We will give him a full two days to respond, else conclude these questions are beyond him and while he may "dish it out" he can't "take it".
1- How (and WHERE) did your evangelical religion (cult?) originate? When exactly did it start? With WHOM ?(Person ) - Note: "Jesus" is not an acceptable response. (Since Catholics will say the same thing) We want the HUMAN founder of your religion!
2- Suppose Catholicism is not a Christian religion(as you claim), but if we go by the logical premise that an effect E must FOLLOW a source or cause C, e.g. C-> E, then explain please how your religion can be “Christian” if Catholicism isn’t, since yours spun off from it. (No reference to any bibles since Catholics wrote the earliest forms! No evangels were around then)
3- Given knowledge of a thing implies epistemology, and epistemology requires necessary and sufficient conditions be given, what are they for the “God” you believe in?
4- If you refuse to give the knowledge basis for your deity (in n-s conditions at least) please explain how we atheists are supposed to address your queries about our “knowledge” of it(including denial of such), if you refuse to supply the knowledge basis?
5- If God is everywhere and “all powerful” why did he refuse (or was unable) to save 6 million Jews from Hitler’s gas chambers?
6- HOW do you explain the fact that the cytochrome-c protein sequence is identical in apes and humans?
7- What OTHER explanation would you give that isn’t based on common descent and explain how it works.
8- You assert you are not an “animal”. Then are you saying humans aren’t animals? If so, why do we have all the same organs, digestive, reproductive, etc. of our primate cousins (apes, monkeys etc.) who ARE animals? If humans are not mammals then what are they?
9- You claim you have a soul. How do you KNOW? Where is it? Prove that you do.
10- Have you ever read an actual ATHEIST book (not a book by a theist-evangelist etc. about atheists)? If not, how can you claim to know what atheists actually accept, or not? (All you have is hearsay! )
11- Have you actually read a book on evolution – BY an evolutionary biologist, or even Darwin’s Origin of Species? If not, how can you claim that you know what evolution is really about?
12- Have you taken Copernicus’ earlier test to qualify for discussing evolution -to prove you know what you are talking about when you discuss it? If not, why not?
13- Can you distinguish an agnostic theist from an agnostic atheist? Can you distinguish an agnostic atheist, from an implicit atheist?
14- In fifteen words or less please describe what you understand by the “Big Bang”.
15- If there were no Big Bang, how do you explain the existence of the 2.7 K cosmic background radiation which is exactly at the temperature one would expect (from thermal physics) if the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago – cooling to 2.7 K.
16- How do you explain the expansion of the universe based on red shifts measurement if there was no Big Bang?
17. Do you grasp the concept of half-life, critical to radiocarbon dating? Let's see: If a half gram of a radio-isotope decays to 0.25 gram in 182.5 days, what will it decay to in two years?
The questions for the illustrious pastor are as follows. We will even be generous enough to let him use crib notes....errr....google answers...should he need to!
We will give him a full two days to respond, else conclude these questions are beyond him and while he may "dish it out" he can't "take it".
1- How (and WHERE) did your evangelical religion (cult?) originate? When exactly did it start? With WHOM ?(Person ) - Note: "Jesus" is not an acceptable response. (Since Catholics will say the same thing) We want the HUMAN founder of your religion!
2- Suppose Catholicism is not a Christian religion(as you claim), but if we go by the logical premise that an effect E must FOLLOW a source or cause C, e.g. C-> E, then explain please how your religion can be “Christian” if Catholicism isn’t, since yours spun off from it. (No reference to any bibles since Catholics wrote the earliest forms! No evangels were around then)
3- Given knowledge of a thing implies epistemology, and epistemology requires necessary and sufficient conditions be given, what are they for the “God” you believe in?
4- If you refuse to give the knowledge basis for your deity (in n-s conditions at least) please explain how we atheists are supposed to address your queries about our “knowledge” of it(including denial of such), if you refuse to supply the knowledge basis?
5- If God is everywhere and “all powerful” why did he refuse (or was unable) to save 6 million Jews from Hitler’s gas chambers?
6- HOW do you explain the fact that the cytochrome-c protein sequence is identical in apes and humans?
7- What OTHER explanation would you give that isn’t based on common descent and explain how it works.
8- You assert you are not an “animal”. Then are you saying humans aren’t animals? If so, why do we have all the same organs, digestive, reproductive, etc. of our primate cousins (apes, monkeys etc.) who ARE animals? If humans are not mammals then what are they?
9- You claim you have a soul. How do you KNOW? Where is it? Prove that you do.
10- Have you ever read an actual ATHEIST book (not a book by a theist-evangelist etc. about atheists)? If not, how can you claim to know what atheists actually accept, or not? (All you have is hearsay! )
11- Have you actually read a book on evolution – BY an evolutionary biologist, or even Darwin’s Origin of Species? If not, how can you claim that you know what evolution is really about?
12- Have you taken Copernicus’ earlier test to qualify for discussing evolution -to prove you know what you are talking about when you discuss it? If not, why not?
