Friday, June 16, 2023

Nimitz Pilots Knew That UFOs They Recorded Were Not " Supernatural " - But How To Break That To NY Times' Ross Douthat?


                                Jerry, my younger deceased brother - used to work at Wright-Patterson
                                         The UFO sighting

                                   Newspaper story about the Roswell crash


NY Times religion columnist Ross Douthat evidently wonders whether the U.S. government is trying to get people to "believe in UFOs"  E.g.

Ross Douthat: Does the U.S. government want you to believe in UFOs? (

Ross apparently never got the message that there is no issue of "belief" involved here. As former head of the Hayden Planetarium - Dr. Kenneth Franklin - put it in his February, 1975 lecture at the Harry Bayley Observatory in Barbados, 

"Asking me if I believe in UFOs is like asking me if I believe in Chicago. Of course I do! What you're really asking me when you ask that question is whether I believe UFOs are spacecraft from another planet, and I don't."

Is Ross paying attention here? Maybe not, so we also need to provide him with what remains the only scientific definition of UFO, as given by Dr. J. Allen Hynek in his book (UFOs- A Scientific Inquiry):

"A UFO is the reported perception of an object of light seen in the sky, the appearance, trajectory and general dynamic behavior of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients but remains unidentified, after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common sense identification, if one   were possible.”

This is important to process and remember if one is to have any kind of intelligent discussion. Hynek basically  gives us a scientific template by which to judge the nature of an object or light seen in the sky and which falls outside recognized categories.

But for Ross Douthat the issue may not even be related to scientific categories for actual UFOs. As when he writes in his piece:

"The experiences (e.g. of the Navy pilots), are more likely to offer evidence of either some kind of Jungian unconscious or actual supernatural realms than interplanetary visitors."

Referring to the videos made publicly available some five years ago, e.g. 

But wait, not so fast.  First of all solar physicist Peter Sturrock's work in the field of UFO analysis ('The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence')  as well as Prof. Hynek's ('The UFO Experience') disclosed magnetic, mechanical and thermal properties that cannot be merely emanations of the "Jungian" unconscious. They have to be real. Nor are they any kind of "supernatural" spirits flitting about.  A fact also established by the Nimitz pilots in their '60 Minutes' segment:

Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs - YouTube

Clearly those experienced pilots would know from what they observed and recorded (on multiple sensors) they were not "supernatural" in origin. Because no devils, demons  - or other supernatural apparitions - behave like that. Nor do they manifest with dynamics approaching 700gs and do deep dives into the sea. 

Douthat also feels sure enough of himself that he can assert:

 "The possibility of literal spacecraft stashed in U.S. government hangars piles up two immense-seeming improbabilities.  First, that nonhuman species cross oceans of space or leap interdimensional barriers using unfathomable technology and yet somehow keep crashing and leaving souvenirs behind."

First, they don't "keep crashing".  There has been one recorded (and validated) crash and that was at Roswell NM back in the summer of 1947.  There are any number of reasons that could have occurred, but we won't dwell on them for now.  

Second, "crossing oceans of space" is no biggie if these nonhumans employ zero point energy to alter inertial frames of reference as Jack Sarfatti showed, i.e. to accelerate from a local inertial to a non -inertial reference frame, 

a <=> (a)

dx= Ö(hab  d x a d x b ) =   Ö mn  d x m d x n 

 So for any null 4-vector ( k m ) vacuum transition:

mn  (ZPF) k  kn > 0

Where mn  (ZPF)  denotes the zero-point tensor frame.

Third, the question of current humans (as less advanced) being confronted by an "unfathomable" technology is not preposterous. Go back to my example (in earlier related posts, e.g. Oct. 29 last year) of a Neandertal confronted by an F-117 Nighthawk. 

I've argued we are in the same position (probably worse!) confronting  UAP  such as recorded and observed by Navy pilots now. But since the futility of explanation - and attendant implication of human inferiority - offends our egos we dismiss the phenomenon as real.   This goes back to the tendency -  by government sources, as well as the military and the media - to reject the UFO as real - because it comes up against the human concept of state sovereignty.  This is based on a ground-breaking 2008 paper appearing in the journal Political Theory:

Sovereignty and the UFO - Alexander Wendt, Raymond Duvall, 2008

 Therein they note the phenomenon of the UFO tends to be rejected as a worthy subject for investigation because the human obsession with sovereignty trumps common sense, open inquiry and hence good science.  The basic  takeaway: Humans, particularly in the top echelons of government and academia can't handle the possibility of subordination of intellect to any kind of exterior (to Earth) civilization.  Hence they adopt the trope: "They can't exist therefore they don't."  This   "UFO taboo" has come to mean the aversion to scientifically studying this phenomenon because it risks larger societal derision and even ostracism.

Finally, Douthat should not be so quick to dismiss alien craft - specifically the Roswell remnants -   "in government hangars." My brother Jerry (see image above) for years, hell decades, recited his involvement with these alien artifacts - and corpses - while working in "the Blue Room" of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.  (He also pointedly noted the corpses were not described as "aliens" but as EBEs - extraterrestrial biological entities.)

When prompted he'd go into exhaustive detail about what he saw and the stringent security measures he'd have to endure (Could only wear t-shirts, trousers, shoes - no clothing with pockets, no note books, cameras etc. or other paraphernalia- in or out, searches all the time). 

His bottom line take: there was a Roswell crash in 1947, but the debris (and four bodies) were conveyed to then Wright -Patterson Army Airfield, not to Area 51 as the current mythos claims.  One of the bodies was "badly dismembered" in a botched initial autopsy attempt while three others remained intact and were preserved. Again, in Wright -Patterson's Blue Room.  

