Four of the main beneficiaries of young blood transfusions to keep themselves from looking their age: Trump, Lindsey Graham (top), Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy
Freshly extracted blood (from penniless 20-somethings) at a NY Vampire Center awaits transfusion into desperate top Republicans. (Trump has had several to try to enhance brain function - to no avail.)

The mastermind and operator of the GOP Vampire Center identified.
We on the Left had always suspected the main players on the GOP-Trump axis of evil derived their feral energy - and preternatural yen to protect Trump the Traitor- from a not so nice source. Now, with the release of at least the Mueller Report Appendix, we know they've been frequenting Vampire Centers across the country. These have entailed infusions of blood from young , energetic Millennials - generally from "the democratic resistance and underground."
We first became very suspicious when usually mild-mannered lapdog Sen. Lindsey Graham erupted (see his image above) at the hearings for confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh back in October last year. We wondered where he got such enormous but vile energy to hurl so much venom at the Dems - and by extension - at Dr. Christine Blase- Ford, testifying against the schmuck Kavanaugh. Well, now we know, Graham and other GOP lackeys have been getting young blood transfusions at these Vampire Centers. Heck, the Mueller Report Appendix even showed images of the bags of young blood ready to be transfused into the old Repukes.
To the amazement of many, the methods for doing this started some time ago by a company called "Ambrosia" who promised its expensive "vampire" procedures – infusions of a young person's plasma into aging patients – could help reverse aging. Alas for them, the hyped- up advertising has stopped after the Food and Drug Administration "strongly" warned consumers against taking the treatments.
Well, seems the Republicans, always looking for an edge and a "fix' - never got the memo. Or if they did they ignored it.
After Lindsey Graham's demonstration of the procedure's potency it seems even more Reepos have taken advantage. Evidently at a special Vampire Center run by Rudy Giuliani and Mick Mulvaney. We understand Trump lackey and chief bootlicker Devin Nunes had several such transfusions - from the blood of at least 100 young Dem resistance members- before he went off half-cocked to try and use the (then) GOP House to protect Trump.
Nunes' indisputable, demonic energy was without question, even going so far as to try to get secret FBI (masking) and other documents released that would have exposed sensitive sources. But his success served to entice even more Repubs to get it done, including Trey Gowdy - who recall, demonstrated his own feral energy when he erupted and scolded former FBI agent Peter Strzock for his texting and dissing Trump. Oh, and one resistance member who escaped getting "tapped" actually claimed to have taken a photo of Mick Mulvaney (Trump's Director of Office Of Management and Budget) leaving the Vampire Center an hour after entering:

Could Mulvaney have actually revealed his genuine countenance after the Vampire procedure? We can't say for sure, but we do know he's now helping Rudy run the NY center. We also know he had pressured Trump to try to nullify the Obama ACA - to leave upwards of 28 million without any health care. Surely that's Satanic, no?
But is there any real science behind this ghoulish stuff?
Ambrosia had advertised its treatments using plasma as a virtual fountain of youth. The company's website had claimed that "Young plasma [treatment] is the result of research into the science of blood," including tests on mice, and that young blood rejuvenates the body's organs."
Indeed, plasma contains proteins that promote blood congealing, and can be used to treat bleeding and clotting problems. Doctors use plasma to help patients with severe injuries and those with certain illnesses or using medication that prevents blood clotting. But to go so far as to reverse aging, for $8- $12 K a procedure? I don't think so.
Let's also appreciate that the idea of using younger organs and blood to slow down or reverse the effects of aging has been around for decades. So the current GOP Vampire Centers have not really interjected some confounding new treatment or discovery for reversing the brain disintegrations of Repukes.
In the 1950s, in a Frankenstein-style process called parabiosis, scientists sewed the circulatory system of a young mouse to that of an old mouse. The study showed that the organs of the older mice became healthier, thanks to the presence of the younger blood. (The Vampire Centers, which are funded by Trump-Russia collusion funds, have not gone this far yet.)
In the 1950s, in a Frankenstein-style process called parabiosis, scientists sewed the circulatory system of a young mouse to that of an old mouse. The study showed that the organs of the older mice became healthier, thanks to the presence of the younger blood. (The Vampire Centers, which are funded by Trump-Russia collusion funds, have not gone this far yet.)
Of 69 rodent pairs, 11 did die of "parabiotic disease," essentially a form of tissue rejection, but in the other pairs, the effects were noticeably positive — although only for the older mice. The young mice were, overall, unaffected, either negatively or positively (except for, you know, being sewn to their new counterparts). It seemed the closer the genetic relationship between subjects, the less likely parabiotic disease was to occur. (There was one noted adverse effect: one of the older mice did develop demonic features in the aftermath.)
Subsequent research also has found that aging is body-wide and affects all areas simultaneously. Further, that our blood is what coordinates aging throughout our bodies- hence affect that blood and theoretically you can affect the body.
Hence, experiments began, again on mice, that showed how injecting young blood into older mice had positive effects on organs, bones, tissue — pretty much every system in the body. So if the technique works on mice, could it work on humans?
Well, up to a point it has worked for the Republicans using it, including those shown above. The question is how many of them will permanently revert to Satanic faces when they've tapped one too many young blood transfusions?
Also: Has current AG Bob Barr had any such transfusions before releasing his "summary" of the Mueller Report?
Hence, experiments began, again on mice, that showed how injecting young blood into older mice had positive effects on organs, bones, tissue — pretty much every system in the body. So if the technique works on mice, could it work on humans?
Well, up to a point it has worked for the Republicans using it, including those shown above. The question is how many of them will permanently revert to Satanic faces when they've tapped one too many young blood transfusions?
Also: Has current AG Bob Barr had any such transfusions before releasing his "summary" of the Mueller Report?
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