Okay, it's 'show time', people. The next big vote on TPP is likely today and we have to know the names of the 28 Demo punks who already voted with the Repukes on it. These traitors voted to pass fast-track trade promotion authority, which preapproves the still-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and future so-called “trade” agreements. These poltroons voted to send jobs and factories out of the country, to allow non-U.S. corporations (and foreign subsidiaries of U.S. corporations) to sue our government if we try to pass laws that might interfere with their profits. (And those are just some of the things we know are in TPP from leaks.)
Okay, look, there is always the small chance of redemption, so we will hope that arrives today when the rubber likely hits the road with a new TPP vote . Here are the names of the Dem miscreants. Pay attention to see whether any are your reps.:
Brad Ashford (Neb.-2nd District)
Ami Bera (Calif.-7th District)
Don Beyer (Va.-8th District)
Earl Blumenauer (Ore.-3rd District)
Suzanne Bonamici (Ore.-1st District)
Gerry Connolly (Va.-11th District)
Jim Cooper (Tenn.-5th District)
Jim Costa (Calif.-16th District)
Henry Cuellar (Texas-28th District)
Susan Davis (Calif.-53rd District)
John Delaney (Md.-6th District)
Suzan DelBene (Wash.-1st District)
Sam Farr (Calif.-20th District)
Jim Himes (Conn.-4th District)
Ruben Hinojosa (Texas-15th District)
Eddie B. Johnson (Texas-30th District)
Derek Kilmer (Wash.-6th District)
Ron Kind (Wis.-3rd District)
Rick Larsen (Wash.-2nd District)
Gregory Meeks (N.Y.-5th District)
Beto O’Rourke (Texas-16th District)
Scott Peters (Calif.-52nd District)
Jared Polis (Colo.-2nd District)
Mike Quigley (Ill.-5th District)
Kathleen Rice (N.Y.-4th District)
Kurt Schrader (Ore.-5th District)
Terri Sewell (Ala.-7th District)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.-23rd District)
If ANY one of these people represent you in Congress, use clicktocallcongress.org to contact them. Tell them to vote the right way- against TPP - or their stay in the House won't be very long because they will be primaried next time around!
See also:
"The unholy trio of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (who has vowed to keep any of Obama’s nominees from being confirmed), Speaker of the House John Boehner (who has thwarted just about every Democratic legislative proposal of the past several years), and President Obama (a Democrat, in case you are having trouble remembering) are as one in a desperate effort to rescue their Frankenstein-like creation.
Their only hope is to bribe, browbeat or brainwash enough House members to change their minds. It could happen....
The issue before us is not “free trade,” which, like any policy, has its pluses and minuses. The issue is that a multilateral trade agreement should not be negotiated in secret, but in the open by our State and Commerce departments, with input from all organizations concerned, including those representing workers and environmentalists.
Then there should come a draft document for all to see, to be laid before the people’s representatives in Congress assembled. If and when a majority of them ratifies the agreement, it can go to the president for signature. This is how democracy should work....
This whole affair is outrageous. After 226 years of constitutional government, is this where we’ve finally arrived?
So what can we do against so monstrous a lie? First, call this deal out for what it is — an abomination. Then let the tsunami of popular outrage roll. Tell Congress and the White House what you think. But hurry! Time’s running out, and Obama, McConnell, Boehner and the lobbyists are working overtime to get the locomotive back on the fast-track."
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