Wearing any of these despicable masks will get a kid a Granny Smith green apple, nothing more.
No - there will be NO candy or other sugary goodies for any kid who shows up tonight in a Donald Trump mask. There will be a "treat" of sorts (recommended by a good friend): a nice green, Granny Smith apple. This is the same approach I used some years ago for kids wearing racist Obama masks, e.g.

but for different reasons.Why a kid would choose such a mask instead of a zombie, dinosaur, Frankenstein or demon, is beyond me.
But maybe the kid perhaps believes Donald Trump's visage is scarier than any 'Walking Dead" zombie's or a Satan mask. Or maybe a parent (Trumpie) thought it'd be cool to "scare the libtards" with a Trump mask. No, not cool, not a good idea.
We already see this depraved beast and man -baby con man defiling the office and the nation at large. An oozing pustule on the U.S. body politic, contaminating the public airwaves every night on the news. So we don't need to see a facsimile of the orange bastard on a kid's face for Halloween.. As psychiatrist Allen Francis writes in his book, 'Twilight of American Sanity' (p. 35):
"Trump's peevish truculence, previously confined to reality TV shows, temper tantrums at business meetings, and petty feuds....is now destabilizing the world."
So we don't need a Trump mask to also destabilize the kid world of 'Trick or Treat' which ought to be totally apolitical.
Look, this is simple and basically common sense. There are aesthetic and moral limits to the Halloween costumes that can be tolerated and accepted. Further, education concerning what is appropriate needs to be an integral part of the event. This also goes far beyond the meme of "political correctness" which is mocked these days even when it's blatantly over extended into areas pertaining to civility, and plain old common sense.
With that in mind here's a list of Halloween costumes which merit a Granny Smith green apple, should trick or treaters show up in any of them. Those appearing with good old fashioned, non-political costumes (i.e. devil, ape, zombie, etc.) get a bag filled with Reese's Pieces, M&Ms, Snickers, and Nestles Crunch mini (2 oz.) bars.
1) Barack Obama rodeo clown mask: Absolutely not, no way and no how. Besides, it's not even funny but merely a sneaky way to mock our first African -American President. I already explained all of this in a previous blog post, http://brane-space.blogspot.com/2013/08/good-riddance-to-obama-rodeo-clown.html
2) Blackface: This is a more generic extension of (1) given it mocks African Americans in general. People need to know, however that , blackface was developed in the country's primitive early social era barely five decades after the Civil War as a form of "entertainment". Sadly, despite supposedly having entered a more refined and civilized era, it remains a perennial favorite among both intentional and accidental racists. For those in need of some education before you don it, here is a handy flowchart in case you need further guidance on the subject.
3) Adolf Hitler: Jeebus, this ought to go without saying, no? Especially in the full array, as decked out in the official Führer uniform, i.e.

4) Donald J. Trump, Second only to Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin (I rank them co-equal 1s) in manifest evil. So just as I'd not tolerate a Hitler mask I'd not tolerate one bearing the face of the most malignant criminal, con man, traitor and demagogue to ever foul the office of the presidency.
5) 'The Joker' - This was the get up mass killer James Eagen Holmes' used in his murderous assault on an Aurora, CO theater in July 2012. It's now had a new iteration in a new movie entitled 'Joker' but people here in Colorado are still sensitive to the subtext and message and don't want reminding. Just as theaters have barred patrons in masks from entry so many of my neighbors don't want to see kids coming down the cul-de-sac with such masks to their doors. Fortunately, the costumes-masks were relatively rare - let's hope they remain that way. People here in Colorado don't need to be reminded of that tragedy
6) Anna Rexia: Lol. Get it? A personification of Anorexia, a high fave of teen girls over the years. Sorry to suck the fun out of your pun, chickies, but eating disorders are never sexy, nor are they something to be mocked — same goes for any other illness or disorder.
7) The Human Centipede: Fortunately, this one is rare - so unlikely to be seen anywhere in my burg - also, this place is far too conservative to remotely tolerate it so I probably don't have to worry about it. Compared to the real-life horrors cited above, dressing up as the Human Centipede, the horror film machination of humans stitched together from mouth-to-anus, is hardly the most offensive costume. But it’s still really gross- and isn't one to be rewarded.
Have fun, get the kids outside - as opposed to keeping 'em corralled merely at house parties or Malls- but know what costumes are appropriate and what are not. And remember: political correctness has value - despite some of Bill Maher's objections - in the promotion and service of moral consciousness and the cultivation of a moral compass!
See also:
How Halloween makes kids more monstrous
American Chemical Society Investigates How Much Ha...
7) The Human Centipede: Fortunately, this one is rare - so unlikely to be seen anywhere in my burg - also, this place is far too conservative to remotely tolerate it so I probably don't have to worry about it. Compared to the real-life horrors cited above, dressing up as the Human Centipede, the horror film machination of humans stitched together from mouth-to-anus, is hardly the most offensive costume. But it’s still really gross- and isn't one to be rewarded.
Have fun, get the kids outside - as opposed to keeping 'em corralled merely at house parties or Malls- but know what costumes are appropriate and what are not. And remember: political correctness has value - despite some of Bill Maher's objections - in the promotion and service of moral consciousness and the cultivation of a moral compass!
See also:
How Halloween makes kids more monstrous
American Chemical Society Investigates How Much Ha...
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