Friday, January 5, 2024

Donald Trump's Reported B.O. Problem - Worth Expatiating On? Or Ignoring?


                             "I may be a rat but I do not have body odor like butts!"

According to Amanda Marcotte writing on

"Take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender," former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said of Trump's odor. It's a visceral description to be certain, but also beautiful because everyone immediately knows it must be true. Trump's narcissism has led him to believe he knows everything, so he has no need to learn. By the same logic, he no doubt imagines his body, which he has routinely described as perfect, is in no need of regular cleaning. Plus, every shower means seeing his imperfect naked body in the mirror, followed by having to sit still for hours to restore his elaborate hair and make-up. We all know how he feels about that. I have to imagine he skips quite a few."

Plus, Trump knows you can't smell him through the camera, only see his glowering orange visage. Trump's faith is not in God, but that bellicosity and image management can overcome anything: Democracy, his body odor, people noticing he can barely read. It's why, despite failing to end democracy last time, Trump is running for president again, and even more explicitly as a fascist. He and his supporters believe that the will to power, expressed mainly through volume and bombast — backed with a threat of violence — will be enough to finish the insurrection of January 6."

The issue of Trump's vile B.O. elicits the question of its origin. Ms. Marcotte's theory seems to make the most sense. The orange fungal rat nonetheless primps himself endlessly especially his hair, so would not wish to have any regular cleaning that'd mess it up. Nor would he, as Marcotte suggests, want to spend any time in a shower given his bloated orange corpus would likely gross him out if he saw it in a mirror.  Indeed, even its clothed image in his mind's eye likely has the effect:

But there is still the question of how the odor got so bad. I recall in 1959 when we first moved to Carol City, FL (from Hialeah, FL), our new home at Hefler Estates needed to have sod laid in for the front and back yard. To that end, my dad ordered 3,000 square feet arriving in two truckloads. For two days over a weekend the job of my two younger brothers and I was to lay all that sod. By the end of just the first day our skin was soaked with sweat as well as dirt from the sod.  Jerry, ten at the time, and always looking for a lark or prank,

Said 'Watch this!'  He then proceeded to rub both arms back and forth - up and down, quickly producing dark, spherical dirt- like masses on each, almost like "dirt buggers"-  in  his parlance.  His antics caught the attention of the old man who exclaimed, "Dirt dobbers!"   - not to be confused with "dirt daubers" - a kind of fierce looking insect - e.g. from a Wikipedia account:

Most adult mud or dirt daubers are about 1/2 to 1 inch long or 12-25 mm in total length. They are usually black with clear wings. What makes them unique and terrifying is their abdomen.

Dirt dauber, the insect

 Anyway, dad said we needed to get in the shower and wash off all the dirt from the sod as those potential "dirt dobbers" could get "really smelly"  if not washed off.   Indeed, if left too long they would "stick" to you and then the smell itself would stick and it resembled an "Arkansas outhouse". Whatever that might have been. But one supposes that Trump now has the redolent odor of such a venue and all the trillions of dirt dobbers sticking to him to match. Hence, the description by Adam Kinzinger.  One is left to wonder then, how millions of Americans are still prepared to elect this misbegotten turd instead of Joe Biden.

 A Jan. 1st Financial Times political column ('They've Written Him Off - Can Biden Really Beat Trump Again?') claimed that "voters appeared to have finally soured on Biden" - with Joe's approval rating now down to 39%, with the disapproval up to 55%.  This elicits the question of whether Trump's B.O. problem is worth discussing or if the MAGAs will just scream "Another radical socialist Dem effort to take down our champion!"  Excuse me for erring on the side of further investigation. I mean, can we really expect a proper debate between Trump and Biden in September- October if Donnie 'Bone Spurs' knocks Joe off the stage with his butt -ketchup mix?  

Beyond that, are Americans really ready to let a malodorous seditionist traitor back into power? One who has vowed to be a "dictator" from day one?  One who glorifies Hitler and even imitates his body language:

 Inquiring minds really want to know.  And putatively sane minds ought to question themselves on that! You really wanna let a smelly  Hitler Jr. back in  the Oval Office? A wuss who never even served in the military like Hitler - yet wants to use the military to put down peaceful protests by force?  Think about that.

See Also:

by Amanda Marcotte | December 31, 2023 - 7:56am | permalink

— from Salon


There are many reasons Donald Trump is turning up the rhetoric about being a fascist dictatoreven bragging on social media that "revenge" and "dictator" are the top words people use to describe him. It's a campaign strategy to win over Republican primary voters who wish to purge the country of that which they despise, such as tap-dancing jazz dancers. It's a feint, an effort to scare his opponents into believing his ascension is unstoppable, so they stop fighting him. It's also a threat to keep fellow Republicans in line, so they don't start backing challengers who aren't under 91 felony indictments.

But it's also an attempt to hide that he smells like a butt.

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