Matt Gaetz - today and some years earlier in a (Ft. Walton Beach) FLA mugshot for a DUI . This former criminal was the leader of the House GOP rabble that violated the law in "storming" the House Committee Deposition room.
It was a scene right out of a grade Z political thriller - with a gaggle of white boys in suits trying to storm a House Committee security site (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility). Except all the storming morons turned out to be pathetic clowns - in the words of Donny Deutsch this a.m. on 'Morning Joe'. The pack was led by FLA scofflaw Matt Gaetz. Given the stunt was a lawless act in that it violated all security protocols for depositions - it is no surprise that a lawless punk would have led it.

Scene of House Reeptards halting impeachment inquiry yesterday with their lawless PR stunt.
Why do this? Because the Reeptardo defenders of Trump - as well as Captain Bonespurs himself- are running out of options and this is all they have left. Lawless acts from a lawless party. So given that they can no longer block decent civil servants from the State Dept. from appearing (as Trump could block his own staff and even former staff- like the coward Don McGahn) they are left to squawk bullshit (this is a "kangaroo court", "no transparency" blah blah) - when they had the same conditions for the Benghazi hearings. So all they can do is disrupt which is what we beheld yesterday, and on orders from Traitor Trump. A human rat who now finds himself being more cornered each day as the impeachment box gets more confining.
As proof of my contention, the Reeptard criminals who "stormed" the closed-door committee hearing on Capitol Hill- disrupted a crucial deposition related to the Ukraine controversy. This came a day after devastating testimony from a key diplomat, William Taylor. These hypocritical asswipes can sure dish it out - like they did with Benghazi - but they can't take it. Nor are these dolts even aware of the law and yesterday, as Rep. Steny Hoyer noted, that they were perfectly entitled to have 47 LEGITIMATE members in on the Committee hearing. But they chose to raise a ruckus via non-members, for which the Sergeant -at -arms had to be called to frog march their asses out.
This is what it's come to in Donald Trump's America, including now an MLB moron umpire (Rob Drake) evidently calling for "Cival war" in a tweet:
"I will be buying an AR-15 tomorrow, because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL (sic) WAR!!! #MAGA2020”
Oh wow, I'm shaking. Maybe you ought to learn how to spell before you tweet such hyperbolic threats, you effing twit.
See e.g.
No, folks, you cannot make this shit up. The loony tunes are loose in the land and it'll get worse as we head for public hearings, the actual impeachment and the Senate trial of this misbegotten monster who has got two fifths of the nation mind -fucked by his antics and tweets. Rob Drake is a classic case, and I'm sure there are millions more as feeble-minded and FOX-ite gullible like this mutt.
As for yesterday's events the ensuing chaos and confusion temporarily shut down the proceedings before the three House committees leading the impeachment inquiry called in the law. (Sergeant -at -Arms) This as scofflaw Republicans tweeted updates of the disruption from their cellphones, which are not permitted in classified areas. Their presence in the chamber reportedly erupted into yelling matches with committee members.
It all began when Gaetz, the top criminal trespasser- and one of Trump’s closest allies on Capitol Hill (meaning one of the the most pronounced ass lickers), tweeted this garbage:
“BREAKING: I led over 30 of my colleagues into the SCIF where Adam Schiff is holding secret impeachment depositions. Still inside – more details to come,”
His PR stunt tweet referred to secured areas of the Capitol known as Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, or SCIFs, and Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House intelligence committee leading the Trump-Ukraine impeachment inquiry, properly blasted the invasion.
The Republicans who led the protest do not sit on the committees involved in the impeachment inquiry – Intelligence, Oversight and Reform, and Foreign Affairs – and are not permitted to attend. Members of those committees already include Republican members of Congress, as well as Democrats, and both parties attend and ask questions at the hearings, whether public or, as in this case, closed to the public and the press.
The GOP criminals who invaded the SCIF Wednesday sought to attack the inquiry on procedural grounds, objecting to the private nature of the hearings and demanding access to the full breadth of the testimony that has rattled Washington in recent weeks. But they are not processing that the hearings are like a grand jury proceeding and hence not open to the public. As noted in the most recent NY Times editorial:
"The House’s impeachment inquiry is not a trial. It is more akin to a grand jury proceeding, where information is gathered and considered for the purposes of handing up an indictment. Any trial would be held in the Senate, with Mr. Trump represented by lawyers able to make all the substantive and process challenges he likes."
So the Reeptards will have to wait to have their say and that will be either when the public open hearings begin, or with the Senate trial. And in any case, much of the testimony has been made public, and news reports confirm key elements of a whistleblower complaint that set in motion the impeachment inquiry. But maybe - like Trump- the House Reeptards hate reading. Who knows?
Showing they are fecal swine as well as scofflaws, the invading Reeps remained in the hearing room into the early afternoon and even ordered pizza and fast food. They then left half-eaten pizzas lying around with the boxes full of residue. A clean up team had to come in further delaying the deposition of Laura Cooper, a top Pentagon official who oversees Ukraine policy.
Stay tuned, as the noose tightens around Trump's orange neck there will be more desperate episodes to come.
See also:
Donald Trump
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