What are the p-adics? They're a specialized class of numbers first uncovered by Kurt Densel in the late 1800s. A key aspect is their absolute value, which depends on the prime number for which any p-adic is based. The p then means the particular prime. Given primes of 2, 3, 5, 7 - for example, one can find 2-adic, 3-adic, 5-adic and 7-adic absolute values which are always computed by taking the reciprocal of the highest multiple of p which divides into any given natural number, N.
If N has no multiples of p, then the absolute value (êp ê) is simply 1. If we are looking at a p-adic absolute value of zero, the result is always zero. (E.g. [0]p =ê0 êp = 0)
Let's look at some examples before examining more elaborate applications. Consider the 3-adic versions of: 7, 5 and 1/3. What will the 3-adic absolute values be? Compute each in turn:
[7]3 = 1 (since there are NO multiples of 3 to form the number N = 7)
[5]3 = 1 (for the same reason, thus: [7]3 = [5]3 )
[1/3]3 = [1]3/ [3]3 = 1/ (1/3) = 3
since the reciprocal of 3 is 1/3 which we then divide into the numerator 1.
How about obtaining the p-adic absolute values for each of these: [4]2 , [1/6]2 , [1/8]3 , and [24/25]2
The first is pretty easy, since: [4]2 = [2 x 2]2 = 1/4
The next isn't too terribly difficult either: [1/6]2 = [1]2/ [3 x 2]2 =
1/(1/2) = 2
and: [1/8]3 = [1]3/ [8]3 = 1/1 = 1
Note in this case, since the denominator (8) has no 3-factors, it must be that [8]3 = 1 .
Lastly: [24/25]2 = [3 x 2 x 2 x 2]2/ [25]2 = (1/8)/ 1 = 1/8
(Again, 25 has no multiples of 2 which can compose it, so [25]2 = 1)
Even more intriguing are the spatial relations and differences, divergences between normal space and "p-adic" space. Consider the triangle (scalene) shown in Fig. 1 and the linear dimensions (absolute values) of its respective sides. We find: A = 4 ([4 - 0]); B = 6 ([10 - 4]); and C = 10 ([0 - 10]). Now compute the sides using 2-adic absolute values (I will assume the reader can obtain the end computations based on the previous examples):
for A: [0 - 4]2 = 1/4 for B: [4 - 10]2 = [1/4 - 1/2] = 1/4
for C: [0 - 10]2 = [10]2 = 1/2
Amazingly, in the p-adic context we find the counter-intuitive result that side A equals side B (= ¼). In other words, in this context, the triangle is found to be isosceles! A general rubric is that for any such computations of the p-adic absolute values contingent on a given triangle's sides - there will always be found an isosceles triangle - irrespective of how the triangle appears in normal space.
Even more bizarre results await when we examine apparently infinite series in the p-adic context. Thus, a series that first appears to go on to an infinitely large extent may be found much more different when p-adics enter. Consider the series given by the sum:
S = 1 + 5 + (5)2 + (5)3 + (5)4 + (5)5 + (5)6 + .........
To treat S p-adically, multiply both sides by 5, then place the result under the original S and subtract:
S = 1 + 5 + (5)2 + (5)3 + (5)4 + (5)5 + (5)6 + .........
5S = 5 + (5)2 + (5)3 + (5)4 + (5)5 + (5)6 + .........
Subtract term by term to get: S - 5S = 1 (all other terms above and below cancel out!)
So: -4S = 1 and S = - ¼
In other words, the sum S is less than 1 in the p-adic venue, totally counter-intuitive! We see that evidently the notion or concept of "closeness" emerges quite differently - certainly if we can turn an "infinite" (apparently) sum into one yielding a result less than one!
Problems for the Math Maven:
1. For the triangle in Fig. 2, use 7-adic absolute values applied to the sides of the triangle, thereby compute: A, B and C and show it is isosceles.
2. Find the value of the sum S for:
S = 1 + 7 + (7)2 + (7)3 + (7)4 + (7)5 + ....
3. Using the series in (2) as written, "invent" a new irrational number based on the p-adic form.
can you state what theorem you used??
Hello. Actually there is no "theorem" that I used in any of the above. All that I did was to apply the already existing rules for p-adic operations, as well as their basic definitions.
However, yes one can put them into a more formal context, which has been done by "Dr. Math". YOu can find his much more elaborated take on them here, which delves much more deply than my treatment!
His description of the transition from 'field' to 'ring' for the p-adics is perhaps what you are most interested in seeing!
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