Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trump Implodes At NABJ Event Showing He's Learned Zero Humility Since July 13th Shooting


The nature of the deranged sociopath (and psychopath) nominated for president on the Reeptard ticket was certain to be exposed in today's WSJ editorial. At least, as I told Janice, I was fairly certain of it, given they'd already spanked Dotard after his RNC speech when he went off the rails after vowing 'unity' (being redeemed from his close call with an assassin's bullet at a July 13 Butler Pennsylvania rally.) The WSJ editorial the day after (p. 14A) noting how Trump plausibly lost millions of votes that otherwise might have been his had he stayed with the somber script of his acknowledged mortality and backed away from petty grievance ("promising not to prosecute Biden or his family"). Oh and not rambling about his love of dictators (spending more minutes praising the bloodthirsty North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.)

MSNBC's Chris Hayes also capture Trump's degenerate off the rails tone in his own show that night:

Chris Hayes reads ‘deranged’ transcript of Trump RNC speech: 'Obviously in decline' (

Showing the extent of Trump's derangement, reverting to attacks on everyone and everything he detests, i.e. "weaponizing" the Justice department, lying about the Democratic Party, the "China virus", the migrant invasion etc. 

 So I figured the WSJ editors would once more have a sensible moment and reprimand the orange racist like other media had (FT, WaPo, NY Times etc.) But boy was I wrong! Their editorial today ('Donald Trump and the Black Journalists', p. A14) was primarily focused on:

a) Where was Kamala Harris?

b) The Dems "setting an identity politics trap" for Trump to fall into.

Sorry, Bozos, Trump (in respect of (b) fell into that trap all by his lonesome. He went there with the expectation of peeling off more black votes - especially males wowed by is macho, never mind his moron brain -but cratered within minutes. Starting off by petulantly reacting to a question from ABC's Rachel Scott:

"Well, I don't think I have ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, first question.  You don't even say 'Hello, how are you.' 

Uh, Ms. Scott wasn't there for pleasantries you dumb fuck. She expected you to address her question on how you previously disparaged black journalists. She did not expect you to carry on like an aggrieved whiny little bitch.

As for Kamala (part (a) - the WSJ editors were merely being disingenuous as they had to know she was (at the same time) addressing her black sorority in Houston. More importantly, it was TRUMP the NABJ wanted to interview first and foremost given all his bragging on how he was pulling in black voters. Besides, why in hell would Kamala willingly make the clown show even worse by showing up to be a target for the unhinged, 34- times convicted felon and rapist? She did enough by saying - at the end of her own Houston speech:

"American Deserves Better."

Which it does, including release from the grotesque lies such as the WSJ editors sputtered in their editorial i.e.

"Mr. Trump has a good case that his economic policies helped black voters in his first term."

UH, no they did not. His $1.7 trillion tax cuts went almost entirely to benefit the wealthiest 1% and corporations. Also leaving so little for social capital and resources that on multiple occasions he attempted to kill the Affordable Care Act on which many poorer citizens depend. Not to mention as trying to scuttle the extension of higher unemployment benefits after Covid hit and knee-capping the America Cares Act.

So no, black citizens, the Orange one ain't your friend. And never forget this was the turd that back in the 80s relentlessly red -lined his NYC properties and rentals to keep blacks out. There is no way now he wants you back in his cult other than as pawns to take down the Dems and Kamala Harris.

His bigoted display at the NABJ event showed again where his real localities resided: with the white supremacists he described as "Some very fine people" who carried their Tiki torches in August, 2017 at Charlottesville,

And with the equally misshapen and unhinged Proud Boys he told to "Stand back and stand by" in a 2020 debate.

One of the few remaining 'truth brokers' on the WSJ staff - if you can believe it- is Karl Rove, who warned in his column today (p. A13):

"Mr. Trump must show self control and patience...He needs to forgo his long rally speeches, regurgitating what he considers his greatest hits."

But Trump is as incapable of either of those, as we saw at the NABJ convention, as a pig is refraining from rolling around in mud and pig shit. Sadly, as close as he came to losing his life in the Butler July 13th shooting incident one would have thought he'd have recovered a sense of humility. Or at least acknowledge - given his proclamation to have been divinely spared- he'd mend his ways. Become a Mensch for once instead of a maggot. Understand (in the same context) that by sheer grace he escaped the worst and he ought to use the 2nd chance to get his act together. But nope, he's simply reverted to maggotry, insolence, and bigotry as we beheld in his NABJ appearance.

Do millions of Americans really want this orange piece of criminal pus back fouling the White House again? I refuse to believe it. Let me rephrase that: I refuse to believe a majority of my countrymen are racist morons and slimeballs who'd willingly turn the nation over to this Traitor Turd. And as Janice adds: "Fear not, it will be the women who save us." Or as one FT columnist put it: "Those women Vance mocked may not have kids but they do have votes."

See Also:

by Carl Gibson | August 1, 2024 - 7:31am | permalink

— from Alternet


Former President Donald Trump just had a very uncomfortable hour at a National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) event in Chicago, Illinois, in which his attempt to communicate his message to Black voters may have severely backfired.

Trump's campaign previously agreed to do a live, hour-long interview with ABC News' Rachel Scott, Semafor's Kadia Goba and Fox News' Harris Faulkner. But the interview started on a rocky note, and Trump repeatedly sparred with the journalists on the panel on both the toughness of the questions and about a perceived lack of respect from Scott in particular.

Here are five of the most eye-popping moments from Trump's NABJ appearance:

1. Trump calls ABC a "fake news network" when confronted about racist statements

Almost immediately after the former president was introduced, Scott confronted Trump about his past statements directed at Black elected officials — like telling natural-born congresswomen of color in "The Squad" to "go back" to where they came from — and calling Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg an "animal."

The ex-president then snapped at Scott when she asked why Black voters should trust him.

"Well, I don't think I have ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, first question," Trump said.

"You don't even say 'Hello, how are you.' Are you with ABC? Because I think they are a fake news network, a terrible network," he added, which prompted audible outrage from the audience.


by Joan McCarter | August 1, 2024 - 7:03am | permalink

— from Daily Kos

Donald Trump’s campaign is desperately trying to clean up his latest mess after he bombed Wednesday while speaking to the National Association of Black Journalists Wednesday.

In a racist tirade, Trump accused Vice President Kamala Harris of playing cynical games with her heritage.

“She was Indian all the way,” he said, “then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went—she became a Black person.”

The campaign knew it was a disaster before it was even over. What was supposed to be an hour-long question-and-answer session was abruptly cut short by Trump’s campaign after just 34 minutes—“an indication of how much of a train wreck it was for him,” tweeted Axios reporter Sophia Cai, “and also how good the questioning was.”


by Robert Reich | August 1, 2024 - 6:49am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack

Yesterday, in an interview with three women journalists at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago, Trump wondered aloud about Harris’s race:

“Is she Indian or is she Black?” he asked, quickly adding, “I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went, she became a Black person. I think somebody should look into that.”

It was as bizarre attack. Harris has always embraced her Blackness. She attended Howard University, a historically Black university.

Cornered by his naked bigotry, Trump shifted to naked pander. He said he loves “the Black population” of this country, and declared himself the “best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln” — to which Rachel Scott of ABC News rightly replied, “Better than President Johnson, who signed the Voting Rights Act?”

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