For this round, Pew's researchers have created a political typology which "sorts voters into cohesive groups based on their attitudes and values." There's bound to be much interest on this and you can see where you fall in Pew's typology quiz here - but for now let's focus on the chart above, particularly the left half.
We find more
than three quarters of conservative Americans - those in the steadfast conservative, business
conservative, and young outsider typology groups - agree that "poor people have it easy because they
can get government benefits without doing anything." Only seven
percent of steadfast conservatives say that the poor "have hard
lives." Now, which group do you
think is detached from reality? (And displays beliefs at least as egregious as saying climate change
isn’t human engendered)
As an educated liberal (some might call me - and have- "over-educated") I have a hard time understanding how any
semi-literate American could read about the experience of families relying on food stamps
to eat, or those trying to manage chronic conditions with Medicaid,
and conclude that these people “have it easy”. Do these morons even understand
how tough – as well as humiliating – it is to even get enrolled in the
respective benefit programs? Do they remotely grasp or have they a clue that in many states –
since Clinton’s 1996 ‘welfare to work’ law passed- many are forced to work at
menial jobs for below minimum wage pay to garner benefits? Do these turkeys understand how the SNAP
program was actually cut back in December and that the bulk of those affected
are KIDS under age 18? (15.7 million in all).
It makes a citizen ashamed to call himself an “American”
when so many of one’s countrymen can be so fucking ignorant, or stupid. But
hell, for conservatives it’s not a handicap but a pastime – they embrace being
fucking stupid and ignorant. It’s in their blood! Other salient facts and data points they might wish
to process:
1) Compared
to middle and upper-income Americans, the poor are three times less
likely to have health insurance coverage, and more likely to put off
or skip necessary medical treatment as a result;
the harshest truth for our clueless conservative brethren: the poor exist today
because a large swatch of the American work force is regarded as “disposable”
by the Neoliberal political elites. In most cases, this vast enclave of perhaps
47 million is the victim of simple population increase (including via illegal
immigration) which has created a large surplus labor force. Because the size
of the labor force is too much by nearly 40 million, not all citizens can be
fully employed. There simply aren’t enough jobs nor will there ever be (As it is, the
jobs currently created per month barely keep up with population replacement levels. Before about 4 years ago, the jobs numbers had fallen far behind population replacement levels.)
The other jobs in the
Neoliberal sphere that pay anything are generally reserved for the embedded Wall Street and financial enclaves (including the debt promoters and holders) and a relatively few “techies” and military hardware (e.g. drone, F35) engineers. Most others not outsourced have been automated, to relieve the corporations of having to hire flesh and blood humans and pay them - including health benefits. Hence,
the 23 odd million citizens under-employed and another 15 million who remain
chronically unemployed - at least until they can try to collect Social Security (which is also causing enormous pressure on the system)
The claim
that government is free to reduce or cut off welfare and other forms of support
for people in economic need is totally mistaken. Welfare is not a gift,
nor is it, despite frequent assertions, a transfer from those who earn a living
to those who are not.
evident dynamic: coupling mammoth
increases in military-defense spending with enormous tax cuts for the
wealthiest – is to ensure the majority of the population is unable to obtain
adequate remuneration from paid work, and hence become more impoverished over
time. As they do, they lose control of their lives, fall into debt bondage and
either die or have to work (in lowest level or paid jobs) around the clock just
to survive.
Meanwhile, young people eventually will have to cease going to
college and amassing debts equal to a mortgage and join the volunteer military
instead - paving the way for the need to incite more conflicts. It’s a never
ending cycle of economic and social
In effect, the globalization ofU.S.
production, jobs and mobile capital has laid the
seeds for the
acceleration of the rate of exploitation ( S/V) ..see, e.g.
The Political Elite thereby have engineered a built-in mechanism to spawn entrenched destitution among the nation’s middle and working class populations over time, especially as the population continued to increase in Malthusian proportions
In effect, the globalization of
The Political Elite thereby have engineered a built-in mechanism to spawn entrenched destitution among the nation’s middle and working class populations over time, especially as the population continued to increase in Malthusian proportions
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