"Ummmm....let's see, what more dopey crap can I write as a proper cockroach on the Wall Street Journal's op-ed staff? Oh yeah, let me go after Mueller, Emmet Sullivan and unmasking Flynn again!"
"Trump and his followers have been routinely advocating the jailing of Trump's political opponents without an investigation, criminal charges, trial or conviction by a jury of their peers. This is the way fascist dictators dispose of their political opposition."= Lucian K. Truscott IV, smirkingchimp.com
The hysteria about Michael Flynn and his "unmasking" - displayed openly in the WSJ's op-ed pages the past week - provides a graphic insight into full blown collective madness. (So one can grasp why all these WSJ op-ed stooges are likely on opioids or MJ candy). Start off with Dan Henninger ('The Flynn Debuachery', May 14, p. A13) who insists "a low grade mistake by Mr. Flynn got built into a high stakes prosecution." Not so!
In fact, the report from the FBI interview, known as the FBI 302, showed clearly Flynn was not coerced in any way, and further was given every chance to take an honorable out. To that end during the interview the agents gave Flynn every opportunity to come clean, even parroting back his own words to try to jog his memory. But Flynn insisted on lying about his conversations with the Russian ambassador Kislyak - regarding U.S. sanctions and a UN vote. Giiven the FBI had intercepts of the phone conversations the FBI couldn't help but notice they conflicted with the public account.
What's more, the statement filed at the time of Flynn's guilty plea showed Flynn coordinated the substance of his calls to Kislyak with a senior member of the Trump transition team. A collusion no brainer, hell a conspiracy no brainer.
To jog our own memories, let's recall the Flynn case grew out of phone calls he made to Sergey Kislyak in the final days of 2016, asking that Moscow please refrain from retaliating after the Obama administration imposed sanctions on Russia for interfering in the election. The conversations were captured on routine wiretaps of Kislyak and triggered concern among FBI agents investigating Flynn once they learned of them.
And despite all the hubbub about "unmasking" the poor Flynn, or Carter Page, let's please get a grip. In reality. According to the WSJ's main news section piece on it yesterday (p. A3, 'Unmasking Requests Released') :
"Unmasking U.S. identities in intelligence reports occurs thousands of times annually, according to statistics maintained by the Office of the Director Of National Intelligence."
Henninger like his deranged WSJ colleagues: Kim Strassel ('The Mueller Coverup', May 8, p. A13), and Holman Jenkins Jr. ('What The FBI Is Covering Up', p. A13, May 13) as well as the WSJ editors ('The Flynn Unmaskers, Unmasked', p. A14, May 14, 'All The Schiff Transcripts', May 14, 'Judge Sullivan's Bad Judgment', May 14) fairly screeches detachment from the world of facts and realty at every turn. For example, 'Henny' barking:
"What's striking is the lack of remorse across the Washington establishment. Unapologetic arrogance on this scale suggests that unmaskings, intelligence abuses and leaks are likely to return as off the books weapons against individuals disliked by the government bureaucracies."
Oh, you mean shifty traitors like Flynn who tried to make side deals with the Russkies before Obama's term had even ended? That who you mean, Henny?
Let's remind ourselves here, given the chaos of Trump World, that Flynn’s case grew out of phone calls he made to Sergey Kislyak in the final days of 2016, asking that Moscow refrain from retaliating after the Obama administration imposed sanctions on Russia as punishment for interfering in the election. The conversations were captured on routine wiretaps of Kislyak and prompted concern among the F.B.I. agents once they learned of them. Agents then began to suspect that Flynn was lying to other Trump officials about the phone calls and were concerned that he was a blackmail risk because Russia knew the truth of the calls
Henny's hysteria over unmasking (like that of the WSJ editors, and Holman Jenkins) might also have been allayed or diminished had he taken the time to read the main news page story about unmasking (p. A3, same date). Therein he'd have seen quotations on its importance from Michael Morrell - former acting director of the CIA:
"You can't do your job without it."
Adding that he used to make unmasking requests several times a month. Missed by these nattering WSJ nabobs too is that unmasking would be a veritable requirement once conversations had also been intercepted by foreign intelligence sources, like the GCHQ in the UK.
Meanwhile, 'deep state' fetishist Kim Strassel, having wallowed in her own form of conspiracy paranoia (cited earlier), is outraged that the FBI entered on the basis of Flynn "engaging in conversations with Russian government officials" like it's just a day at the office. She even expresses passing umbrage at the potential invocation of the Logan Act of 1799, "a law that's never been used to convict an American". Well, maybe it was never officially needed before, Kim. She also carps about the "rarely enforced" Foreign Agents Registration Act - as if it's merely on the books for decoration or to fill up space. But it all falls into place when you see her daft reference to Flynn's "supposed lies". No, Kim, they were REAL lies, about foreign influence on a top U.S. security asset - Flynn.
