Wednesday, September 11, 2024

In ABC Debate Kamala Devastatingly Shows Only One Candidate Is Sane and Fit to Be President.

 "Tuesday’s debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was a train wreck for him, far worse than anything Team Trump could have imagined. Ms. Harris was often on offense, leaving Mr. Trump visibly rattled as she launched rocket after rocket at him. A New York Times analysis found she spent 46% of her time on the attack while Mr. Trump devoted 29% of his time to going after her. Debates aren’t won on defense....It matters how debating candidates carry themselves. There, it was no contest. Ms. Harris came across as calm, confident, strong and focused on the future. Mr. Trump came across as hot, angry and fixated on the past, especially his own. She mastered the split screen, projecting confidence and wordlessly undercutting him by smiling while shaking her head as he spoke...

Will this debate have an effect? Yes, though perhaps not as much as Team Harris hopes or as much as Team Trump might fear. But there’s no putting lipstick on this pig. Mr. Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as “dumb as a rock.” Which raises the question: What does that make him?"-  Karl Rove, WSJ, p. A11, 'A Catastrophic Debate For Trump'

On every single factor of evaluating debate performance, Harris won.

- clarity on issues
- tone
- non-verbal body language
- presidential posture

The image that will last is Trump hunched over, arguing with the mods, angry, practically foaming at the mouth......and Harris standing back, looking bemused or puzzled by his attitude.  - Comment on Washington Post

"If this was a prize fight it would've been a TKO in the second round, and from the instant of the hand shake."  - One pundit in the post-debate crowd at Constitution Hall.

Kamala Harris did exactly what she needed to do. She controlled the debate from the minute she walked onstage, approaching a man who is almost a foot taller than her and introducing herself. She appeared stronger, larger in stature, more specific of substance, more composed in the face of lies and outright attacks, more optimistic while the former president was talking about a broken and beaten down America". Michelle Norris, Washington Post, 'This Was Plain and Simple A Rout'

Taylor Swift endorses Kamala after the 90 minute ABC debate.

                            Dotard rants about migrants eating pets

                                   Kamala snares Dotard in yet another trap

Vice President Kamala Harris  last  night in the ABC presidential debate commanded the energy - as well as the sanity - in the hallowed Constitution Hall in Philadelphia.  From the get go she had the initiative after chasing the Orange Dotard down to shake his hand, a bold move that set him off kilter.  

 Over the 90 plus minutes Kamala repeatedly went on offense while she had the fungus-hued Jan. 6th insurrection leader on defense. And this was despite his being granted 39 opportunities to yap, compared to only 23 times Kamala had to say her piece.  Including rebutting his vile nonsense. AS NY Times columnist Michelle Goldberg put it:

“The moderators really did do Kamala Harris a favor was in letting Trump talk so much. I believe he spoke much more than she did, and the more he spoke, the more angry and unhinged he seemed.”

At one point, Trump pathetically yearned for having Biden on stage instead, whining:

They threw him out of the campaign like a dog. We don’t even know. Is he our president? We have a president that doesn’t know he’s alive.”

She corrected him, saying with her trademark wry smile: 

You’re not running against Joe Biden, you’re running against me,”

 Encapsulating how drastically the dynamics had shifted following President Biden’s exit after his disastrous June debate performance.  Because now it was the aged, partially demented Dotard caught repeatedly off guard and falling often into the traps set by Kamala.  Even the lead WSJ editorial today admitted as much:

"She won the debate because she came in with a strategy to taunt and goad Mr. Trump into diving down rabbit holes of personal grievance and vanity."

As the debate progressed, the baiting hits took their toll, revealing Trump more and more as an unhinged, senile screwball, incapable of delivering a single coherent response.  

 For example, Donnie Dump repeatedly made false statements  about Democrats supporting murdering babies once they are born, at one juncture barfing out;

Her vice-presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine. “He also says execution after birth is … okay.”

Which, of course, would be an illegal act that would constitute murder in all 50 states. He also insinuated that an upcoming ballot initiative to restore abortion rights in Florida would promote abortions “in the ninth month,” when, in fact, if adopted, the amendment would only allow abortions until the point of viability, around 24 weeks, unless a mother’s health is at risk.

