An ISIS bomb goes off in Kurdish-held city of Qamishli soon after Trump's withdrawal of U.S. forces.
"In the coming months we''re going to see mammoth ethnic cleansing...This is a humanitarian and national security disaster caused by the president of the United States." - Ret. General Barry McCaffrey on MSNBC this morning.
"The only thing as remarkable as the scale of this catastrophe Trump initiated in Syria is that he made the decision himself over just about everyone's objection - and at the behest of another authoritarian leader. The GOP has to wake up to the danger, he poses to our national security." - Ben Rhodes, former national security officer, on MSNBC this a.m.
As reported in the NY Times the besieged Iraqi Kurds have now made an alliance with Syria's Bashar al Assad and his Russian backed regime, no thanks to traitor Trump leaving them in the lurch. As we read in the Times:
"Kurdish forces long allied with the United States in Syria announced a new deal on Sunday with the government in Damascus, a sworn enemy of Washington that is backed by Russia, as Turkish troops moved deeper into their territory ..The Kurds’ deal with Damascus paved the way for government forces to return to the country’s northeast for the first time in years to try to repel a Turkish invasion launched after the Trump administration pulled American troops out of the way. The pullout has already unleashed chaos and bloodletting."
The Turkish aggression has also allowed hundreds of ISIS rats to escape and as we read also in the Times: "In the mayhem, more than 500 of them escaped"
"Since the Turkish incursion began on Wednesday, ISIS has claimed responsibility for at least two attacks in Syria: One car bomb in the northern city of Qamishli and another on an international military base outside Hasaka, a regional capital further to the south."
Let's please further note that Trump’s decision – allowing Turkey to invade areas previously protected by the U..S and controlled by a Kurdish-dominated coalition known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – took almost everyone involved in the Syrian conflict by surprise. Indeed, The Wall Street Journal reported that a commander of the Kurdish force that spearheaded the fight against Isis stormed out of a meeting with the Americans after declaring: “You sold us out!”
Which ought to also be a fair warning to all Trump's brain-jacked zombie followers who somehow believe he's in their corner and he's their personal "hammer" "against the Democrats, liberals, 'Deep State' enemies, socialists" etc. No he isn't, and at the right time he will ditch these loopy assholes like he betrayed the Kurds. WSJ columist Peggy Noonan in her most recent contribution clearly doesn't buy his base is so dumb, writing:
"The president is misreading his base, which will have qualms. Their sons and daughters fought in the wars, they know who the Kurds are."
Yeah, well maybe not, or maybe they have short memories. How else explain how thousands of them cheered when he again announced his fell decision at his Minnesota rally? Miss Peggy ought to know the only one this orange baboon gives two shits about is himself- and his base - most of which is perfectly okay with that. So long as he makes the ''snowflakes' cringe and cry, of course!
The Kurdish-dominated local forces, after Trump's ordered withdrawal, quickly saw they faced certain genocide by the same bunch of barbaric cretins who nearly exterminated the Armenians nearly 100 years ago. So they had no choice other than to look for allies elsewhere, and they found a powerful one in Bashar al Assad's Syrian Army. Thank Trump for that, and also now for helping the Turks to unleash a new round of ISIS terror. Some people really want to re-elect this piece of shit, e.g. instead of a liberal Dem? If so, they need committing to a nuthouse
Why has Trump unleashed this new hell in the Middle East, after first scuttling the Iran nuclear deal, paving the way for the Iranians to work on their own bomb again? Because he's an autocrat and loves fellow autocrats, like Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Let's also bear in mind he has a Trump Tower in Istanbul he needs to see finished to rake in more $$$. Probably he needs to use it to bribe other world leaders to try to dig up dirt on his Dem political opponents.
Trump claimed his decision to pull American troops out of the way of the Turkish advance was part of his effort to extricate the United States from “endless wars” in the Middle East and elsewhere.
“The Kurds and Turkey have been fighting for many years,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday.
But this is a pile of horse manure of the type you'd expect from a guy who thrives on such. As any serious military person (ike Ret. Gen. Barry McCaffrey) could have told him, there's a right and wrong way to disengage from a conflict and the wrong way is to leave your allies high and dry to promote your own transactional agenda.