Today she did herself one better ('Barr vs. The Beltway', p. A15) barking as part of a long, unhinged rant:
"Instead of applauding Barr for divulging these facts, the Beltway has responded with ire. Mr. Barr's transparency threatens to reveal further that the Russia collusion narrative was pure fantasy...to expose how hatred of Donald Trump drove people in power to break rules and destroy norms."
Jeezus Peace! The harpy hack is yapping about "people in power" (in the Beltway) "breaking norms and rules" as if on another planet. So it's little wonder she appears to forget (perhaps in the same otherworldly MJ haze) that it was her master Trump who - on July 26, 2016- openly implored the Russians to hack Hillary's emails. In other words, openly pandering for the commission of the crime that occurred one day later- and set off this whole investigation of Donnie Bonespurs. In front of millions, the Orange Turd had baldly blurted:
"I will tell you this, Russia if you're listening, I hope that you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. You will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens."
So Trump, in full public view, asked Russia to hack his political opponent. Does Kim recall any of that? Evidently not. She only recalls the "breaking rules and destroying norms" she wants to recall. Or, the minimum needed to continue to peddle her Fusion GPS- Christopher Steele- Hillary- FBI conspiracy bunkum.
"The obvious problem with this theory is that it makes no sense. Remember this, during the campaign the only investigation that became public was the one regarding Hillary Clinton, which arguably lost her the election. But the FBI was investigating Trump at the very same time. No one uttered a word about it. If they were so desperate to bring Trump down you'd think someone would have said something. They didn't. So the whole conspiracy theory doesn't even hold together."
Now let us cut through all the other fulsome crap that Henny, Kim and Little Holman as well as the brain addled Journal editors have tried to hurl on the wall - hoping some sticks. They all appear to forget or ignore the 434-page report issued last year by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. It concluded the FBI had an “authorized purpose” when it initiated its investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, into the Trump campaign. In doing so, Horowitz implicitly rejected GOP assertions that the case was launched out of political animus, or that the FBI broke its own rules on using informants.
Strassel also lambasted Judge Sullivan in today's rant, declaring he had "decided to join the smear campaign against Mr. Barr." Actually, Kim, Judge Sullivan opted to be one of the few to stand up to Barr's effort to smear the rule of law and equal justice in this country. Can ya dig it? Well, perhaps not in that purple haze! Kim's other favorite target has been Christopher Steele and she defames him in her earlier (5/8) hack piece as well, blurting in a separate tirade therein:
"Colleagues of author Christopher Steele had warned the FBI of his poor judgment."
I suspect Kim dredged this tidbit up in the same opioid or MJ haze. that excited her ire against Judge Emmet Sullivan. But skewering her B.S. is a Financial Times account (Feb. 16, 2018) , that Steele was the "UK intelligence expert on Russia". It is, therefore, highly unlikely he'd be "fooled" by any kind of false intel or disinformation as Strassel seems to believe. Or that his judgment was in any way impaired or unsound. Indeed, James Nixey, the head of Chatham House's Russia and Eurasia program, informed the AP that sections of the dossier document created by Steele "read exactly as reports from the secret services".
Then there are the sad and sorry WSJ editors ('Judge Sullivan's Bad Judgment', yesterday) who are enraged that someone with principle would not kowtow to Trump's toady Barr. How dare Emmet Sullivan intervene when prosecutors said there was no crime! But Sullivan wasn't buying that recycled offal, and could smell a rat from a mile away when Barr intervened and did Trump's dirty work for him. Effectively trying to pardon Flynn so Trump wouldn't look bad doing it just before an election. Nice handoff if you can get it.
To justify its stupid stance the WSJ editors merely parrot Barr's codswallop that "Flynn's statements weren't criminal because the interview lacked any investigative legal basis". But it did and in spades, as numerous legal specialists (nearly 1,800 at last count) have pointed out.
The Journal's top twits had to also know that Flynn displayed a serious consciousness of his own guilt. He damned well knew what he was trying to set up with Kislyak was wrong and close to treason, however you cut it. (That Logan Act again!) Flynn himself pleaded guilty twice to lying to investigators as part of a larger inquiry into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election - and this was even after agents practically parroted his own original words back to him!
Heading into the sentencing hearing, Flynn was trying to have it both ways—obtaining credit for cooperation and acceptance of responsibility in hopes of a sentence of probation, while minimizing his own wrongdoing. Judge Sullivan would have none of it. He elicited from Flynn the admission that he knew it was a crime to lie to the FBI and his desire to proceed to sentencing rather than withdraw his guilty plea. Sullivan also spent much of the hearing
expressing his “disgust” and “disdain” for Flynn’s criminal conduct, saying that Flynn had “arguably sold [his] country out,” at one point even accusing Flynn of treason.
