I actually watched the story unfold while in Germany, but had to laugh as the total moron Wolf Blitzer, confronting a young mother and tornado victim in Moore, Oklahoma, got his comeuppance. The CNN Cretin -in-chief exercised extreme presumption as he eyed Rebecca Vitsun and said:
"I guess you gotta thank the Lord, right? I mean you gotta thank the Lord?"
And I thought, 'Are you fucking kidding me? Thank him for what? Sending tornadoes out to smash people's homes down? Having allowed them to erupt but - when prayers were sent forth - not displaying the presumed power to stop them? Or at least deflect them into uninhabited areas! What kind of a con game do the Xtianoids expect us 'NBs' to accept? Oh wait! They want us to have faith....riiiiiiight!
But the woman, Rebecca Vitsun, displayed vastly more in the way of graciousness than I would've had Wolf pulled that shtick with me. No, she replied simply:
"I'm actually an atheist."
No provocative attack lines, like 'No, you dummy, I don't believe in gods that send destruction!' Or anything like that. Just a simple statement of her self-identity, which said it all. In other words, those four words embodied her transcending of stupid, supernatural nonsense or existents - acknowledging there was no need to thank an entity that didn't exist and indeed, wasn't there to help out when needed anyway. But you could have almost heard CNN's media honchos back in Atlanta erupt: "WHERE did she come from? I thought Oklahoma was a red state!"
Of course, we know the US of A is full of crackpots and fruitcakes and this sort of interlude was almost guaranteed to lure one or more out. I mean, an ATHEIST on a major TV network being interviewed? In a disaster?
Well, it shook the fruitcake Glenn Beck to his core, and prompted him to claim "the forces of darkness at CNN had planted the idea of the question in Blitzer's mind."
"Planted" the silly question in Wolf's febrile mind? Actually, I think this fool attributes way too much in the way of cleverness to account for a simply stupid Blitzer-type goof.
But anyway, the suggestion has come up - evidently in some minds similarly operating on Blitzer-type circuits, that as the Black Forest Fire rages I also ought to get on bended knee and PRAY! Pray that this horrific fire doesn't come and burn down my home and blah, blah. Well, I have news for this guy - the 397 families in Black Forest that ALREADY lost homes prayed feverishly for respite or reprieve. Did it come? Nope, all 397 homes burned to the ground, 41,000 people evacuated - two people killed, to be investigated as homicides (robbed just as they were about to leave Black Forest).
My question then is what's the point of praying? To whom? There is no one there answering the prayer phone! Thus, no supernatural hands are going to intervene and the only salvation - if there's to be any- will be from the hundreds of tireless, determined fire fighters waging an acre by acre battle against the flames.
So I guess what I am saying is my model for such disaster response is the same as Rebecca Vitsun's. Like her I expect no supernatural delivery, hence beseech no supernatural entities for any. If deliverance comes it will be from human hands, machines (slurry planes) and techniques.
This is what we call reality-based thinking.
More Americans, like Wolf Blitzer and Glenn Beck, ought to practice it!
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