But this was merely a prelude to further displays of deranged babble emanating from Captain Bonespur's twisted piehole. After being quizzed by David Muir about immigration, for example, Dump went off on a wild tangent, bringing up recently (and debunked) claims that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, have been allegedly killing and eating the pets.  In his words: 

In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. They're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country,

When moderator Muir corrected him, noting Springfield police had previously denied that any such reports have been made, Dotard couldn't accept it, firing back:   “I saw it on television!” 

In fact, the television spot was an unsubstantiated and inflammatory video shared widely on rightwing accounts. It evolved quickly into a viral meme featuring AI-generated images of Trump surrounded by cats and dogs, appearing to protect them. Prominent figures in Trumpworld seized quickly on the meme. The wacko Trump Veep candidate JD Vance, who had previously spoken about the influx of Haitian migrants to Ohio, posted on X: 

Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country. Where is our border czar?”

Kamala Harris was at her best reiterating her commitment to reinstating the protections of Roe v Wade, asserting:

 "Let's understand how we got here. Donald Trump hand- selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v Wade, and they did exactly as he intended. Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.

This was after Rump bragged and defended his oft-repeated claims that he “killed” Roe v Wade.  Well, thanks Donnie Dumpster, for openly admitting to 40 million American women of child-bearing age that you were the instigator behind bringing down Roe. Like you were the instigator of bringing down the bipartisan Border deal.

Harris also called Donald Trump’s claims “insulting to the women of America”.  This was after the fecal fungoid insisted women were "executing" born babies.  As Kamala corrected the bombastic orange roach:

Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion that is not happening. It's insulting to the women of America and understand what has been happening under Donald Trump's abortion bans.”

Trump, unable to come to terms with having been laid out yet again in a dialectic trap, lamely retorted that Harris’ responses were “lies.” But just looking at his rat-like feral face one could tell he was the one who'd been outed as the lying slime he is.

 Indeed, the traitor's repetition of unsubstantiated claims throughout the debate prompted the two ABC moderators to fact-check him on air. FOX News propagandists took umbrage post-debate, bawling that the ABC pair fact checked Trump but refused to do so for Harris.  But as CBS' political specialist John Dickerson put it this morning: "The two cases aren't equivalent. In one maybe the cook put a bit too much salt in the soup.  But in the other, a whole box of salt got emptied into the soup."

In other words, it was Dump's claims that were the whoppers, like immigrants eating people's pets. Kamala's changed positions, or whatever, didn't even make the basic cut into crazy land.

What we both loved is how Kamala Harris hit Trump early where it hurts most, his monstrous ego, saying:

I’m going to actually do something unusual, and I’m going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies,” Harris began. “People start leaving his rallies early, out of boredom and exhaustion.”

Then when Harris wrapped up her remark (on immigration and Trump killing the bipartisan border plan) with a jab about Trump’s crowd sizes, Dumpster Don could not help but take the bait. First, Trump claimed without evidence that Harris paid people to attend her rallies. (This was two weeks after he first claimed she was expanding her crowds using AI). Then, he went on to brag about having the "biggest crowds of all".  Clearly wound up, he then began to ramble on about immigrants eating people’s pets.

And this is the character that 37 % believe won the debate, according to a CNN poll?  Well, maybe they need to get their ears - or their IQs  - checked. I mean who the hell would want a guy that puts television over reality occupying the White House with access to the nuclear football?

But never mind. The added exposure in talk time (compared to what the moderators allotted Kamala)  simply confirmed for all viewers - at least those with more than air between the ears – the guy in the red tie was unfit to ever again sit in the Oval Office.  How should we say? He was played out.

To put an exclamation point on the evening, 27 Minutes after the debate Taylor Swift delivered her block buster endorsement of the Harris- Walz ticket with an image of her on Instagram with her pet cat. (See top graphic). Swift said Trump’s recent sharing of a social media post falsely claiming she had endorsed him had spurred her to go public with her voting intentions.

It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent,” she said. 

Swift signed the post:

Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady”,

 Alluding to comments by JD Vance, Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, that America was run by “childless cat ladies”. See e.g.

