Arguably, the most odious maggot in the history of political swamps and pestilences- Scott Pruitt- resigned today, some say after being confronted by wife and mother Kristin Mink and being asked to resign three days ago. Mink, a schoolteacher and mother of a 2-year-old son, set social media ablaze after she posted a video of her calmly asking Pruitt to resign while he was eating lunch at a Washington restaurant, e.g.
Confronting the EPA abomination seated at his table, she spoke with clarity and purpose, meriting praise and admiration for her public confrontation of Pruitt, saying:
"This is my son. He loves animals. He loves clean water. Meanwhile, you're slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks, for the benefit of big corporations. We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children. I would urge you to resign before your scandals push you out."
Her concerns were totally valid, given up to last month Swampy Scotty had moved to limit the EPA's ability to block permits issued to mining companies to dump toxic waste into waterways. Contrary to a WSJ editorial that the "EPA is the Holy Sepulchre of progressive politics", it is actually the last bastion to prevent massive degradation of our life quality vis-a-vis air, soil and water. Without which our health problems and expenses will explode.
As for Pruitt's scandals, there were no less than 12 separate, ongoing ethics investigations, including for:
- Renting a DC apartment for $50 a night from an energy lobbyist
- Directing EPA staff to waste time by trying to get his wife a job at Chick-Fil-A
- Wasting over $100,000 of taxpayer money for first class air fares to spare his sorry ass from having to take criticisms from irate passengers in coach
-- Pissing away another $3 million for a 20-person security detail, prompting the question: WTF is he afraid of, getting toxic waste tossed in his fruity face?
- Using lights and sirens to help get him to dinner engagements faster
- Ordering EPA staff to run personal errands, like picking up his dry cleaning and trying to nab a used Trump hotel mattress, and then find his favorite moisturizer from Ritz -Carlton. (Hey, Scotty, how about some nice Agent orange derivative, say 2,4 -D?)
- Using $43,000 for a private, secure phone booth in his office.
- Getting staff to scrub his official schedule of anything that might look bad before any formal visits by outside hotshots.
The WSJ's insistence these were minor missteps, exaggerated by "a green lobby and collaborators in the press corps" merely reinforces the POV that the Journal's editorial wonks are living in a world of their own.
Did Pruitt express any apologies upon turning in his notice? Hell no, because no unreconstructed maggot ever does. Instead this piece of ambulatory toxic waste actually infused several references to his deity while lavishing praise upon Dotard, e.g. "I believe you are serving as president today because of God's providence".
Leave it to a degenerate asshole like Pruitt to invoke "divine providence" when the actual agency was the "bottom half of the IQ curve" that put Trump into office. This according to Harvard lecturer Harvey Mansfield (WSJ, Weekend Interview, March 31).
Ordinarily, Pruitt's resignation would be cause for jubilation but not in this case, as we learned he was replaced by coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler. This means the fight continues until we can disinfect our government of every last maggot, parasite and vermin now permeating it. That means starting at the top with Trump, aka Dotard Donnie.
See also:
How the New Acting E.P.A. Chief Differs From Scott Pruitt
"Many worry Wheeler will be more effective at implementing Trump’s anti-environmental agenda than Pruitt was,” said Paul Bledsoe, a former Clinton White House climate adviser, in the wake of the departure"
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