Dotard spewing bollocks to spin his phony, one-sided "deal" earlier today.

Federal workers trying to get the pissant's attention
How many times before the American people wake up to the fact they're being played by the noisome con man and criminal masquerading as a president? How many, for example, will be intelligent and percipient enough to grasp that what Trump called a "negotiation" when he announced his BS with fanfare earlier, was nothing of the sort? It can't be a negotiation if it was never discussed beforehand (and agreed to) with the other side (the Dems) and simply dropped in a contrived photo-op.
That is what actually transpired today, so House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite correct to reject it even before the PR optics show began - given she KNEW Dotard never discussed it with her. He just dropped it into the public media pool in his latest grandstanding.
After waiting with bated breath what did we see and hear? In exchange for temporary concessions on the status of threatened migrant groups (Dreamers, Haitians), Donnie Dotard doubled down on his demand for a border wall and $5.7 billion to fund it while offering a thin smokescreen of 'protections' in return. This barely a day after setting up a website to get donors to send virtual "bricks" to Pelosi and the Dems.
Now, let's clear up several layers of this bullshit:
1) A budget funding bill was already approved when the Reeptards stilll held the House back in December. That allocation included exactly $1.6 billion to fund Trump's stupid mythical wall. If Trump and the Repukes didn't like it they ought to have changed the allocated funding THEN and demanded more. They didn't. Oh, and Dotard Donnie was ok with it too, until he heard withering criticism from the Right wing screech gallery, including Ann Coulter and Lush Limburger. Then he sought to change the terms and build his "wall" to appease them.
2) Trump's pseudo generosity supposedly gives the Dreamers 3 years of deportation protection, i.e. to remain secure in this country before being rousted in the night and offloaded back to Mexico. THREE YEARS! Look, the Supreme Court already essentially delivered one whole year by not taking up a DACA case and leaving a lower court judgment in place - which already keeps the Dreamers safe for a year. So, in other words, Dotard is really offering only TWO years with his cynical ploy and in return for full wall funding (or at least that's what he says now, most of us with sense believe he will come back for more in a short time, especially if the Dems collapse)
Equally bad, his "deal" only covers 700,000 of the 1.8 million Dreamers at risk. He's basically offering "half a loaf" in return for getting a full wall funding he never agreed to originally!
3) This whole thing is just an elaborate dog and pony show for a captive audience (his degenerate base) when Mitch McConnell could stop this shutdown in two heartbeats, just by bringing the bills Nancy Pelosi already passed in the House to the Senate floor. The excuse Bitch gives that he can't do that unless Trump approves is pure, cockamamey BS of the ripest sort, and as one furloughed TSA worker put it earlier today "Just does an end run around the Constitution".
But what did Bitch say today? Well that Dotard's offer "strikes a fair compromise". As Janice put it, "What? Does this guppy- faced asshole really talk out of his ass and think out of there too?" I had to correct her: He didn't talk out of his ass, he was an ass, as well as coward. This had prompted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to attempt to find him as announced on her instagram, with the hashtag Where’sMitch ?
Given all the preceding it shouldn't take a Mensa member to figure out Trump is simply using this bottom basement pseudo deal in a PR photo op to put pressure on the Dems. This is in the hope it will alter the public opinion polls. So far, we know public opinion has Trump being blamed by nearly 55% to 39% for the shutdown. Also, for some weird reason, the Republicans in congress only get 5 percent blame. Go figure.
But let's cut to the chase. Given Trump is offering NO permanent protection for the Dreamers - as he did in 2017- this farce is dead in the water. Pelosi, Schumer et al were particularly incensed that Dotard’s offer merely extended "protections" to Dreamers and T.P.S. recipients that he himself revoked.
This is like a terrorist grabbing three family members and holding them hostage in return for $1 million, then asserting he will let them go for two weeks before kidnapping them again - to hold for more ransom. In this case, Trump is the terrorist, and he cannot be allowed to get away with this hostage taking and certainly not for this phony deal being offered, which was really a unilateral demand - not a negotiation.
As Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) put it:
“I think it’s simply more fake promises raising false hopes. It will fool few Americans because it’s neither serious nor credible as a real remedy for Dreamers.”
Well, sir, I do hope it will fool only a "few" Americans and not alter the opinion polls to now blame Dems more than Trump and the Reeptardos. If that happens, Janice's suspicions that my countrymen are mostly "imbeciles" will be confirmed.
As I wrote earlier , no matter how much devastating crap is going on with this gov't shutdown Trump must not be appeased. Give in now, especially to a transparently cynical, self-serving and bogus deal, and he will use the same ploy again and again. Maybe next time for the debt ceiling coming up soon.
As we also expected, Trump's lapdog Pence- briefing reporters after Dotard's 13 minute spiel- said the speech reflected "a painstaking process of listening to lawmakers, including rank-and-file Democrats" who made it clear they believed that protections for DACA and T.P.S. recipients must be included in a border security deal.
Only problem here? These "rank and file" Dems were not Schumer and Pelosi, the only two with the power and standing to actually sign off on a given deal. Indeed, the only two with the real power to negotiate a deal that is equitable - which meant (and still does) permanent protections - not temporary, 2-year smokescreens. Trump, though an "inexpressibly sad specimen" according to columnist George Will, nonetheless has enough sentience to know the game is soon ending and not in his favor, see. e.g.
by P.M. Carpenter | January 21, 2019 - 7:23am |
Alas, the editorial board of The Washington Post has again revealed its Neoliberal DNA by trying to make a specious case to agree to the Dotard's cynical perfidy, e.g.
Make a deal. Save the dreamers.
What the WaPo's nabobs seem not to grasp (or maybe choose not to) is this "deal" isn't "saving" the Dreamers - certainly not all 1.8m of them- only postponing their deportation for 3 years.
Trump supporters could watch an episode of 'Columbo', deny a murder occurred and blame Columbo, as a jealous deep state agent, for conducting a witch hunt on an innocent man because the killer is rich.
Unless there is video of Trump on bent knee swearing fidelity, country and life to Putin in a blood oath, there is no crime. Fear and arrogance are a damn near impenetrable wall...the right wing authoritarian personality disorder is one tough nut to crack.
Very good points there, Darrin. I must say I have to concur!
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