Would anyone really be surprised to learn Holman Jenkins Jr. is a lying sack of shit? Maybe not, but he is certainly a two -bit hack for the WSJ dubious op-ed pages, and his latest performance rivals those earlier ones I've referenced In the newest iteration of mendacity, Little Holman insists ('Disinfecting Journalistic Ethics', WSJ, May 6, p. A13) Trump never said anything about injecting disinfectant. It was the big bad lib media that put those words into his mouth, i.e. "this says more about the media than it does him". Not so fast, liar!. Specifically, Jenkins claims:
"It was a reporter in the audience who asked an accompanying official, 'The President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol. There's no scenario then that that could be injected into a person is there?"
Really? On replaying his performance, during a "briefing" (PR stunt) two weeks ago this is verbatim what Dotard said:
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
"So it'd be interesting to check that."
Pointing to his head, Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."
Clearly, as the bold print indicates Trump said it, not a "reporter in the audience" as Jenkins claims. The key words that betray Trump's idiocy and Jenkins' mendacity and yellow journalism?
" We can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
Check out the Chief Quack's words in this video for yourself:
How many different ways can that be interpreted anyway? Is a "reporter" asking a leading question or is Trump popping off on his own? Oh wait, it gets even more choice. To further obscure the issue Jenkins writes:
"The Poynter Institute's PolitiFact website kindly summarized: 'The briefing transcript shows that Trump did not say people should inject themselves with bleach or alcohol. He was asking officials whether they could be used in potential cures."
Yeah, ok. Trump never said 'people should inject themselves' BUT see, he used the word 'injection' in his question, i.e. 'We CAN DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT BY INJECTING INSIDE."
DOH! So given the manner in which he posed the question any reasonable person (whether a reporter or other) would believe he was advocating that 'cure', injection inside. In other words by implication - and given he's the president - the question was intended as deadly serious. So Little Holman Junior can't just shuck this one away like he does much of the op-ed offal he churns out. So the idea for proposing injection just didn't pop out of thin air! Never mind trying to parse the semantics.
But wait! There's more, maybe the third time's the charm as Jenkins scrawls this babble, basically an admission that Trump DID say what Jenkins denied:
"Abraham Lincoln waved off impromptu speaking saying a president couldn't afford to look foolish. That's not Donald Trump. Reporters have had four years to get used to his blurting out offhand, half-formed thoughts that even his fans don't take seriously."
Yeah, Holman, but see, the man - or clown - is using the most powerful bully pulpit on the planet. Also doing it in the context of a supposedly deadly serious briefing (with his Task Force present) to do with progress on the pandemic front. SO what? No one is supposed to take anything this asswit says seriously? Even in a supposedly serious briefing? Sorry, Mr. Bozo, you can't have it both ways. You can't on the one hand say the liberal media is not taking the fool seriously, then turn around and chide them for taking is words too seriously in a briefing on the pandemic.
Yet Holman is selling his bollocks because he's convinced most of his readers (likely Trumpistas to be sure) will never go back and check his actual words, say in a Youtube or other (network) video. If anyone with less than a Mensa IQ needed further corroboration one found in Dr. Deborah Birx pained expression as the Dotard uttered his cracked codswallop. E.g.

As Janice put it: "She almost looked like she was passing a kidney stone!"
There’s just one problem — there’s a video proving he’s lying. And it discloses every word he used including injection! It demonstrates the lengths to which Jenkins (and his fellow WSJ nabobs) are willing to go to shift blame instead of simply admitting he talked absolute shit. And indeed, manifested as the fool Lincoln was worried about if a president was given to shooting from the hip, or the ass.
Trump’s new line, as expressed in tweets posted on Saturday, is that the “corrupt & sick” media got it “wrong” by reporting that he was “speaking & asking questions of Dr. Deborah Birx” about “sunlight etc. & the CoronaVirus.” The Carny Barker and Snake Oil Salesman barked:
“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,”
Aw, boo, hoo hoo. If the damned job is too tough, sonny, maybe you ought to just resign. Then you can watch TV and tweet 12 hours a day an no one will give a royal crap.
Aw, boo, hoo hoo. If the damned job is too tough, sonny, maybe you ought to just resign. Then you can watch TV and tweet 12 hours a day an no one will give a royal crap.
Never mind Trump's constant gaslighting and lies, and pathetic efforts at redoing reality. We have video from that Thursday briefing showing clearly that Trump was speaking directly to Birx when he asked her his lamo, nutso questions and he expression shows she was less than thrilled. Who are you gonna believe? The lyin' Donnie Dotard or your own lyin' ears and eyes?
See Also:
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