All of the white nationalist mass murderers have taken their cues - and xenophobic hate memes - from Trump's hate rhetoric at his rallies.
"Mr. President, stop your racist, hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. Your language creates a climate which emboldens violent extremists." - Sen. Bernie Sanders yesterday.
"The president’s appalling goal, quite simply, is to pit Americans against one another for crass political purposes as well as, it seems, to vent his unabashed personal prejudice.- Susan Rice, NY Times, 'When The President Is A Bigot The Poison Spreads;
"Clearly. anti-Semitism and white nationalist rhetoric did not start with this president. But...he certainly seems to have created an environment where those kind of views can fester and indeed, thrive. In fact, just three months ago as he was stoking up a crowd in Panama City Beach, Florida this happened....." John Oliver, 'Last Week Tonight', last night.
Whereupon Oliver switched to a clip of a screaming mob at a Trump Rally in Florida where a woman shouts "Shoot them!" after Trump asks what can be done about immigrants. (See below)
Even as we learned yesterday the human pustule Trump (I refuse to even dignify him with "president") actually said “hate has no place in our country” - those with IQs over room temperature knew immediately it was a LIE. For Trump, hate has a major place in our country and especially in his 2020 campaign rallies. Indeed, in yesterday's Denver Post (p. 10A) it was made plain that despite Trump aides trying to get him to focus on the economy for re-election, we learned "he thrives on division and views unease and discord about cultural and demographic changes as keys to his re-election. "
Thus, his efforts to get a "citizenship" question on the 2020 census as well as stoking anti-immigrant hate and rhetoric - such as in Greenville, NC not long ago. See e.g.
Trump, ever willing to dodge responsibility for his hate-filled rhetoric and memes, blamed the shootings on "mental illness". His enablers and defenders in the Reich media - and his own staff - tried to do likewise. For example, Mulvaney yesterday citing the POS shooter's words to deny any responsibility for Trump, as if the killer's words mean diddly or squat. Then we beheld the WSJ editorial writers today (p. A18), insisting the "reflex is to blame one's political opponents". Nope, the rational response is to lay blame where it belongs: on leaders who take every opportunity to sow hate against immigrants and other out groups with their inflammatory rhetoric. Thereby creating a "justifiable homicide" zone within weak or aberrant minds to carry out horrific actions.
By the middle of the editorial the WSJ authors did finally see the light (at least in terms of political fallout), writing: "Either Mr. Trump restrains his rhetoric or he will pay a political price."
It was also choice seeing Trump bark that "hate has no place" when at the same time his aides had been desperately trying to remove his anti-immigrant tweets. Can't have any inculpatory stuff hanging out there in cyberspace to blame the POS....errrr, POTUS.
Meanwhile, Dotard - obviously with a profound consciousness of guilt- did his level best to stay out of sight, e.g.
This even as we learned investigators in El Paso confirmed that the massacre - at a Walmart superstore on Saturday that left at least 20 people dead - had been preceded by the suspected gunman publishing an anti-immigration screed on 8chan . Lets us remind ourselves this website has been among the more fetid cesspools of the internet, encouraging verbal and actual violence. It was also the site that spawned the screeds of two other mass murdering degenerates: the Tree of Life Synagogue slayer Robert Bowers, and the mass-murdering maggot, Brenton Tarrant (who live-streamed his slaughter of 51 innocents in a Christchurch, NZ mosque) Tarrant was actually praised by the El Paso killer also on 8chan, which prompted its own creator, Fredrick Brennan (now detached from it) to tweet, "Another 8chan shooting.". (WSJ, today, 'Killings Put Fringe Website In Spotlight', p. A7)
Fortunately, that site's network provider, Cloudflare, has now pulled its plug, grasping how it's become a nest of vipers . As I said before, hate speech cannot be free speech.
