Tuesday, September 29, 2020

All Biden Needs To Do Is Keep His Composure (when Dotard mounts personal attacks) And He Will Win This Debate


As I  wrote in my August 4 post, I see no reason that Joe Biden ought to agree to debate the 74 year old narcissist brat in the White House, with pretensions to absolute power. That  assessment doesn't change now, the day of the debate,  given we've beheld Trump's mental condition has further deteriorated.   Also his lies and gaslighting have grown to malignant proportions.  Look no further than his continued attacks on mail voting, as well as admitting on tape (with Bob Woodward for his book, RAGE) how he lied to downplay the virus- allowing tens of thousands to die from Covid.  

 Thus, we've already got prima facie evidence that Trump has failed the essential test for presidential leadership by failing to protect the citizens under his "mantle" of leadership.  We don't need any more artificial tests like a staged debate, and the only point in having one would be to disclose or confirm (for the "undecided" voters) what is already known by the more educated and well-read voters: i.e. that Trump is a mendacious and unstable cretin who also poses a security risk to this election.  That includes the hundreds of millions he owes to unknown lenders, which will come due during a 2nd term.  The American people deserve to know WHO these creditors are. Maybe Russian Oligarchs?   (Pay attention, Joe, in case Trump comes after you with a barb attacking Hunter, or other family members.)

 As  Stephanie Ruhle said this morning:  "We can expect Biden will go there even if moderator Chris Wallace doesn't."   Well, we would hope so!  Biden's byword this evening needs to be:   Don't let sleeping counterattacks lie around.

Minus that, there is nothing at all to be gained by citizens from witnessing tonight's event.   Moderator Chris Wallace has vowed to make himself "invisible" so that means he likely won't intervene when needed, including fact checking.  And we know all that Trump will deliver is lies, and those mixed with bombast and name -calling, so what's the point? There is no educational aspect whatsoever.  As journalist Elizabeth Drew - a panelist in one 1976 debate- put it:

"The debates have never made sense as a test for presidential leadership."

 John Sides wrote in Washington Monthly magazine in 2012:

That presidential debates can be ‘game changers’ is a belief almost universally held by political pundits and strategists. Political scientists, however, aren’t so sure. Indeed, scholars who have looked most carefully at the data have found that, when it comes to shifting enough votes to decide the outcome of the election, presidential debates have rarely, if ever, mattered.”

More to the point, there are likely barely 3 percent of voters who can be influenced at this time.  Three percent one way or other can still make a difference so there is some small merit in Biden  vigorously competing to win - say as opposed to "phoning it in" - with a merely acceptable performance.

How best to do that is easy:  Biden simply needs to  avoid blowing up, losing his cool, in front of a projected audience of 50 million.  If Trump attacks at a personal level, Biden has any number of low hanging Dotard "fruits" to go after in brisk ripostes, including:

- Calling attention to how big a loser Trump is, i.e. more successful at playing a billionaire than  being  one.  

- Calling attention to his massive personal debt of $300-400 million (as the Times'  report disclosed) and pushing Trump's buttons as to whom this debt is owed. Russian oligarchs? Mafia?  Emphasize the national security aspect, and get Trump's buttons properly pushed so HE explodes on stage, rope a dope if you will.

 -  Remind voters of how this swine called fallen military "losers" and "suckers", like when he went to the cemetery near Belleau Woods.

-  Remind voters- viewers of how he lied about the virus as exposed in Woodward's tapes for his book, RAGE. Deliberately downplaying it even when he acknowledged it being much worse than seasonal flu.  Then ask him directly: "How could you do that and let tens of thousands more Americans die because of your utter mendacity?"  - Then watch his eyes bulge as  he blows up.

All of the above can be delivered at the right time in rejoinder form, and without any need to scream or even raise one's voice,  or lose one's composure.  Simply deliver the verbal jab with a cool smile or nod of the head,  like a shiv to the spine of a  known predator.   Any of these attack topics  can be interjected after Trump  launches a personal attack, or if  Chris Wallace is not inclined to bring up these recent Trump atrocities.   Yes, the chosen topic for attack (like his massive debt) may not be on the debate list but that is no reason to let it sit unused, especially if Trump earns it with a personal attack.

Biden ought to also prep a good humorous response to an issue or Trumpism,  and look for a timing opportunity to use it.  E.g. if for the nth time he blurts out: "Fake News!  Fake News!"

"There you go again, Mr. President!  Is it that difficult to get your brain off that single track? Maybe we need a retest of your mental ability."

After all, authoritarians hate nothing more than having their supercilious, bloated egos punctured by a quick jokey takedown. 

The main goal for tonight: Get the ever incandescent idiot Trump to blow his lid on national TV - while you simply smile as he drags himself and his campaign  down to greater depths.

See Also:

What to know about the first Trump-Biden debate



Trump’s debts and foreign deals pose security risks, former intelligence officials say

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