Greta Thunberg has a Mensa level IQ which propels her grasp of climate science and energizes her climate protests. Trump is a moron tyrant and bully who'd rather take time from his supposedly busy schedule to attack assorted perceived enemies via tweets. This time he picked on the wrong person.
It was pretty well a no -brainer that once Dotard got nixed for TIME's person of the year he would go off on Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate activist who's featured prominently in the news the past 2 months. Traitor Trump, the most monstrous narcissist buffoon ever to occupy the Oval Office, couldn't take it so he had to mock the girl (diagnosed on the autism spectrum) with his infernal sideways putdowns. Thus, Trump tweeted last Thursday:
“Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend. Chill Greta, Chill!”
Of course, here we see Trump projecting his own psychological failings on Thunberg. She isn't the one with the "anger management" issues, it's him. She doesn't pitch incessant tirades in an oval office, hurling half eaten sandwiches across the room at fretful aides, nor go on tweet attacks - starting at 3 a.m.
But it appears Greta, for some reason, seems to be really making Trump upset but without meaning to. I mean she isn't posting images of his orange orangutan face on her instagram, nor is she calling him an ignorant pestilence who knows next to nothing about climate change. So it has to be: a) that she has an I.Q. at least six standard deviations in excess of his on the Bell curve, and b) she got named the person of the year and he didn't. What's a mentally afflicted, malignant narcissist bully to do? Well, strike out at the one who's one upped him in intelligence, and in prominence - at least for this TIME cover.
So it's no mystery that when Ms. Thunberg was named TIME’s person of the year, an honor Trump reportedly wanted, he careened off the mental rails once more. Hence, did what he always seems to do when he perceives someone has stolen his thunder, edged him out of public attention: taken to Twitter while on the crapper, and hurled verbal taunts at the object of his ire. Thus, he lashed out by accusing the person upsetting him (Greta) of the very things he’s guilty of: uncontrolled anger episodes - so frequent that his aides have lost count. (One reported they exceed his lies, totalling 13, 400 -odd, since entering the WH.)
But a $64 question emerges here for both Trump's defenders, and his bilious, brainless base who believe the orange maggot walks on water. (Like the woman at one of his Pennsylvania rallies who burbled in one CNN interview: "He is just so fantastic, how can those Democrats do this to such a fine man?") The question: How does the putative leader of the nation and free world - with at least a dozen issues of critical import pending (including a new China trade and tariff deal) - find the time to fire off putdowns at a 16 year old girl? Priorities anyone? Anyone?
Perhaps Dotard Donnie was roused to fury because Thunberg doesn't fit the mold (in Trump's misshapen excuse for a mind) of how girls are supposed to act. She isn’t trying to be a contestant in one of his beauty pageants. Nor would she ever have allowed Trump and (now deceased) pal Jeffrey Epstein to enlist her in their salacious schemes. She’s too busy trying to get world leaders like him to do something about the climate crisis. She’s too occupied by giving speeches at places like the UN – where Trump was laughed at, when he gave a speech in 2018, and Thunberg was met with respect, despite slamming the entire body for “misleading” the public with inadequate emission-reduction pledges
Meanwhile, Trump, detested as the most odious "leader" on the planet, was roundly mocked by his peers at the NATO summit in London. The mutt was so humiliated that he turned tail and bolted the next morning - instead of attending the final conference. But this is Trump, a coward at heart. He can't take any level of pushback at all, but always believes he's entitled to "punch back", especially when confronted by powerful women - say like Nancy Pelosi. Thus, his recent puerile remarks to a reporter about her teeth, i.e. that "because Nancy's teeth were falling out of her mouth, and she didn't have time to think!"