  • Yeppers, The "Cat Lady" Has Already Sung - For J.D. Vance..
  • After Taylor's announcement we both cheered, as this could well be the final step that gets Kamala into the White House. Given she saw what we did, with Kamala owning the stage with her every move and rational response, while Trump got angrier, smaller and ever more irrelevant as the debate wore on. Hopefully, millions finally saw Trump as the pathetic poseur and whiny criminal simpleton he really is, and totally unfit for office of any kind.  
  •        Following last night's devastating take down of Trump there shouldn't be one single voter with any cerebral capacity still "on the fence".  It is the choice between craziness & chaos vs. sanity and decency - and it doesn't take a degree in differential geometry to see it.

See Also:

by Heather Digby Parton | September 12, 2024 - 6:58am | permalink

— from Salon


According to the New York Times/Siena poll released over the weekend, about 28% of people said they needed to learn more about Vice President Kamala Harris, while only 9% said the same about Donald Trump with the race pretty much tied within the margin of error. Consequently, the conventional wisdom going into last night's debate was that Harris had much more to lose — and gain — than Trump, who is thought to have a pretty solid 46% no matter what. Harris could conceivably go up or down pretty substantially. The debate was therefore seen as make or break for her while for him it would probably change nothing. Could she rise to the occasion?

Indeed she did.

That 28% of people who needed to learn more, learned that Harris is quick-witted, highly qualified, very confident and well prepared. Yes, she has a very winning smile and exudes a joyful radiance, but she also has a spine of steel which she demonstrated by walking right up to her opponent at the outset of the debate and then standing and staring him down for over an hour and a half as she dominated poor, spent Donald Trump. It was hardly a fair fight.


by Robert Reich | September 11, 2024 - 6:39am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack

To say that Kamala Harris nailed it tonight is an understatement. She knocked it out of the park. She combined civility with firmness. She made Trump look and sound like the blubbering idiot he is.

Tonight’s was Harris’s first presidential debate. It was Trump’s eighth — including his debates with Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. But Trump was worse than he has ever been. All he did was attack. His only weapon was fear. His only means was lies.

Trump claimed that the American economy under him was better than the economy under Biden and Harris, and that under Harris the economy would be ruined. In fact, under Trump, America lost almost 3 million jobs. And Trump’s unforgivable failure to contain COVID as well as other advanced countries did required massive government expenditures that fueled inflation.

» article continues...




Vice President Kamala Harris demonstrated in Tuesday night’s presidential debate, in case any rational person had doubts, that she is the only decent, prepared and fit candidate in the presidential race. In both her answers and demeanor, she demonstrated the unmistakable contrast between a mature, responsible adult and someone who resembles the mean, crazy relative no one wants to sit next to at the holiday table.



Tuesday night could have been disastrous. It was at the very least a good 90 minutes for Harris. She has probably arrested the drift in momentum. It is worth stressing the likely course of history had it been Joe Biden, not Harris, who took the stage on Tuesday night. Not for the first time, Democrats can thank the rain gods that Biden pushed for an early debate in June. That gave them the time to pressure Biden to step down after he floundered. With Harris, Democrats have a reasonable chance of winning. With Biden, they were heading for defeat. 


by Maya Boddie | September 11, 2024 - 6:18am | permalink

— from Alternet

Conservative talk show host Erick Erickson slammed right-wing news media after Donald Trump "amplified false rumors that Haitian immigrants in Ohio were abducting and eating pets" during Tuesday night's debate against Kamala Harris, according to the Associated Press.


Conservative lawyer George Conway replied: "Actually, I don’t think you’re being fair, Erick. I’m going to defend these stupid motherf—kers. Because it’s not their fault that the stupidest motherf—ker of all is @realDonaldTrump."

Meghan McCain, also a conservative former talk show host, also commented on Trump's remarks, writing: "This pet eating thing is a gross internet hoax - come on with this."

» article continues...

by Amanda Marcotte | September 13, 2024 - 6:28am | permalink

— from Salon

"With love and hope," Taylor Swift signed her endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, "Childless Cat Lady."

Most of the global star's Instagram post praising the Democratic presidential nominee and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, was thoughtful and earnest. She thoughtfully laid out her frustrations with Donald Trump for falsely claiming she backed him, writing immediately after Tuesday night's debate, "It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter." Swift heralded Harris as "a steady-handed, gifted leader," and lauded Walz for "standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades." She included information for her young fans on registering to vote. The General Services Administration announced that more than 337,000 visitors followed Swift's link to as of 2 pm the day after the debate.

» article continues...


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