Jerry quickly added that the Air Force's  disinformationists have included in their targets the name 'Blue Room' itself - dismissed as "urban myth".  But the  official designation of record for Blue Room operations, is NASIC - National Air and Space Intelligence Center and "it's as real as a heart attack."  

He was adamant that the assorted rooms: Hangar 5 (not Hangar 18), which later became the Bldg. 18 complex -  included Bldgs. 18A, 18B, 18C, 18D, 18E, 18F, 18G - the next to last with 4 cold rooms where the corpses of EBEs were stored.  The complex was formally operated under NASIC  (formerly Foreign Technology Division or FTD) and basically it had oversight concerning disposal and storage of craft wreckage, EBE bodies and artifacts.

Interestingly, he also maintained that no political honchos, Senators or even presidents - including JFK, FDR, Truman  - have been allowed themselves into the Blue Room or the Building 18 complex. In other words, it's regarded as uber top secret.  (The last one to try was Sen. Barry Goldwater in 1964   - and for his request was "reamed out" by Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay.)

When I brought up the matter of the bodies, debris etc. being mistaken for Project Mogul balloon wreckage - and dummies - e.g.  from a June 23, 1997 TIME magazine issue on 'The Roswell Files',

Jerry scoffed at the claim.  "That's total bullshit!"  Adding: 

"Don't forget an actual physicist based at the New Mexico Institute of Science and Technology splattered that crap!"  

He was referring to Prof. C.B. Moore who came out soon after the attempted debunking (by Gen. Roger Ramey)  asserting no balloon would leave a debris field as wide as two hundred yards by  three - fourths of a mile.  

Jerry then made clear:

"The military powers that be scarfed up those bodies and the debris within hours and had them shipped off to Wright Patterson Army Airfield  near Dayton Ohio."

He added that from what he could discern from the photographic- film materials he handled, there were four categories of interest for what was recovered and put in the Blue Room i) Sections of light, thin aluminum colored metal which were 'unbendable', ii) I-beam structures with weird symbols "like hieroglyphics" embossed on them, iii) Tiny wiring that resembled today's nanofilament wires, iv) thin aluminum cloth like metal that could be scrunched up then released and recovered its original shape.  

When I mentioned UFO debunker Philip Klass asserting in the same TIME article that "the real Roswell crashed saucer coverup was by UFO book authors" he fairly exploded.  

"Klass couldn't find his asshole from a hole in the ground!  He never went to the places I was or saw what I saw so he doesn't know jack shit!"  

 Before he died (of an aortic aneurysm) in August, 2016 Jerry maintained "more of these craft will soon be upon us, in our skies"  He didn't live to see the videos from the U.S. Navy pilots or their eye -opening interviews from '60 Minutes'. Where the Nimitz pilots reported craft diving into the water at 13,000 mph, e.g.  see link above.

In all this time, from the summer of 1973 - when we discussed his AF background while I was on a Peace Corps "re-up"  vacay visit to Miami -  to when he died in his sleep in Oklahoma, Jerry never once wavered from the veracity of what he saw.  That included the aggregate materials (photos, films) he handled indicating the proof of extraterrestrial existence that was staring us in the face. But which too many cocky (or misled) humans could not bring themselves to admit.

In his book, Information Warfare, author Winn Schwartau described psy-ops as the tactic whereby "false information or misinformation is sown pertaining to a real event in order to deflect attention from it and at the same time destroy or compromise the reputations of any who reported the facts."

Within 5 hours of the Roswell 'flying saucer' account (see news clipping graphic above) the Air Force's info warfare began to stamp out the reality (of a crashed extraterrestrial craft) using disinformation and misinformation.  The techniques - developed over decades - manifested as ridiculing and intimidating any witnesses and turning the lower military officers (like Lt. Col. Jesse Marcel) following orders into patsies.  The initiation of the effort was compliments of Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey in Ft. Worth,  who disparaged the hicks who couldn't even distinguish a rubber weather balloon from technological debris from an otherworldly craft.

In our last conversation in early 2016 I asked Jerry: 

"Well, given what you've repeatedly said I guess Wright Patterson has at last put the artifacts - or at least facsimiles of them-  in its UFO Exhibit at its Aviation Museum, No?".

 Jerry laughed as if I'd shared a bad joke and replied: 

"Are you kidding?  Those jokers put up a crappy mock exhibit.  They got it all in a single glass case with phony UFO photos, blobs of melted plastic, and balloon fragments, all to convince the dummies there's nothing really there. Roswell was just a hoax. Funniest part was some crappola document trying to prove saucer -shaped craft can't really fly when we know they can and do. A whole bunch of bullshit is what they're trying to pass off as the final answer."

Jerry, perhaps unwittingly, had just described the basis of the AF psy-ops agenda which he believed would continue even if "actual craft were documented by military pilots".  Which of course happened with the Nimitz pilots, as shown in the 60 Minutes segment. And which trap Mr. Douthat has also fallen into, lock, stock and barrel.

 Does the government then "want us to believe"?  Yes, in its distraction and disinformation - and it can always rely on enough useful tools - including scientists e.g.

Anthropocentric Parochialism Defines SETI Scientist Seth Shostak's Skepticism Over Aliens & UAP 

To keep the proles clueless or fighting amongst themselves.  The problem now is how do we break that to Douthat and convince him to ditch his supernaturalist bunkum. But consider for a second the irony of believing in demons, devils - or 'Satan" - but not in advanced aliens.

See Also:


How would contact with U.F.O.s and other civilizations change ours?


Transient Optical Phenomena of the Atmosphere - a Case Study    


Physics Today Book Reviewer Kate Dorsch Is As Clueless About UFOs As Neil DeGrasse Tyson 




Holman Jenkins Jr. In Latest WSJ Piece Shows UFO Topics Are Way Beyond His Pay Grade 

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