Thursday, February 8, 2024

The 'Joe Rogan Experience': Attuned To Dullards, CT Spinners - RFK Jr. And Aaron Rodgers


                       " many dopes can I snooker today?"

"The Joe Rogan Experience" according to a WSJ piece barely four days ago, has just made been awarded a whopping $250 million deal for Spotify to ensure the imp keeps spouting bollocks on his podcasts.  The news confirmed for me once and for all the brains of too many 'Muricans have been hijacked.  Mainly by disinformation pushing loons and nuts making tons off the gullibility of their low IQ followers and minions - probably most in the Trumper brigade. 

Most recently, on Wednesday, Rogan's wacko show allowed former Packer QB Aaron Rodgers to spiel for over two hours about current events and conspiracies that have been in the open in recent years.  Rodgers, let us note, gained infamy by his cockeyed views on Covid as the virus was ravaging the country in 2019.  His most vile move was insinuating he was vaccinated during a Green Bay Packers training camp press conference - claiming he was "immunized."   And knowing full damn well most viewers would automatically interpret that as meaning he was vaccinated. 

However, his actual vaccination status didn't come to light until his positive diagnosis in November 2021 - barely 7 weeks into the Packers' season and who knows how many teammates he'd infected.  (Which may never be known given there were different thresholds for unvaccinated players in returning to play.)

The imp then went on Pat McAfee's show a few days later and started to unload on the NFL for what he called its "draconian" health and safety protocols that year.  He also employed the typical Trumper jargon in targeting "woke culture," and revealed that he sent the league "a 500-page report" on why he should have been considered vaccinated due to his homeopathic treatments, and said there was a witch hunt for unvaccinated players.   Worst of all, the demented loon claimed to be a critical thinker. 

This twit, who admitted Rogan gave him medical recommendations on Covid treatments, which included ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has not been authorized or approved for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 by the FDA.  I already tattooed this lamebrain drug in a previous post, e.g.

 Ivermectin -Horse De-Wormer Tabs For Covid Prevention - What Could Go Wrong? (You Don't Want To Know)


"Why would a person take a de-wormer med to get rid of a virus? Or protect against a virus like the delta variant of Covid? Only a low I.Q. fool would do so, or someone so uneducated they'd take the word of a babble-brained FOX New host first, before a doctor like Dr. Ashish Jha, or Anthony Fauci."

The fact Rodgers would mindlessly just follow the advice of a clown like Rogan shows he's no critical thinker - because genuine critical thinkers don't rely on blabbering twits and half wits for medical advice.  Especially given that Rogan has been a critic of COVID vaccines and two years ago 270 doctors called for Spotify to take action against Rogan over narratives his guests had shared about the vaccine.  Did Spotify? Hell no. This new $250m deal shows he's simply being rewarded for spinning out rubbish.

As for Rodgers, this bozo had the chutzpah to actually declare that other people "didn't do critical thinking" during the pandemic- meaning they chose well-researched mRNA vaccines (like Janice and me) as opposed to horse de-wormer.  The moron also alleged that "as more research comes out, there’s more papers published in very reputable scientific publications that talk about all of the things I was stumping for and talking about." But Rodgers never specified the exact scientific publications, the journal titles, the authors or the dates of publication.

Some critical thinker. 

Oh, and not surprisingly this crackpot -  despite insisting he wants to stay out of politics -  has essentially endorsed presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. due to their shared viewpoint on the vaccine.  The kook on one of his last McAffee shows even challenged Travis Kelce (who has done Pfizer vaccine ads) to a "debate" with him and RFK Jr.

With mutts like Rodgers and Rogan getting millions to tune into their blathering  nonsense you can be sure the national IQ falls even further, unfortunately before the Nov. 5 election.

See Also:

Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel Ought To Take Aaron Rodgers To The Cleaners In A Lawsuit For Babbling Epstein-List Bollocks 



Aaron Rodgers Proves He's No "Critical Thinker"

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