years after World War II a defeated Japan had to finally come to terms with its
enormous waste of resources in the effort to build a global empire – ending
with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Incredibly, as Japanese
soldiers came home to their wives they learned that Japan had added 10 million new
babies. The U.S. also had
its own baby boom, but the conditions in the U.S. were different because an
enormous defense industry had launched the country out of a prolonged
depression and its economy could support the influx. Japan ’s couldn’t.
What happened? The Islanders grew too comfortable with their resources, and began to consume them at a rate beyond their replacement. This had a critical impact because of the fact: a)
Because of the trees, the Islanders could build adequate shelters, plus construct boats able to navigate many miles offshore to catch large dolphin (fish, not mammals) and eat heartily. But they became too sated too soon. Their ability to provide a bounty of food early drove their birth numbers higher. From a base population of » 3500, it grew to 5500, then 7800, then 10,000, then 15,000.
As the Easter Islanders' numbers increased on the tiny island, the demand for lumber did as well. Massive deforestation became the rule, as they cut down trees to try to keep pace with the exploding population. Before long, the new seedlings planted could not reach the maturity needed to build the sturdy fishing boats to go miles offshore and catch dolphin. The populace was now reduced to scavenging for small mollusks near the tidal basin, and to hunt whatever birds there were (the birds were hunted to extinction).
As people, then animals, soon descended to eating the seeds of the trees, collapse set in. By the time the Europeans arrived there were no more wood shelters, and the Islanders had retreated into caves and had been eating each other for decades.
Currently, we are adding 1 million humans every 4.5 days, and that's with reasonably available contraception. This leads to likely 11 billion people on this planet – all vying for limited food and resources – by 2100, and 9.5 billion by 2050. Take away the contraception availability and we find instead one million people added every 2.5 days leading to 16 billion by 2011 and 12 billion by 2050.
Even with the spread of modern farming methods the yield gains globally are now just 0.9 to 1.6 percent per year – and getting worse as climate change intensifies. A 2009 report published by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that if CO2 climbs from the current level of 396 parts per million to above 450 ppm the world will face irreversible dry season reductions in several regions which some experts liken to the ‘dust bowl’ seen in the U.S. in the 1930s.
In the
The bottom line is that it’s becoming much more difficult for the world’s farmers to keep up with the world’s growing demand for grain – largely spurred by population increase but also by rising middle classes in
How bad is it? According to Lewis Ziska, a plant physiologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Crop Systems and Global Change program, it’s a “mess”. Ziska co-authored a chapter on food security and food production systems in the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, so he ought to know.
Ziska in a recent interview observed that in the past yield gains could be achieved by adding energy in the form of fertilizer and adding water. But fertilizer is not only expensive but a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, and in any case is becoming more difficult to obtain in quantity as the more accessible oil gives way to kerogen (oil shale) and tar sands. Water resources around the world are also in crisis, as droughts intensify and the whole problem is exacerbated by the global fracking phenomenon – which uses on average 3 to 5 million gallons of fresh water for each well.
Timothy Searchinger of
Two billion then will starve unless something radical is done and soon. Simple gimmicks or dreams of a magic technology fix won’t save us and the time is upon us for hard choices. One possible but draconian solution: nations can do what
See also:
(The above is intended to be a typical "Onion-esque" spoof or sarcastic take on the issue - but actually contains more than a grain of truth. Laugh good, but then think about the underlying fact that we REALLY do need to decrease our numbers. As Isaac Asimov once put it: "We can either lower our numbers ourselves or nature will do it for us.")
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