That was after Pelosi was seen answering the reporter's question, then moved her mouth slightly and took a sip of water. But her teeth did not appear out of place and her speech was not interrupted. But see this is the nature of Trump, who despite being 73 years of age chronologically is barely 13 mentally. So his behavior and words match, often resorting to jabs about people's appearance. One of the most outrageous episodes is when he mocked a disabled reporter, and Rep. Maxine Waters was compelled to bring the image to the House to convince the gathered Reeps who even then believed their golden (errr....orange) boy could do no wrong.

Thus, strong women, disabled reporters, and legions of the defenseless have all become Trump targets because the arguably most powerful man on Earth is the psychological equivalent of a 13 year old with a perpetual chip on his shoulder. That chip flies off at the slightest hint of challenge, or if Trump sizes up an individual as ripe for twitter predation out of some imagined transgression.
By contrast, Greta Thunberg- like the majority of girls growing up in the digital age - has been cyberbullied before . By Trump himself, who, after her celebrated speech before the UN General Assembly 2 months ago, sarcastically tweeted, “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”
Both times Trump has tweeted about her, Thunberg’s responses have been jocular, and sarcastic in kind. This week, she changed her Twitter bio to: “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.”
In her handling of being cyberbullied by the president of the United States, at age 16, Thunberg has become an inspiration for girls two times over – first as a climate activist, then as a social media ninja.
But that doesn’t mean that Trump’s cyberbullying of Thunberg is any less despicable, or dangerous. What it says to girls all over the world is: no matter what you do, no matter how much you achieve, powerful bullies with XY chromosomes can and will try to cut you down. But the funniest aspect is how the deranged Trumpie nitwits have tried to redeem the loss of the TIME cover prestige by photo-shopping Trump's visage on Greta's. Hey maybe Trump aspires to having XX chromosomes

While we may howl with derisive laughter at this pathetic move, the underlying message is depressing and not without potentially dire consequences. It’s a message that has contributed to a precipitous rise in the suicide rate among girls, in efforts to diminish girls' own identities. This has contributed to rising anxiety and depression among girls and young women, not just in the U.S. but the UK. It’s a message that Trump’s wife, Melania, is supposed to be combatting, with her "Be Best" campaign against cyberbullying. But it's too bad her bullying scrutiny is too limited, failing to target the biggest bully of all: Trump.
Nonetheless, Melania, recall, whined about son Barron being singled out by Prof. Pamela Karlan during the House Judiciary hearings. Joy Reid on her MSNBC show Saturday morning put things in perspective:
But this is more disingenuous, false equivalence. Prof. Karlan did not single out Barron for personal attack only mere nominal mention to point out the limits of Trump's aspirations to monarchy. Thus,while Trump can name his son "Barron" he can't appoint him as a Baron. Big deal It was a perfect pun-type illustration to clarify the limits of the presidency. Trumpie crybabies need to get over it. There is no negative aspect there, though it's doubtful Trump's dumb base can see it.
But leave it to them to come up with the specious argument that even a pun-wise bare mention of the first son's name is verboten, given he's not an "activist". But it's ok to mock and take sarcastic shots at a teen girl who does something besides play video games all day long, act as an "influencer" for goofy junk products, or keep the nose buried in tiny screens.
Greta is at least trying to get fellow humans to get off their butts and work to preserve the planet for future generations.
Meanwhile, Trump lavished his praise on fellow turncoat, House Dem Jeff Van Drew - who announced he plans to vote against impeachment and cross over to join the bad guys, i.e. Repukes. This after Trump "personally wooed him" according to a CBS News report this morning. So yet another POS out to show he lacks any moral compass as he joins the most lawless political party in U.S. history.
Greta is at least trying to get fellow humans to get off their butts and work to preserve the planet for future generations.
Meanwhile, Trump lavished his praise on fellow turncoat, House Dem Jeff Van Drew - who announced he plans to vote against impeachment and cross over to join the bad guys, i.e. Repukes. This after Trump "personally wooed him" according to a CBS News report this morning. So yet another POS out to show he lacks any moral compass as he joins the most lawless political party in U.S. history.
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