I realize that from time to time I have openly bashed Millennials -such as Abby Huntsman and "Kennedy" - mainly for being uninformed, clueless twits when they spout off on things they don't know - such as Huntsman on Social Security and Kennedy on global warming. At the same time it is important to give recognition to those Millennials who have demonstrated not only political insight and savvy but moxy in speaking truth to misplaced power.
Chloe Hough merits all kudos, for taking down congenital asshole and social justice antagonist, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. This is the knuckle dragging fool who actually proposed a law to prevent food stamp beneficiaries from enjoying any bit of pleasure with their SNAP monies. In other words, he's a turd and troglodyte - e.g.
But few may know that Brownback (who, god forbid, may actually be a distant cousin of mine as wifey in her ancestry.com research has turned up "Brownbacks" on the Stahl family tree in Kansas) has even dug his state into further backward holes. This concerns education funding.
Brownback has now imposed public education cuts, which saving he plans to use to help fill the massive revenue shortfalls created by his income tax cuts for the wealthy. Under a block-grant funding scheme Brownback signed into law this winter, school district such as Topeka's are slated to lose $3.6 million in funding this year and over the next two years. This feral scheme - which could only have been conceived by a jackal - jeopardizes a wide array of academic and extracurricular offerings; e.g. for Topeka High students. Thus, athletics programs, arts education, and foreign language courses could be on the chopping block. Other districts have cut short their school years; still others warn they may not have enough toilet paper to last out the school year. (Or they may have to ask students to bring their own)
Enter now a politically educated millennial waitress named Chloe Hough who sparked a viral Internet sensation over the weekend after a chance encounter with Brownback. Working her last-ever shift at Boss Hawg’s, a popular Topeka barbecue joint, the 22-year-old posted on Facebook Saturday night:
“You guys 911 emergency: It’s my last shift and I am waiting on our governor. What should I say to him. This is not a test. Go.”
Her ultimate decision? On the line where customers typically include a tip, Hough marked a big “X,” writing alongside it, “Tip the schools.” A message to the dimwit, knuckle dragging Sammie that she was onto him and his scheme to bleed schools dry while filling the coffers of the rich. (A scheme, btw, cooked up by the reprobate Koch brothers who are funding Brownback. Again, difficult to process this maggot may be a distant relation!)
Officially, Brownback’s office has yet to comment, however it probably gave the indirect 'go ahead' to the egomaniacal director of the Kansas Republican Party, who denounced Hough’s “arrogant stupidity” on Monday. Now, imagine that it's bad enough a craven political shill like Brownback would attempt this school fund cutting scheme - and not even have the cojones to directly respond to her. Instead the twerp sends this "director" on a fool's errand to complain about Chloe's "arrogant stupidity" when she was in fact a voting citizen speaking truth to power! The pseudo-director is the one with the arrogant stupidity here because his little political peons only serve at the behest of the voter's will, voters like Chloe.
In a recent interview with Salon.com she was asked: Why education?
Her response:
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