Pope Francis scolds childless married couples in 2013
Pope Francis has gone on the warpath against fossil fuelers and their allied polluters of the environment in a newly released quasi-encyclical entitled Laudate Deum, published last week. This is not novel take either. To Francis' credit, in 2015 he offered cogent and sprawling meditations on Man's place on Earth as well as the spiritual implication of human-caused global warming. Now, eight years later in Laudate Deum we behold Francis naming and shaming the nations he actually sees as bad actors in the perilous climate warming trend.
Strangely, however, he makes no mention of one of the biggest bad actors- his own Roman Catholic Church. Because without the endless encyclicals against artificial birth control there wouldn't be the mess we're in now with 8.2 billion humans churning out gigatons of CO2 by the year. But more on this later.
In his treatise he writes:
the passage of time, I have realized that our responses have not been
adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing
the breaking point,”
He then specifically takes aim at citizens in wealthier countries and the overall "irresponsible lifestyle" of the developed world, writing:
“If we
consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two
times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven
times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that
a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western
model would have a significant long-term impact.”
In clear, precise language the Pope correctly identifies the burning of fossil fuels as the primary driver of climate change - while also detailing its effects on the planet and its inhabitants while dismissing those who deny the crisis. Sad to say, like so many in the high IQ societies, i.e.
And: Can A Former Hopkins Immunologist (& Intertel Member) Also Be A Climate Expert & Climate Change Denier? Not Really! He also accuses wealthy individuals, corporations and politicians- policy makers of turning a blind eye. In clear, precise language, Francis identifies the burning of fossil fuels as the primary driver of climate change. He also details the effects on the planet and it inhabitants while dismissing those miscreants who deny there is a crisis. He goes on to write: “The United Arab Emirates will host the next Conference of the Parties (COP28). It is a country of the Persian Gulf known as a great exporter of fossil fuels, although it has made significant investments in renewable energy sources. Meanwhile, gas and oil companies are planning new projects there, with the aim of further increasing their production.”
Francis then talks about the rising concentration of greenhouse gas parts per million in the atmosphere. Noting that the data has been confirmed by “the Mauna Loa observatory, which has taken daily measurements of carbon dioxide since 1958.” He also mentions the role of feedback loops i.e. "the reduction of ice sheets, changes in ocean currents, deforestation in tropical rainforests and the melting of permafrost in Russia.” |
Thus Pope Francis calls for the abandonment of fossil fuels and calls out those he believes are to blame. Also acknowledging that major corporations are unlikely to change out of the goodness of their hearts, writing: “Regrettably, the climate crisis is not exactly a matter that interests the great economic powers, whose concern is with the greatest profit possible at minimal cost and in the shortest amount of time,”
But still no word, not one, about the role of his own church. As I noted in earlier posts, over-population is at the root of all the global problems, including rapid climate warming, melting glaciers, polluted air and soil, severe crowding and crime - not to mention mass panic migrations (such as seen this past week to Europe). There are UN estimates that project a global population of 10.9 billion by 2100. If, however, women - mainly in the poorest nations and without access to contraceptives - have even 0.5 more offspring each than projected, that 2100 estimate could turn into 12.3 billion or even 15.8 billion.
This means that the Pope, if he is serious, cannot ignore or dismiss the adverse role human over -reproduction plays in contributing to a host of problems - including mass poverty and the greenhouse effect. In the case of the first, we note too many people outstripping the resources to provide for them - especially in places like Africa - which at its current rate of reproduction could see 5 billion people by 2100.
Clearly also, the pollution of the atmosphere* in tandem with the accelerating greenhouse effect, can be laid at the feet of too many people on this planet - each needing food, air, water and energy from the time of birth. The more people generated the more CO2 produced as a result of their gobbling resources and assorted carbon footprints. While the latter are greatest in the West, because our societies are based on consumption, the lesser footprints also matter in the sense that wars, tribal unrest and religious wars can result in millions fleeing their home nations and disrupting the balance of life in those countries fled to.
The most salient point for the pope is that the existing mass of 8.2 billion humans is currently gobbling the equivalent of 1.7 Earths each year and by 2030 TWO full Earths will be needed. E.g. 
Every year Global Footprint Network raises awareness about global
ecological overshoot with its Earth Overshoot Day campaign. Earth Overshoot Day is the day on the
calendar when humanity has used up the resources that it takes the planet the
full year to regenerate. This is clearly unsustainable and one of two things must happen: humans must cut their numbers radically - preferably by cutting birth rates, or those uncontrolled numbers will overwhelm the existing resources leading to mass starvation and destitution.
So artificial birth control, and yes - abortion too (if the birth control fails) must be available for a world teetering on the brink of catastrophe.. Failure to acknowledge this will mean the encyclical will be essentially a still born, sterile document - all form and no substance.
See Also:
Pope Francis' Zika & Contraception Remarks Show There Are NO Moral Absolutes
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