Friday, May 31, 2024

Jury Verdict For Trump's Conviction On 34 Felony Counts A Victory For Rule Of Law In U.S.


                                           Trump NYT header

Trump is most fortunate that he was not remanded pending sentencing. He has been given every possible break under the law. But his outrageous remarks and those of supporters like Mike Johnson, who showed himself to be un-American, must be remembered at the polls - – Washington Post comment

"The jury’s decision, and the facts presented at the trial, offer yet another reminder — perhaps the starkest to date — of the many reasons Donald Trump is unfit for office...the greatest good to come out of this sordid case is the proof that the rule of law binds everyone, even former presidents." - NY Times Editorial

“Today Trump couldn’t fool 12 people all of the time. It’s a good start." - NY Times Comment

The jurors were not Trump’s peers because Trump has no peer in mendacity. But it was great to see the 12 just say no, you don’t slime your way into the presidency by having your creepy gofer pay off a porn star you slept with while your wife was home with a newborn and call it a legal expense. – Maureen Dowd, ‘Holy Cow! 34 for 45!’, NY Times

"If anything this situation shows the shocking ignorance of millions of American citizens. Their knowledge and understanding of how the courts work is minimal at best. They presume personalities rule beyond the law, that the system is somehow rigged, and they act like it's a game of chance with someone tipping the roulette wheel. Donald Trump is a criminal. That's it. Donald Trump has no business leading this country. That's also it. However, his minions in their Donald Trump costumes, the Republican leaders who have sold their party for the service of Trump above America, the lying FOX media and its little baby fox wannabes, have sold this country down the toilet for a genuine criminal." - NY Times comment

The rule of law, for now at least, is passably alive and well despite Trump’s minions blocking it in every other (e.g. federal) venue.  This even as the traitorous cult's derelict zombies tried to cast the verdict as  "rigged" and "illegitimate".  Meaning  - as  Nicole Wallace put it last night- they really saw the rule of law as illegitimate.  But never mind, for the first time in his 77 years, long after he tested switchblades out by gutting alley cats in Queens as a teen- this slimeball was a convicted felon. Thirty-four times over. It was unambiguous. It was certain. It was happening. At last, his crimes over decades had caught up with the feral imp and no amount of attempted delay tactics or manipulation was going to stop it. Nor was the screeching and bombast issuing from his dedicated asslickers.

Yesterday the slimy turd was found guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to an adult-film actress. Thereby delivering a historic verdict that could (and should!) shape the November election and make Trump the first former U.S. president convicted of a crime.

Trump now faces a maximum sentence of 1 to four years in prison. Given his age and his lack of a prior criminal record (only because he was never brought to justice), he could serve a shorter sentence or no term of incarceration at all. New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan scheduled the former president’s sentencing for July 11 — just days before the start of the Republican National Convention, where Trump is set to be formally nominated by his party.  One hopes that after all the breaks and escapes the maggot has achieved so far he is not let down easy this time.  My hope: 1 year to be served at Rikers Island, where his sex predator pal Jeffrey Epstein also ended up.  Hopefully, that event marker will be along the lines of the New Yorker cover - just published:

And, btw, that sentence to start right after he’s declared the loser in the Nov. 5 election.  This time, the fucker will not be able to instigate an insurrection. (The Appeal quashed before the election, given New York state law- as former Sen. Claire McCaskill noted this a.m. - is clear that all the facts were delivered in impeccable form. and Trump's defense team idiots botched any appeal justifications when they failed to object numerous times!)

But here's the kicker: Even if this loathsome scum should somehow persuade a fraction of voters to ignore or minimize his conviction the NY appellate courts might not be so sympathetic. Especially given the number of times this twice impeached felon has violated gag orders. Indeed, a number of legal experts have cast doubt on any success including having the Supremes overturn the conviction. There are certain barriers even the most corrupt of these - like Alito and Thomas- dare not cross.  And this is also factoring in that the appellate process itself could take years to snake its way through the courts, all but ensuring Dotard Dump will still be a felon by the time voters head to the polls in November (and remember many will already have voted by mail  - like those of us in Colo.)

Alas, this roach will still be able to continue to campaign in the hope of reclaiming the White House even after being deemed a felon in the city where he first rose to prominence.  Rose to prominence by ceaseless grifting, and leaving debts unpaid even as he redlined rental areas to prevent African-Americans from moving in.