Le't's also recall the non sequitur excuse this Orange A-hole stated days ago "The Kurds never helped us in Normandy!" Again disclosing what an unfit, deranged narcissist ignoramus we have as a leader. One who will now be directly responsible for the rebirth of ISIS, the resurgence of terror around the globe and the absolute horror and disbelief of our allies - who will no longer be able to trust anything we say or do or promise . Not so long as the putrid pestilence Donald J. Trump fouls the office of the presidency. In this regard WSJ columnist Noonan was likely correct when she wrote (ibid.):
"The Syrian decision contributes to the hardened impression that in foreign policy he's all impulse, blithely operating out of his depth. It adds to the hardening suspicion he's not actually tough, he'll say yes to a lot of things- and some bad things - to get the deal, the triumphant handshake"
Which, truth be told, is a lot more generous take than the one I'd offer. That he's a spineless, no count charlatan, criminal and con man who'd sell anyone out for a dime if he could benefit.
His collected poltroons who follow his every command without a hint of spine are equally bad.
One only needed to see the level of obsequiousness and posturing on display yesterday, e.g. from Defense Secretary Mark Esper, which was enough to make a real patriot puke. When Face the Nation anchor Margaret Brennan asked this toady what choice the Kurds had other than to align with the Syrian regime (that or be slaughtered), the weasel Espy replied:
"The Kurds have been very good partners in the de-Isis campaign and on the battlefield. But at the same time we didn't sign up to fight the Turks on their behalf".
No, sonny, but you sure as hell copped to Dotard's order to amscray the region - leaving the Kurds exposed to the Turks barbaric atrocities, butchery and mayhem. You are, in effect, accessories to the genocide and terrorism likely to ensue.
As for Trump's "sanctions" announced after blowback from starting this clusterfuck, don't make me laugh. All that has happened is that Turkey has doubled down in its invasion and atrocities. And threatening Turkey with tariffs is even more of a joke - all posturing and BS from the traitor vermin we have leading this nation right into the mire. Indeed, when I watched Pence bloviating these threats I nearly spit up my coffee. I am sure Erdoğan did the same - Turkish coffee, that is..
See also:Le't's also recall the non sequitur excuse this Orange A-hole stated days ago "The Kurds never helped us in Normandy!" Again disclosing what an unfit, deranged narcissist ignoramus we have as a leader. One who will now be directly responsible for the rebirth of ISIS, the resurgence of terror around the globe and the absolute horror and disbelief of our allies - who will no longer be able to trust anything we say or do or promise . Not so long as the putrid pestilence Donald J. Trump fouls the office of the presidency. In this regard WSJ columnist Noonan was likely correct when she wrote (ibid.):
"The Syrian decision contributes to the hardened impression that in foreign policy he's all impulse, blithely operating out of his depth. It adds to the hardening suspicion he's not actually tough, he'll say yes to a lot of things- and some bad things - to get the deal, the triumphant handshake"
Which, truth be told, is a lot more generous take than the one I'd offer. That he's a spineless, no count charlatan, criminal and con man who'd sell anyone out for a dime if he could benefit.
His collected poltroons who follow his every command without a hint of spine are equally bad.
One only needed to see the level of obsequiousness and posturing on display yesterday, e.g. from Defense Secretary Mark Esper, which was enough to make a real patriot puke. When Face the Nation anchor Margaret Brennan asked this toady what choice the Kurds had other than to align with the Syrian regime (that or be slaughtered), the weasel Espy replied:
"The Kurds have been very good partners in the de-Isis campaign and on the battlefield. But at the same time we didn't sign up to fight the Turks on their behalf".
No, sonny, but you sure as hell copped to Dotard's order to amscray the region - leaving the Kurds exposed to the Turks barbaric atrocities, butchery and mayhem. You are, in effect, accessories to the genocide and terrorism likely to ensue.
As for Trump's "sanctions" announced after blowback from starting this clusterfuck, don't make me laugh. All that has happened is that Turkey has doubled down in its invasion and atrocities. And threatening Turkey with tariffs is even more of a joke - all posturing and BS from the traitor vermin we have leading this nation right into the mire. Indeed, when I watched Pence bloviating these threats I nearly spit up my coffee. I am sure Erdoğan did the same - Turkish coffee, that is..
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