The human swine hybrid named Dotard Trump plans to give a prime time address tonight on the "border crisis", likely as a prelude to declaring a "national emergency". For pulling this domestic terror con he really needs to be hung, and the sooner the better.
"I wish that the networks had not granted Trump time to do this address.It just seems like another big nothing burger. He's trying to do a dog and pony show around nothing. This is all just a manufactured outrage. This "border insecurity" is all just fake news that this administration has made up, There's no evidence anything they suggest is going awry. And this administration is causing the humanitarian crisis by their border policies." - Aisha Moodie-Mills, All-In last night
As MILLIONS of federal employees, including contract workers, struggle to pay their bills, and even buy food, e.g.
The human-swine hybrid named Trump confirmed his debased biological ancestry and bona fides with his latest bogus proposal to the Dems: offering $800 m in "humanitarian funds" for the crisis he helped create, As the most recent NY Times editorial described it:
"As the government shutdown over President Trump’s demand for border-wall funding moves through week three, the administration is looking to cut a deal with Democrats by emphasizing the deepening humanitarian crisis at the border — a crisis caused in large part by this administration’s inhumane policies, political grandstanding and managerial incompetence.
In a letter Sunday to lawmakers, the White House laid out its latest proposal for addressing the border tumult. The administration called for more immigration and Border Patrol agents, more detention beds and, of course, $5.7 billion to build 234 new miles of border wall. The White House also demanded an additional $800 million for “urgent humanitarian needs,” such as medical support, transportation and temporary facilities for processing and housing detainees."
Of course, this is an insult and non-starter - dead on arrival - and merely discloses Trump's lack of serious conviction or will to halt the domestic terror his shutdown is inflicting on millions. It is a proposal the Dems need to toss into the nearest dumpster. Trump cares more about how soon he can return to Mar-a-lago for golf than solving any humanitarian crisis (that HE created). He's a swine, a feral, humanoid pig who has no remote notions of morality, decency or reflection and who lacks even the most rudimentary intellect. Hell, he doesn't even read his daily briefs!
But it does explain how Trump could actually claim with a straight face "the government workers are okay with this" and brag he "has been where they are", referring to the shut out federal employees. This coverage included one father featured in an WSJ piece today (p. A3) with a child who has cerebral palsy, and 3 other kids, now with no income at all. In fact, both of these are among the among the 1,000 or so he plans to reel off tonight in a planned prime time lie-fest dealing with a "border crisis". Do not believe this bullshit for one second. There is NO "border crisis", period. It''s all manufactured by Dotard's right media loudmouths - who are running the country into the ground using Trump as a willing pawn in this domestic terror shutdown.
Even before tonight's planned, odious propaganda spectacle, when Dotard Donnie announced he would make a public case for $5.7 bn in funding to build a border wall, the lies from his minions were flying fast and furious. First, you had Trumpie Liar Princess Sara Huckleberry Sanders making a fool out of herself in an interview with FOX News' Chris Wallace. This was in regard to her stupid (and checkable) claim that "4,000 terrorists had crossed the southern border" in the past year. Wallace immediately took down the inbred, lying cow, noting the figure actually referenced those coming via multiple ports of call, especially into U.S. airports, i.e. who were on terror screening watch lists. In fact, an NBC investigation reported last night disclosed only SIX immigrants identified on the terrorist screening watch list in the past 6 months entering via the southern border. So it's all manufactured hysteria.
Even this isn't necessarily any cause for concern. As security specialist Julia Ainsley noted last night, one can find one's name on such a screening list for any number of reasons. It doesn't mean the person is a terrorist. She also added: "This completely contradicts what we've heard from White House officials on why they want their border wall. and for their reason for shutting down the government to get that wall."
Then we had the craven mutt Mick Mulvaney trying to assert lamely, the Dems were to blame for the impasse over the shutdown because they were using "stalling tactics". Remember, this is the same, 2-faced, infernal maggot who three years ago referred to Trump as a "terrible human being". See e.g.
Dec 15, 2018
Compounding this manufactured farce of a crisis, we also beheld "Real Donald Trump" ruminating on an intended visit to the border on Thursday, his lapdog Sanders announcing the visit on Twitter. It is not yet known which part of the 1,989-mile border Drumpf plans to visit or what he plans to do there. But whatever it is, we know it'll be designed to magnify imagined evils, incite outrage in his drooling base, and invent "terrorist" border incursions to try to distract citizens from the fact this guy is a criminal who merits the noose.
Meanwhile, as a first act, the newly-empowered House Democrats passed legislation last week to re-open the government while congressional leaders and the administration continued to debate border security. But Senate majority leader Bitch McConnell asserted again he would not take up legislation without his master Dotard's benediction. He'd rather see TSA workers kicked out of their homes via foreclosures, thousands of air traffic controllers stressed to the limit as they try to focus on flights while worried over finances, as well as 38 million poor losing their food stamps. Here's another fact for the Trumpie scum to process: Zillow, the real estate site, estimates a total of $438 million in unpaid rent and mortgage payments this month - thanks to Trump's shutdown.
House Democrats have vowed to pass a series of smaller spending bills that would individually fund federal agencies, a strategy that is unlikely to move Republican leadership. Senate Democrats are, meanwhile, threatening to block any legislation that does not reopen the federal government as a way to pressure McConnell to bring up a government funding bill for a vote in the Senate.
Over the weekend we also had the spectacle of Mikey Pence convening senior administration officials and congressional aides for a series of meetings - totally flouting the formal process (which demands the presence of Pelosi and Schumer). One anonymous Democratic aide said there was no progress made. But again, that aide wasn't qualified to speak for the Dem leaders, Schumer or Pelosi. Though it isn't surprising no progress was made, given Pence is the 2nd Liar- in -Chief.
At the briefing on Monday, reporters also asked lapdog Pence why Trump’s $5.7bn demand is so much more than the administration sought only a few months ago. He replied: “Things have gotten a lot worse.” Which, of course, is bullshit. They've only "gotten worse" since the Right wing media rabble, including the harpy Ann Coulter, pompous porker Rush Limbaugh and Lyin' Laura Ingraham, began turning up the anti-immigration heat and calling Trump "gutless" if he didn't do the stupid border wall as he promised his dimwit base.
The worst aspect of this whole fucking charade which is now impacting millions of lives? The fact we now know the "wall" was invented by Trump's then advisers as a mnemonic when he was planning his campaign run. They needed some quick and dirty device to keep Trump's diminished brain focused on immigration and figured a "wall" was the best bet. "Just keep repeating 'wall, wall' wall'...". See e.g.
Wifey and I plan to watch a bunch of stuff we have on our DVR list tonight, including newly launched episodes of 'The Resident', and 'Manifest' - as well as the new History channel series, 'Project Blue Book'. What we emphatically won't be watching is the Turd named Trump making fools of millions with his pathological lies, hyped up manufactured threats, and con games delivered with bombast and egomania. We suggest others do the same, as opposed to exposing vulnerable minds to the Trump brand of psychological effluent.
"Obsessed with race, Donald Trump has weaponized and racialized the culture wars by using racially charged language to legitimate white supremacist ideologies and pit his supporters against protesting Black athletes, undocumented Latino immigrants, dark-skinned immigrants, and other people of color whom he routinely insults and punishes through race-based policies. Trump has claimed that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” according to one of his former employees, and he has called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Meanwhile he stated in December 2015 that a judge hearing a case about Trump University was “biased” because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.” These comments are a small sampling of Trump’s racist remarks."
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