And for that reason alone, I believe all repuke voters and those tending that direction, ought to give my illustrious bible-pounding bro some consideration. I mean, hell, if we're going to enjoin candidates who travel and trade in 'la'la' land theories and whacknut, conspiratoid conjectures, why not go the whole hog as they say? Why settle for just 'the Donald' when my bro is clearly available and wants the job? (Well, I'm not sure any atheists like me want him in the job, nor would we necessarily be able to ensure his safety from our brethren if elected). Anyway, for the sake of some light comedy here is his "platform":
"ANY American born citizen , with NO criminal record , would be allowed to carry any firearm(s) of their choosing in any way they so choose - and anywhere they so choose - no permit would be required! Just produce your VALID USA BIRTH CERTIFICATE and a criminal background check conducted by any law enforcement agency .
- I would allow states to bring back the REAL chain-gangs in their prisons , as well as going back to HARD LABOR - LITERALLY for the CONVICTS ! There would be NO tv , radios , free college , certain types of "religious" meals , etc. If the convicts didn't like their bread and water or the occasional bologna and cheese sandwiches and wanted to go on a hunger strike - FINE! When they die , it'll be just one less miscreant to care for , hence , saving that state $$$
- I would abolish "Affirmative Action" as well as all other RACIST programs. As I said before , all they do is move discrimination from one class of people to another!
- Gays / lesbians would NOT be allowed in the U.S. Military - and if already in and found out - they would receive a DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE with loss of ALL veterans benefits! Ditto with ATHEISTS!
- Women in the military would NOT serve in combat!
- ALL atheists would be required to register with the FBI and CIA , and their pictures , home addresses and phone numbers would be made available on the I-net - just like convicted child molesters. And.. if they lied about their atheism and were later found out , it would be considered TREASON , hence...they can get ready to meet SATAN in HELL!!
Did I miss anything , my friends? As I said , the above are not all-inclusive. So , if any of you TRUE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS have any other suggestions , by all means let me know."
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