"The people in this country are now getting a forced lesson on the Article I branch of the Constitution - for which Nancy Pelosi is putting on a clinic. She's wielding her power so thoroughly and efficiently as well as publicly that we normally don't see women do. She's not doing it in the usual demure way women do. And we're so used to weak speakers, we're just not used to it. So Donald Trump is getting this lesson along with the rest of the country, because he knows nothing about the Constitution.
So for the first time, his infliction of pain on people, his lack of empathy for people is coming up against another power trying to stop him. The tragedy is the other half of the Article I power is apparently just as callous as Donald Trump. I see no more concern or compassion in Mitch McConnell than I see in Trump." - Joy Reid, on All In last night.
"The result of this is that the obscuring fog of both-sidesism lying atop this whole situation has been dissipated. What has been laid bare, instead, is a simple reality: Democrats actually do control one chamber of Congress, after having won a major electoral victory, and that actually does give them some veto power over Trump’s conduct and agenda. Pundits can claim all they want that Pelosi is being “as petty as Trump,” as if this is all just a matter of interpersonal conduct. That objection is now irrelevant: What really matters is that Trump will not deliver the speech. He will not use this ceremony as a platform to browbeat Democrats or to spread gales of disinformation about the shutdown and about the wall fantasies driving it." Greg Sargent -'There Is Only Way To Break Trump's Pathology, Pelosi Has Found It'. Washington Post today
It was the stuff of political high drama as the bombastic con man and criminal in the White House actually dared the Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi- to stop him from giving the State of the Union next Tuesday. Well, Dotard met his match and more when Nancy replied after Trump wrote:.
“I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,. I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives.”
Trump, as uninformed on the Constitution as he is everything else, actually believed HE could just sashay into the House and deliver his spiel of lies and braggadocio. Further he was challenging Pelosi to stop him. He bluffed like the con man he is (as with all his phony real estate deals) but Nancy called him on it, writing:
“I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.”
The message was clear as day: She was informing Donnie Dotard there's a new Sheriff in town and she isn't taking any more shit from him, or his sycophants and disciples. Meanwhile, the hedge fund-owned, corporate mainstream media (in their cartoons) can make all the fun of her they want, e.g.

But contrary to their Neoliberal ignorance and skewed perceptions, it is actually Pelosi who is now the adult in the room, showing the sentient part of the nation (not including these imbecilic cartoonists with heads up their asses) that the First Brat will not be unilaterally appeased, or accommodated anymore just because he pitches a hissy fit or bawls about "unfairness". In other words, checks and balances have at last returned after a 2-year hiatus dominated by Repuke enabling. That these cartoonists don't grasp that discloses they're really zombie dolts playing into the Swine-in -chief's hands as his putative bitches.
Janice's take is basically the same as mine but with some added snark, e.g.
"The male cartoonists are just male chauvinist pigs and misogynists like Trump, terrified of strong, intelligent women leaders. The female cartoonists mocking her- if any- are just slaves to their male captors, suffering from Stockholm syndrome. They lack brains and courage and ought to be looking up to Nancy as an inspiration instead of playing into the hands of their corporate male bosses!"
Not long after Ms. Pelosi's missive, Trump conceded the whole charade, saying he would use an “alternative" method of delivering his address and that it wouldn’t be in the Capitol. In a word, He caved and admitted his bluff got called - big time. But instead of manning up he reverted to his two year old diaper -soiling self, bawling out:
Not long after Ms. Pelosi's missive, Trump conceded the whole charade, saying he would use an “alternative" method of delivering his address and that it wouldn’t be in the Capitol. In a word, He caved and admitted his bluff got called - big time. But instead of manning up he reverted to his two year old diaper -soiling self, bawling out:
“The State of the Union has been cancelled by Nancy Pelosi, because she doesn’t want to hear the truth,"
Actually, Dotard, she didn't want to hear your shit-faced lies on a grand public stage and was reminding you who else has power in the Beltway now. And again, there's that education aspect that too many media pundits and scribes (as well as brain -dead cartoonists) forget when they blab about "both sides" tossing tantrums or draw cartoons mocking Pelosi.. The past two years' exposure to the brat- in- chief & Twitter Troll has doubtless taken its toll on most citizens' minds and emotions, I admit. But that's no reason for the rest of us to cede ground to the Trumpers or to forget that Nancy is the now the strict mom prepared to call 'time out' on the orange- hued man baby. And even deliver the occasional lash or two on the backside, if needed. Besides she has every right.
Legally speaking, Trump has no right whatsoever to deliver the SOTU in the House chamber. The Constitution only stipulates that a president must provide an update on the state of the country. This used to be done in writing. This was also an option Pelosi helpfully suggested in her letter to Trump last week, though she had to know that apart from signing his scrawling name he doesn't know how to write. Hell, he can't read.
It is true that Congress can provide the venue and has for more than 100 years, but it is not a gimme. It must be done through a joint resolution.
Basically, Pelosi made Trump eat shit...errrr...humble pie. She has also shown she has steel cojones and won’t back down from a fight. In other words, she's shown what a strong female leader can do, especially one who isn't prepared to kowtow to male fantasies of domination.
We look forward to many more of Nancy's showdowns with Trump and his getting his fat orange heinie handed to him . At least until we get rid of him permanently- probably in the 2020 election.
We look forward to many more of Nancy's showdowns with Trump and his getting his fat orange heinie handed to him . At least until we get rid of him permanently- probably in the 2020 election.
See also:
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
“President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?” “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. ...”
FBI, CIA, NSA: “Mr. President, Putin/Russia sabotaged the 2016 presidential election to help you win.”
"I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia," Trump said. "I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."
It's all there in plain sight.
I applaud Pelosi for sticking it to Trump. Trump must be blocked at every avenue until his illegitimate fat ass is tried in a court of law. I agree with Craig Unger the journalist...Trump is a Russian asset cultivated by the Russian mafia/gov. since the 1980s.
My fear...the Mueller report will not pursue those things or if pursued, the report will be redacted and buried. History repeating itself in a shadowy way (The Business Plot and FDR--the conspiracy was admitted and buried bc of the monetary and political power of the conspirators).
Great article again sir. Keep fighting the good fight. I enjoy your writing.
"My fear...the Mueller report will not pursue those things or if pursued, the report will be redacted and buried. "
I believe this is why the separate House investigations, hearings need to get underway and not await Mueller's report, as author David Ignatius has repeatedly said. In Watergate you didn't see Sam Ervin humbly going to Special counsel Archibald Cox and asking for permission to proceed on the Watergate hearings. Same here, and besides, the Mueller report won't make any difference if fully published anyway if the American public isn't educated first- like Ervin did in the Watergate hearings. The sooner these get underway the better for us all.
Correction: Author Michael Isikoff ('Russsian Roulette') has repeatedly said the Demm House shouldn't wait for Mueller's report, and needs to get on with open hearings right now.
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