Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What All The Biden "Dotage" ('He's Too Old') Yappers Miss


Is Joe Biden really as mentally unfit as WSJ op-ed trolls say?

Those of us who believe that Trump’s return to the White House would be ruinous must prosaically and persistently make the case for Biden’s superiority, flaws and all. We must plan, plod, slog. No sorcery will save us.- Frank Bruni, NY Times, The Election of Magical Thinking


The NBC news clips (back to back) of Trump and Biden weren't even two minutes old when I said to Janice: 

"Know why so many are fooled into thinking Trump has more energy than Biden? It's because he talks fast and with a loud voice."

She agreed and admitted if there was any piece of advice she'd give to Joe it would be to increase his voice volume and speech cadence. Those two changes alone could wipe out at least three to four years from his perceived age, which continues to be a bugbear for many voters. And not at all helped by news media (especially the Wall Street Journal and FOX), which continue to play endless clips of Biden faltering in some way, effectively brainwashing his low IQ minions into believing Trump's a "very stable genius" by comparison.  Maybe they forget when Dotard burped out some months ago:


They come out with faucets where no water comes out. You stand under a shower and you have to wait five times longer.

As Lawrence O'Donnell put it in a March  'Last Word' segment  referencing this hair-brained babble:

 “What person with any sense remains under a shower when no water comes out?”

The guy clearly has massive cognitive deficits and idiots talk about Biden being “too old” and “ineffective”?  Think these are "one offs", think again!  Take a look here at Trump's verbal cabbages:

'The guy you want with nuclear codes?': Psaki shows extent of Trump’s verbal blunders (msnbc.com)


But since the rightist reactionaries are determined to sink Biden via the deaths by a thousand 'old age' cuts we have to pull them up by their ears every now and then to drag them back to reality.  That include one young (25 y/o) Turk in Michigan who, when asked if Trump didn't commit verbal caca by the ton, replied:  "Naw, that just happens because he's garrulous!" So this is what we're faced with.  The, in the latest WSJ iteration (June 8-9, p. A13) one beholds the latest "Biden too old pig slop" :

Who's Next in Line After President Kamala Harris?

    From Kenneth L. Khachigian, a former Reagan speech writer hack. Khachy opened up his screed by yapping: 

"Joe Biden can’t seem to catch a break. As he was about to embark to Normandy’s grand stage to commemorate America’s defense of freedom on D-Day, this newspaper confirmed what the nation could already see. The U.S. president is sliding dangerously into dotage in an increasingly perilous national and international environment"

           this, of course, is pie -eyed rubbish and the Biden team promptly shot it down. The key emphasis was how Biden had inherited a nation with a pandemic still raging and tottering economy, and steered it through those  choppy waters.  Not mentioned, but obvious to anyone who read the WSJ hit piece is that it was almost entirely from GOP sources - who already have an axe to grind against Biden. Which means they sources have about as much validity as an ounce of ten day old doggie lickspittle.

Maybe the WSJ writer needs to be reminded it was Joe Biden:

-         Who got the CHIPS act passed

-         Who got the Inflation reduction act passed

-         Who got the American Rescue Plan passed

-         -Who got the bipartisan infrastructure and Jobs Bill passed

Would a senile guy be able to do all that?                                                      

              Of course, as a Reep hack, 'Khachy' would not be able to appreciate that:

        - Yeah we have two elderly candidates but...while one is old, the other is old and dangerous (sociopathic).

         - Plus, that first guy has done his job effectively the past 4 years (see above) and kept jobs numbers on the increase.   The 2nd guy has proven to be an adjudicated rapist and fraudster plus a convicted felon on 34 counts.

          - The first old guy (Biden) comports himself with dignity even if he walks a tad slow.  The other bullies, whines and name calls like a petulant toddler.

            - Finally, one is old and believes in preserving or democracy, the other is old and loves autocrats and dictators - like Viktor Orban and Vladimir  Putin.  This is the oaf who once bragged (in 2018) he received "love letters" from Kim Jong Un, the bloody dictator of North Korea.