13- Can you distinguish an agnostic theist from an agnostic atheist? Can you distinguish an agnostic atheist, from an implicit atheist?
14- In fifteen words or less please describe what you understand by the “Big Bang”.
15- If there were no Big Bang, how do you explain the existence of the 2.7 K cosmic background radiation which is exactly at the temperature one would expect (from thermal physics) if the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago – cooling to 2.7 K.
16- How do you explain the expansion of the universe based on red shifts measurement if there was no Big Bang?
17. Do you grasp the concept of half-life, critical to radiocarbon dating? Let's see: If a half gram of a radio-isotope decays to 0.25 gram in 182.5 days, what will it decay to in two years?
18. If- as you claim- God is "infinite" - meaning everywhere or omni-present, then please explain how "Hell" can exist? If God is truly infinite there can't be any leftover "space" for anything else. Otherwise, he isn't truly infinite - only finite. SO, are you saying Hell exists as PART of GOD? If not, exactly what are you saying and WHERE is Hell?
19. If as you claim, "Satan" is real and not part of the reptilian brain stem or paleo-cortex then where is he as an actual independent entity? Where do we look? (Note: saying "other humans" is not any kind of answer- just "demonization")
20. If you accept the "legal definition" of "adult" then why don't you also accept the legal definition of a person, for legal homicide? Thus, if a pregnant woman is killed, the murder is only counted once, not twice in nearly 99.9999% of jurisdictions in this country.
We will await with bated breath Mike's answers, assuming he even knows half of the terms used in the questions. OR- mayhap he will just reply "KISS" in all the answers. We will see!
We will await with bated breath Mike's answers, assuming he even knows half of the terms used in the questions. OR- mayhap he will just reply "KISS" in all the answers. We will see!
Good luck Copernicus on the pastor's response to the questions you just posted for him. I think, no, I know, any answer will be filled with just more bible quotes.
I saw your pastor brothers latest post on his website today, again babbling about your answers being too simple. See what I mean, he doesn't know what he wants from you. First your answers are too long or too in-depth for him. Now he gripes about them being too simple in answer.
You can't explain anything to him because he's simply a simpleton. He's too brainwashed in his way of thinking, and there is no logic in any of his answers. What he calls faith is merely a cop-out. I'm sure those nazi concentration camp victims had loads of faith, but like you said Copernicus, what good did it do them. I suppose the 6 million who died were all sinners and somehow deserved to be ignored, including the little children and babies.
It seems the pastor's god wants to pick and choose those he wants to help, and it also seems the pastor's god only wants to deal with the more trivial matters in a persons life, excluding mass murders of innocents. That doesn't sound like an "all powerfull entity" to me. His god will help him get a passing grade on his bible class, but to hell with stopping an innocent person getting killed by some nut case. No logic, doesn't make sense. If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true. This goes for gods that don't exist.
Look, I will lay on 1 million to one odds that Pastor Beavis and Butthead won't even get past question 2. Anyone to bet? Anyone? If anyone will lay a buck on it, I will pay up $1 million IF this phony pastor can make it all the way through with NO tricks, gags, jokes. snide remarks, mockery OR KJV references!
He can't! You know he can't! The best this guy can do is maybe answer one or two 5th grade questions ('Does the Moon shine at night?' from Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?) But this stuff here is in the big leagues!
Copernicus, without him firing a shot (answer) you've basically proven he can ask (mostly dumb) questions but doesn't know how to answer any smart uestions.....because....well....how to put it?
Caleb Shay wrote:
"Look, I will lay on 1 million to one odds that Pastor Beavis and Butthead won't even get past question 2. Anyone to bet? Anyone? "
Heck, I will bet! That's a gimme bet, I mean $1 fir $1 million?
Of course he will or should be able to get to Q.3. If not, I will be sadly disappointed- not so much in losing a buck to you, as in actually overestimating my brother's intellectual capabilities.
As he ought to know, scribbling out your own questions is fine, but you have to be able to answer others' questions too.
We will see. Hold that bet. At least for two days!
Caleb Shay wrote:
"Look, I will lay on 1 million to one odds that Pastor Beavis and Butthead won't even get past question 2. Anyone to bet? Anyone? "
Heck, I will bet! That's a gimme bet, I mean $1 fir $1 million?
Of course he will or should be able to get to Q.3. If not, I will be sadly disappointed- not so much in losing a buck to you, as in actually overestimating my brother's intellectual capabilities.
As he ought to know, scribbling out your own questions is fine, but you have to be able to answer others' questions too.
We will see. Hold that bet. At least for two days!
Do you guys really think that lame pastor is going to answer anything? All of these questions are at least 75 points beyond his IQ to answer! He doesn't have the moxie or even basic brains to answer 10, far less 20!
LOOK at his blog! He's a buffoon! All he does is make sport and jokes! He isn't capable of a single serious thought, so I have to conclude he isn't serious about his faith, that he has a soul, that there's a Hell or anything else.
You'll wait for this bozo to answer until hell freezes over.
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