"You did GOOD, Mark! Defending my lies from those nannies at Twitter!"
"This order is a reactionary and politicized approach to a landmark law. It threatens the future of online speech and internet freedoms"
- Twitter response to Trump's executive order designed to regulate existing law toward authoritarian ends
"President Trump said Twitter is trying to censor him and he wants to use his presidential power to crack down on them.": - CBS reporter Paula Reid this morning
"I see this order as just a distraction intended to divert attention from the devastation of Covid 19"- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
What is Trump's game and why is he really so furious at the prospect of mail voting? It is because he's been exposed as the shameless con man he is for trying to manage perceptions about the virus and he knows a majority of citizens aren't buying his act. Hence, with the economy cratering too (40 million now unemployed) he has nowhere to go but down - and certainly will be blown out in November. That is, unless he can get enough states to back off mail ballots using his fulminations and "terrible twos" -style of tantrums
In his latest con, Trump issued an "executive order" yesterday in retaliation for Twitter putting flags on his lying tweets about voting, e.g.

The flag simply read: 'Get the facts about mail voting'
Simply a heads up to those who gobble Trump's tweets with zero discrimination. Certainly not "censorship" as the Right's crybabies are trying to portray. But leave it to Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook honcho, to try to offer his absurd two cents. Likely terrified of Trump's twitter fulminations, Zuckerberg and his other spokesmen tried to defend their own cowardly stance by saying (WSJ yesterday, p. A4):
"We prefer not to be an arbiter of truth"
But given Trump's outrageous lies about mail voting, it's clear Zuckerberg has no problem being an enabler of lies. What else could he be? Because if you're not prepared to at least flag lies when they appear - irrespective of the source- then you and your platform are useless. Worse, you're contributing to the ongoing national polarization.
Zuckerberg and his ilk have always taken the position of laissez faire social media speech and they just assume FB users are grown up enough to engage in "robust debate" and recognize falsehoods when and where they appear. But that is a helluva ask, especially after Russian bots overloaded Facebook's boards back in 2016, playing no small part in Hillary's narrow electoral college loss. Oh, and seeing a record for retweets of the bots' anti- HRC balderdash. As per a WSJ piece from Oct. 17, 2017 (p. B2):
"470 Russia-backed Facebook accounts including Blacktivist and Secured Borders quietly infiltrated communities on social media. The issues they targeted spanned the U.S. political and social spectrum, including religion, race, immigration, gun rights, and gay rights. "
"Facebook said the accounts were created by Russian entities to exploit tensions among Americans and interfere with U.S. elections
Yep, Markie, there's a lot of insight for truth there!
"470 Russia-backed Facebook accounts including Blacktivist and Secured Borders quietly infiltrated communities on social media. The issues they targeted spanned the U.S. political and social spectrum, including religion, race, immigration, gun rights, and gay rights. "
"Facebook said the accounts were created by Russian entities to exploit tensions among Americans and interfere with U.S. elections
Yep, Markie, there's a lot of insight for truth there!
According to one FB spokesperson quoted in the WSJ piece:
"We have crafted our policies to focus on misrepresentations that would interfere with the vote."
Well, if Trump's deranged tweets against mail ballots aren't doing that, I don't know what would qualify. The scumball is blatant and aggressive in his single-minded campaign and even had the temerity to screech Wednesday:
"Clean up your act NOW!"
This from a Turd whose own act has been one prolonged exercise in authoritarian depravity and irresponsibility. This is the same president who on Thursday Tweeted out a video of a supporter saying, “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.” A classless degenerate who's hurled the office of the presidency further into the gutter in the last week with his attacks on Joe Scarborough for allegedly killing a woman.(Lori Klausutis) when she worked as part of Scarborough's staff when he was a FLA congressman. This despite a medical examiner's report that Lori had a heart condition which caused her to lose consciousness, fall and hit her head.
Thus, Trump is using her as his own political football against perceived enemies as he causes the family no end of grief and pain. But why be surprised when he's directly responsible for tens of thousands of COVID 19 deaths for not acting in a competent and responsible manner? For initially calling the virus a hoax, wasting a valuable 2 weeks before acting, which a Columbia University study disclosed probably resulted in 54,000 more deaths.
