Wednesday, August 23, 2023

JPL-NASA Director Put On Spot About UAP Alien Origin - Doesn't Leave Us Impressed.

                               JPL-NASA chief Laurie Leshin addresses UFOs - kind of

                            My late brother Jerry would fault FOX 'idiotic question'
Military officers detail EBE-UFO connections in hearing

It's generally ill-advised when a top member of the military, academia or NASA- pontificates in absolutist terms concerning the origin of UFOs (or UAP) as they are now called. The reason goes back to the 'bead' analogy of the great cosmologist E.A. Milne. He created the concept of a bead sliding on a string, with its ends defined as 1 and 0, as shown below:

0 <-------------------------------o----------------------> 1

Milne argued that this was a useful device by which to gauge one’s acceptance of assorted claims, from unicorns, to Martians to God. The 1 end of the string defined absolute certainty, or a probability of 1.0, meaning there could be no doubt at all. The 0 end meant absolute impossibility or an associated probability of zero of occurrence. No truly serious person then could write off any given observed, hypothesized entity by dogmatically putting his (or her) bead at the 0 end.

Of course, in probing the positions of any given bead on the Milne string, for any given entity, it is always useful to have the best context. That means if a purported expert is asked a question on a purported entity's existence, the question is framed properly.  Go now to Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) director Dr. Laurie Leshin who was asked by FOX10 Phoenix last week if she had “seen spacecraft made from outside of this world.”  Predictably, her response was:

Absolutely not! No.”

Delivered with a hearty laugh.

Laurie Leshin's response was understandable given FOX Phoenix's brainiacs asked exactly the wrong question.  The question that needed to be asked was:

"What is your opinion of the military vets' testimony at last month's House Hearings on UAP?"

 This question would have shown: (a) She had a familiarity with the recent UAP-UFO encounters detailed by trained military pilots, e.g. 

 And (b) She had a measure of respect for what they reported and what they testified to observing. Especially given the bombshell congressional hearings and background of the alien-EBE whistleblowers.

Such an exchange based on a 'meat & potatoes' question as opposed to an empty optics PR stunt might have moved the ball forward, especially on whether NASA top brass take the issue seriously.  Instead, the take was also predictably lame, i.e. 

"A top member of NASA brass is doubling down that Earthlings have yet to observe a UFO of alien origin ."

No, dummies, that isn't what she said, nor had she "called BS on ET" - the sub header. She was asked if SHE HERSELF had "seen spacecraft made from outside of this world.”   And she answered honestly, i.e. she had not. BUT that personal answer did not rule out the positive responses from the military vets who testified at the House hearing!  But this is why such a dearth of critical thinking pervades the country, since we can't even depend on the media to get their heads focused enough to ask sound questions.  The inability to do so - or perhaps refusal -failed to shed light on the Director's (or NASA's) actual position on UAP origin. Was the space agency serious, or merely in league with the military brass who want to keep the origins hidden, and treated with the disdain of 'wackos' blabbering foolishness. Something I shot down in my recent letter published in The Denver Post:  

 The more serious framework would also have paved the way for more incisive questions, such as:

1) What manner of craft would be consistent with maneuvers at 700gs, moving at 13,000 mph in our atmosphere? 

2) What manner of craft would have the ability to evade radar, mirror our own fighter jets speeds, and then out maneuver them as if they were standing still?

3) Why did a Nov. 21, 1950 memo dispatched from the Canadian Embassy relay the following information - on the actual U.S. position on UFOs-  to an inquiring Canadian radio engineer:

i)The matter is the most highly classified subject in the U.S government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

ii) Flying saucers exist and are likely extraterrestrial craft, not manufactured on Earth (Project Sign conclusion)

The JPL-NASA Director — whose lab had a graceful recovery after accidentally switching off contact with deep space probe Voyager 2 recently — isn’t naive to the heightened speculation on otherworldly phenomenon, but alas, appears to be short on substance, background knowledge, information. So in any case would likely have been unable to address the preceding questions or might have scoffed at them.

Instead she could merely respond:  

"I mean, look, there’s clearly a lot of interest. Our interest at NASA is in actually scientifically following the evidence and looking for life elsewhere, and I think we have the chance within our lifetimes to answer that question.”  

 Which is a gobsmacking remark given the evidence for "life elsewhere" may well be right under our noses here on Earth.  IF we could ever get the Pentagon and Intel crew to open up after 75 years about what's really been stored in Wright -Patterson's blue room. As David Grusch observed, both U.S. military and intelligence officials, agencies have kept a good deal of materials, documents, information about UFOs-UAP classified or retrieved (as at Roswell - but retrieval actions denied) and kept stored in secret while impugning reputations such as those of David Grusch.   Meanwhile the hard evidence and proof sits in lockers or cold storage somewhere - either at Langley or Wright Patterson -out of reach to all but the highest level officials. 

 If these things don’t really exist, or are actually drones, or aerial garbage, clutter, plastic bags etc.  – why keep the files hidden?  Inquiring minds really want to know.

See Also:

Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs - YouTube



Neil deGrasse Tyson (on Real Time) Embarrasses Himself With Strawman Objections To Military- Recorded UFOs 




Gov't Whitewashing OF UAP-UFOs Is Still Based On Myth of Human Sovereignty..


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