Trump, also charged in three other criminal cases, is expected to appeal the New York verdict, and we know the last refuge of a bespoke rat is appeal – and manipulating the judicial system.  We can only hope the desperate bid fails, and whiny dandies like Lindsey Graham, who pitched a hysterical hissy fit right after the verdict – yelping it will be reversed on appeal. Dream on, Lindsey!

There is no reason it should be, despite all the bawling, bitching and caterwauling of the deplorable Trumpites, because Judge Merchan was extraordinarily fair and careful not to cross any blatant red lines.  Even allowing Dump to get away with dozens of gag order violations, only fining him chump change ($1k each) when he baldly transgressed the most recent restrictions.

In any case, neither the conviction nor any sentence he may receive prevents him from serving as president. But fancy that – a sentenced felon serving as U.S. President.  Want to see the U.S. become the laughingstock of the world, just let that atrocity happen.

The only consolation – even if the cockroach escapes justice – is that his conviction is nevertheless an extraordinary loss for Trump. And it ought to remind sensible voters – the ones with IQs over 100 and adequate critical thinking skills – what he is really like and why this character is so god awful despicable. It also ought to kill this emergent foolish nostalgia for the pig once and for all.

 You can be sure that come what may this jury verdict will reverberate through politics and the upcoming presidential election.  And I promise you Joe and the Dems will pound it home in every ad they feature from now to November 5th, along with ads warning how all abortion rights will be lost if the maggot escapes.

Outside the courtroom, Trump continued his branded form of psychopathic braggadocio, predictably declaring himself innocent, and calling the trial “a disgrace”.  So what’s new? Everything and everyone is "a disgrace"  in this moonbat’s feral mind – now slipping into total dementia –

by Carl Gibson | May 29, 2024 - 6:18am | permalink

 - if they lift so much as a finger against him. The demented fungal worm also falsely insisted that the case was driven by President Biden, as a means of political vendetta. According to Dump:


This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. The real verdict is going to be November 5, by the people, and they know what happened here.”


Yeah, boy, the real verdict will be on that day to finally rid the nation of your sorry orange ass once and for all. For now, you’re a convicted felon and even if you try to escape via appeal it’s gonna stick in many voters’ minds.  The jury – 7 men and five women – have done a service in at least giving us a chance to escape future Trumpian insanity and autocracy.  Technically, then, this verdict - even if reversed on appeal - means more should  vote for Joe Biden in November. However, he still faces hordes of discombobulated voters, distracted by inflation (never mind packed airports all over the Memorial Day weekend- so where'd they get the $$?), two foreign wars, and a misperception that Biden displays more serious mental capacity issues than the deranged Dotard. (See previous link on Trump's stunning dementia.)

So let's be clear, every manjack needs to man up for the vote, and there can't be any vote splitting.  None of the REEP cult are worthy of election or re-election, given they are all now members of a cult, not a party.  This was demonstrated this morning on a CBS segment where Trump buttlicker Tom Cotton (being considered for Veep) blamed Joe Biden and the Dems for trouncing on proper law and order. No, you dumb Arkansas shit wad, it's your lot trouncing on the rule of law with your incessant lies including now misrepresenting Judge Merchan's jury instructions.

 In the end it will be up to true patriots in November - not paper patriots - to put an end to this orange scourge once and for all.  As CBS political correspondent John Dickerson put it this morning:

"Even if you might believe Trump was somehow wronged in this trial, that does not mean he is the right person for the job of President."

Dickerson was referencing the character issues, fundamental to a president, raised during this trial and which may not have been criminal. Such as sleeping with a porn star (Stormy Daniels) while his wife was home with a newborn infant. Or bragging on the (Access Hollywood) tape of "grabbing women by the pussy and they let you do it."  These speak to character and indicate unfitness for the job of an American leader. And we won't even go into how the swine disrespected those who served - back in 2020- by calling those interred at WW I cemetery sites, "losers."   

Recall here Alexander Hamilton's words in Issue #58 of The Federalist:

The process of election (by state electors) affords a moral certainty that the office of President shall never fall to the lot of any man who is not to an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications...

Nothing else matters apart from character in this election: no issue, no trifling perceived economic problems, nor distant wars - because all will be a million times worse under Trump. Whose rule will be all retribution, all of the time, and devil take your inflation fears, or stock market 401(k) returns or mortgage interest.  We cannot go into this election sleepwalking or buying into the desperate lies of Trump and his 'red tie' ass kissing foot soldiers who care only about power, not the country or the rule of law.

 See Also:

by Robert Reich | May 31, 2024 - 6:37am | permalink


The Trump jury has spoken. Next up, the voters.


Trump’s felon status won’t disqualify him. Only we can do that.




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