Only a simpleton or Z-grade moron would fail to make the connection between Trump's assorted anti-immigrant rhetoric and the spate of mass slaughters (such as the one in El Paso, as well as at the Tree Of Life synagogue last year in the U.S. and the more recent slaughter of 51 Muslims in Christchurch, NZ.) Thus, right thinking Democrats and other people of conscience have correctly pointed at Trump’s escalating vocal attacks on migrants at the border and on members of Congress of color, including inflammatory comments and posturing that sparked a crowd at a rally last month to chant “send her back”, i.e. about Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar. This is why many of us fear for Omar's safety, that some Trumpie kook - having imbibed his hate kool aid- doesn't crawl out of 8chan or some other viral crawlspace and attempt to off her.
Of course, the slimey refuse - like El Paso mass butcher Crusius- all lie themselves, as when Crusius tried to deny Trump influenced him. (And Mick Mulvaney tried to use Crusius' words to deny Trump's responsibility). In Crusius' case, he insisted his anti-immigrant hate stance was there before Trump arrived. But this walking turd also said (in the same screed) that it would be "better to die than be captured alive". And yet the cowardly cockroach allowed himself to be captured alive, walking up to a motorcycle cop after committing his mass slaughter and casually asking to be cuffed. So who are you going to believe, Crusius or your lying eyes?
We also know the toxic change in the country since Trump's arrival has been documented and verified by the SPLC . The organization (to which I belong) has found the number of U.S. hate groups hit a record high last year at 1.020. Most appalling, the number has jumped 30 percent since 2014, and followed three consecutive years of decline following President Obama's time in office. The center also noted: "The rise in the hate movement coincides with President Trump's campaign and presidency."
I know the average American has the attention span of a gnat, and even less memory of recent political events, far less historical or violent ones. But it shouldn't be too much of a stretch or mental demand to recall the incendiary words of the Swine-in-chief have often spilled out in tweets just before major massacres. Such as at the Tree Of Life Synagogue near Pittsburgh, which massacre was carried out by Robert Bowers - also admittedly hyped up on Trump's hate..
Is Trump partly responsible for triggering these murderous misfits like Bowers and Crusius? Is the Sun a star? Does a bear shit in the woods? Is gravity real? Dotard has regularly called reporters "enemies of the people" and encouraged his zombies to "knock the crap out of protesters". A good summary of Trump's rhetoric, in speeches and ties to Neo-Nazis, appeals to White Nationalists can be found here.
https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2018/2017-year-hate-and-extremismOh, and let's not forget how - at a recent rally in Panama City, Beach FL when Trump rhetorically asked how one could deal with the influx of immigrants, and a Trumpie loon shouted: "Shoot them!" Whereupon our illustrious Turd-in chief laughed. e.g.
As noted at the PBS website concerning the same rally:
At the rally in Panama City Beach, Florida, Trump told the crowd that the government is unable to attack migrants trying to cross the border and asked for help finding a solution.
“Don’t forget, we don’t let [border security agents]and we can’t let them use weapons,” Trump said of federal border security officials tasked with apprehending immigrants crossing into the United States from Mexico. “Other countries do, but we can’t. I would never do that. But, how do you stop these people?”
“Shoot them,” a rally attendee shouted. Trump paused and smiled as the crowd cheered and laughed, then chimed in, 'It's only in the Panhandle you can get away with that ...."
Seriously?No effort at all to quell the rabid response just as there was none in Greenville, NC when chants erupted to "Send her home!" We have a criminal vermin maggot occupying the highest seat of power and egging on his drugged miscreants and deplorables with ever more virulent racist and anti-immigrant tweets. This is ample reason to ensure this execrable maggot doesn't get another 4 years. Personally, I don't believe the country could survive it. Another reason the Dem House ought to be impeaching his sorry orange ass right now- no more making excuses, and dodging constitutional duty.
Fortunately, after some 8 years the FBI is finally doing something substantial about domestic terrorism - which all these mass shootings against Muslims, Jews and immigrants are tied to. This followed FBI Director Chris Wray's announcement yesterday that a new unit has been set up to deal with these nutso home-grown extremists directly. But Mr. Wray should know, as well as the rest of us, that until the source of the hate memes is removed, the hate will continue. Even if it burrows deeper underground like a nest of toxic roaches keeping out of sight as they manufacture their poisons- and spawn new copy cat murdering garbage.
'Nuff said.
See also:
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