Friday, September 10, 2010

God mongers can relax! Hawking clarifies his book

All the God-mongers rendered slobbering, incoherent balls of froth and fury can at last relax! Prof. Stephen Hawking and co-author Leonard Mlodinow, of The Grand Design - have clarified what their book's conclusion is. Mlodinow, in an interview on Keith Olbermann's 'Countdown' yesterday evening, says the book is not about "disproving God's existence" at all, and those who inferred this had misread or misinterpreted it.

This isn't surprising, given how often the media tends to botch things up. One need only go back a number of years to see how they misrepresented everything from the Large Hadron Collider (forecasting it might create tiny black holes that would devour the Earth), to the hyping of the Mayan 2012 nonsense.

Anyway, what Mlodinow said was that the book had shown that a God wasn't necessary to account for the universe. This doesn't mean people can't still believe in a God, only that it isn't necessary to posit one to account for how the universe originated.

Of course, the most extremist god mongers still won't be satisfied. Never mind their good Book never has been and never will be a book of science, or cosmology. What they insist is that everyone accept a God must have created it all, and 'Omigosh!' creating a cosmos from nothing simply makes no sense - never mind that a number of peer-reviewed papers have been published on how it could occur.

No, once these antiquated Babbits have made up their minds that a god must have done it all, there's no point trying to show them the physics to dissuade them. They'll merely blabber that "physics can make mistakes" or some such rot.

Anyway, the bleating supernaturalists ought to at least be happy and content that Hawking and Mlodinow clarified once and for all that they haven't argued or claimed that a God is impossible or disproven. Only that one isn't needed to account for the universe.

We have a dark energy bubble for that, which will also ultimately be responsible for eliminating the manifest universe entirely.

See also:

Be thankful for small favors, god mongers!

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