This from a Turd whose own act has been one prolonged exercise in authoritarian depravity and irresponsibility. This is the same president who on Thursday Tweeted out a video of a supporter saying, “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.” A classless degenerate who's hurled the office of the presidency further into the gutter in the last week with his attacks on Joe Scarborough for allegedly killing a woman.(Lori Klausutis) when she worked as part of Scarborough's staff when he was a FLA congressman. This despite a medical examiner's report that Lori had a heart condition which caused her to lose consciousness, fall and hit her head.
Thus, Trump is using her as his own political football against perceived enemies as he causes the family no end of grief and pain. But why be surprised when he's directly responsible for tens of thousands of COVID 19 deaths for not acting in a competent and responsible manner? For initially calling the virus a hoax, wasting a valuable 2 weeks before acting, which a Columbia University study disclosed probably resulted in 54,000 more deaths.
As for his executive order to try to punish Twitter, don't make me laugh. Incredibly before signing his order yesterday the fool blabbed (WSJ, p. A1 today) :
"We're here today to defend free speech from one of its greatest dangers."
Failing to have the self-awareness or intellect to grasp that HE - as an autocratic demagogue - is the singular greatest danger to liberty and that his lies are a perversion of free speech.
Here it is useful to go to the Wikipedia entry:
"We're here today to defend free speech from one of its greatest dangers."
Failing to have the self-awareness or intellect to grasp that HE - as an autocratic demagogue - is the singular greatest danger to liberty and that his lies are a perversion of free speech.
Here it is useful to go to the Wikipedia entry:
"There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders. The term executive power in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution refers to the office of President as the executive. They are instructed therein by the declaration "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" made in Article II, Section 3, Clause 5 or face impeachment. Most executive orders use these Constitutional reasonings as the authorization allowing for their issuance to be justified as part of the President's sworn duties, the intent being to help direct officers of the U.S. Executive carry out their delegated duties as well as the normal operations of the federal government: the consequence of failing to comply possibly being removal from office"
In other words, these more comport with a wish list based on appeals or pleas from a president to the legislative branch to formalize into law what he seeks to do. In Trump's case, most legal experts note his scribbles on fancy paper are "essentially toothless" - they don't change existing federal law- nor can they without formal legislative input. Hence, only congress has the power to curtail Twitter's legal protections.
In other words, these more comport with a wish list based on appeals or pleas from a president to the legislative branch to formalize into law what he seeks to do. In Trump's case, most legal experts note his scribbles on fancy paper are "essentially toothless" - they don't change existing federal law- nor can they without formal legislative input. Hence, only congress has the power to curtail Twitter's legal protections.
As Mike Masnick of Techdirt explained:
To be clear: the executive order is nonsense. You can’t overrule the law by executive order, nor can you ignore the Constitution. This executive order attempts to do both. It’s also blatantly anti-free speech, anti-private property, pro-big government — which is only mildly amusing, given that Trump and his sycophantic followers like to insist they’re the opposite of all of those things.
As for Zuckerberg's act and the insipid claims of supporting "free speech" I was gratified to see one professor (Bridget Barrett) call it out in the WSJ piece. As she aptly noted:
"To give a less kind reading of that, they (Facebook) want to stay friends with the folks who are regulating them."
As for the two Trump tweets that were flagged, they were:
"There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent"
And then: "This will be a Rigged Election!"
Both hysterical expulsions I'd more expect from a high school sophomore who flunked his Government class. And as Ms. Barrett of UNC Chapel Hill pointed out:
"The posts appeared to violate two of Facebook's own rules around voter interference which bar posts that misrepresent methods for voting and whether votes will be counted."
"The posts appeared to violate two of Facebook's own rules around voter interference which bar posts that misrepresent methods for voting and whether votes will be counted."
Again, that makes Zuckerberg a liar enabler, as well as a punk for Trump, to help spread his bunkum. In the meantime, kudos to Twitter for continuing to courageously flag Trump's most outrageous tweets - including beckoning "shooters" to fire at the "thugs" in Minneapolis. While Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has taken some heat for being too mild in response to Trump's flagrant speech crimes, he is at least doing something! That's more than can be said for Mark Zuckerberg and his "clown car" of Trump enablers and sycophants at Facebook.
See Also:
Anything to get reelected: Trump once more stokes violence
by Cody Fenwick | May 29, 2020 - 7:11am | permalink
See Also:
Anything to get reelected: Trump once more stokes violence
by Cody Fenwick | May 29, 2020 - 7:11am | permalink
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