The Journal's goofballs can whine and cry all they want about Judge Sullivan's "bad judgment" but in fact it was fully justified after Barr's stunt. Given Barr and the DOJ are now "in bed" with Flynn, it makes eminent sense for Sullivan to enlist a third party to help determine how to navigate the legal morass Barr has created. After all, a level of judicial integrity and independence is at stake here, even if the WSJ's Trump minions can't see it, or acknowledge it. Thankfully, Judge Sullivan appointed John Gleeson to oppose the Justice Department’s nonsense.
The position will be as a kind of legal adviser to Sullivan, to wade through the reams of B.S. hurled into the pot by Barr and the DOJ. It is also certain to thrust Mr. Gleeson into an open confrontation with the bombastic baby in the WH and his dog whistle hostages, i.e. supporters. But make no mistake, Gleeson - as a former mob prosecutor - will be able to handle whatever Dotard barks out, even threats.
In the meantime, there is a method behind all this WSJ op ed madness: that is, the roaches incessantly hurling out their detritus are setting the table for a bogus claim to go after Obama and his whole "deep state" administration. So they hope that while the public is focusing on this distraction it will minimize Trump's colossal fail at handling the pandemic. Already, indeed, we hear and see the Dotard threatening the jailing of Joe Biden and of Obama himself, as David Plouffe noted last night on 'All In'. This in a cynical effort to create an "Obamagate" meme and likely October surprise.
No, folks, as I wrote many times before, you can't make this shit up. This is the political and health crisis we are in, and all we can hope to do is survive until we can get this Maggot out in November. In the meantime he will depend on his lapdogs, including FOX, the WSJ op-ed hacks, Barr, and now Lindsey Graham (who promises an Obama-ite investigation) to run interference for him by throwing up endless distracting smokescreens.
See also:
by P.M. Carpenter | May 15, 2020 - 6:17am | permalink
Conservatives ad the Right
by Amanda Marcotte | May 15, 2020 - 7:27am | permalink
The United States is a country to be pitied
To justify its stupid stance the WSJ editors merely parrot Barr's codswallop that "Flynn's statements weren't criminal because the interview lacked any investigative legal basis". But it did and in spades, as numerous legal specialists (nearly 1,800 at last count) have pointed out.
The Journal's top twits had to also know that Flynn displayed a serious consciousness of his own guilt. He damned well knew what he was trying to set up with Kislyak was wrong and close to treason, however you cut it. (That Logan Act again!) Flynn himself pleaded guilty twice to lying to investigators as part of a larger inquiry into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election - and this was even after agents practically parroted his own original words back to him!
Heading into the sentencing hearing, Flynn was trying to have it both ways—obtaining credit for cooperation and acceptance of responsibility in hopes of a sentence of probation, while minimizing his own wrongdoing. Judge Sullivan would have none of it. He elicited from Flynn the admission that he knew it was a crime to lie to the FBI and his desire to proceed to sentencing rather than withdraw his guilty plea. Sullivan also spent much of the hearing
expressing his “disgust” and “disdain” for Flynn’s criminal conduct, saying that Flynn had “arguably sold [his] country out,” at one point even accusing Flynn of treason.
The Journal's goofballs can whine and cry all they want about Judge Sullivan's "bad judgment" but in fact it was fully justified after Barr's stunt. Given Barr and the DOJ are now "in bed" with Flynn, it makes eminent sense for Sullivan to enlist a third party to help determine how to navigate the legal morass Barr has created. After all, a level of judicial integrity and independence is at stake here, even if the WSJ's Trump minions can't see it, or acknowledge it. Thankfully, Judge Sullivan appointed John Gleeson to oppose the Justice Department’s nonsense.
The position will be as a kind of legal adviser to Sullivan, to wade through the reams of B.S. hurled into the pot by Barr and the DOJ. It is also certain to thrust Mr. Gleeson into an open confrontation with the bombastic baby in the WH and his dog whistle hostages, i.e. supporters. But make no mistake, Gleeson - as a former mob prosecutor - will be able to handle whatever Dotard barks out, even threats.
In the meantime, there is a method behind all this WSJ op ed madness: that is, the roaches incessantly hurling out their detritus are setting the table for a bogus claim to go after Obama and his whole "deep state" administration. So they hope that while the public is focusing on this distraction it will minimize Trump's colossal fail at handling the pandemic. Already, indeed, we hear and see the Dotard threatening the jailing of Joe Biden and of Obama himself, as David Plouffe noted last night on 'All In'. This in a cynical effort to create an "Obamagate" meme and likely October surprise.
No, folks, as I wrote many times before, you can't make this shit up. This is the political and health crisis we are in, and all we can hope to do is survive until we can get this Maggot out in November. In the meantime he will depend on his lapdogs, including FOX, the WSJ op-ed hacks, Barr, and now Lindsey Graham (who promises an Obama-ite investigation) to run interference for him by throwing up endless distracting smokescreens.
See also:
by P.M. Carpenter | May 15, 2020 - 6:17am | permalink
Conservatives ad the Right
by Amanda Marcotte | May 15, 2020 - 7:27am | permalink
The United States is a country to be pitied
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