   Apart from all this, Khachy appears to have missed these events about Trump:

-  When he was President he asked Defense Secretary Mark Esper if the Chinese were using a “hurricane gun” to shoot hurricanes at the US and was it an act of war.

- Told journalists to return their “Noble Prizes” . He was too stupid to know they are Nobel Prizes and that Journalists don’t get them.

 - He was so incensed he didn’t get a Nobel and Obama did that he put Nobel Prize images on his documents to pretend he did, only he put the wrong image of something else that resembled the Nobel Prize because he’s so stupid.

 - Once said he had a great conversation with the President of the Virgin Islands when he was the President of the Virgin Islands

And here’s the self-proclaimed “stable genius” on the topic of wind turbines, which he claims are driving whales crazy:

I never understood wind. I know windmills very much. ... Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. “

Biden slipping? Trump has already mentally fallen through a rabbit hole of black hole dimensions.  Don't let the fast talking and loud voice fool you. In the corpos mentus department Joe Biden thrashed Dotard Trump hands down as people will see June 27th in the first debate.

'Khachy' then blabs: 

By any measure of common sense, Mr. Biden's mental acuity and physical stamina won't carry him through a second term. The disconnectedness reported by those who sat with him in meetings, combined with the painful observance of his stumbles on TV can't help but leave voters wondering: How could he possibly last beyond a year after retaking the oath of office? 

In fact, maestro, those physicians (at Walter Reed Hospital) who've examined him give him anywhere from 6-8 years beyond taking the oath of office. This is a guy who bikes miles each week, does other weight-bearing exercises, even while Dump (or Rump)_gobbles 3-4 cheese burgers a day mixed with KFC buckets in between.  You can see the pounds on this orange lardass when he hits the links:  

And you wanna tell me he has more years to go than Joe Biden? Cheese Louise, you've been imbibing too many MJ gummies with endless FOX News loops of one Biden stumble (at the Air Force Academy because a moron left debris  in his path) combined with feedback from Trump's GOP loons.

   See Also:

by Carl Gibson | May 29, 2024 - 6:18am | permalink

— from Alternet

One prominent psychologist and psychotherapist is warning that former President Donald Trump is deep in the throes of cognitive decline, and that his dementia is only worsening by the day.

For his Substack newsletter, attorney Jay Kuo interviewed Dr. John Gartner, the founder of Duty to Warn. Gartner's organization is a collection of mental health professionals sounding the alarm about the former president's declining mental faculties since he took office in 2017. In his interview, Gartner laid out four examples that he says show proof that Trump is teetering ever closer to full-blown dementia.

First, Gartner explained that, to him, Trump has shown a "decline from baseline" since he first announced his run for the presidency in 2015. He argued that while the 45th president of the United States used to speak "in polished paragraphs with a sophisticated vocabulary," he now is exhibiting a "shocking decline in verbal fluency" and "often can’t finish a sentence or even a word."


by Joan McCarter | June 13, 2024 - 6:56am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

new poll from Civiqs for Daily Kos shows that voters overwhelmingly know that convicted felon Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are basically the same age. So why does the traditional media keep covering them as if Biden is so much older? And why is the media—looking at you, The New York Times—so obsessed with ignoring the orange elephant in the room: Trump’s brain?

According to the new survey, 73% of registered voters correctly answer the age question saying Biden is a few years older—that includes 81% of regular Fox News viewers (although 5% of them say Biden is more than 10 years older, because Fox). That’s about the same as the 78% of regular MSNBC viewers who correctly identify the small age gap.

But the traditional media remains intent on portraying Biden as knocking on heaven’s door. The Wall Street Journal recently ran a massive hit piece on Biden pushing the GOP narrative in an article titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” Their sources? Republicans.


With Pugnacity Joe Biden Blows Apart The "Doddering" Narrative In Fiery State Of The Union


Joe Punches Back At Trump Holdover Hur's Partisan Bollocks.


Trump-Biden Debates? Sure, Bring 'Em On 

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