Monday, August 7, 2023

Deranged Imp Trump Needs To Be Locked Up For His (and OUR) Own Good


                 Trump at left needs to be converted to Trump at right - ASAP

No sooner had the raging lunatic traitor Trump blew out his Truth Social keyboard with “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”  Than the DOJ prosecutors promptly called for the maggot to be reined in, as regards threats he's continually made to witnesses, prosecutors, judges.  This last outburst should be the last straw but even before that the mutt had called Jack Smith a "crack head" and suggested he was the one who had left coke in the WH ("If it wasn't the Biden crime family!").  So when Trump's dingbat legal clowns show up in the D.C. court at 5 pm. today to plead their case not to shut their rat up, it ought to be a no-brainer for Judge Tanya Chutkin to refuse. Indeed, she should inform this psychopath and deranged orange fruitcake that any further outbursts - whether in rallies for his zombies or on his 'Truth Social' - will be cited as contempt with his ass locked up in the nearest cage.  For his own good and ours.

But the derangement of Donald Trump now fully extends to his legal lightweights as well, unable to pierce the bubble of insanity. Thus, a Trump spokesperson said in a statement late on Friday night that the ex-president’s post was the “definition of political speech” and protected by the constitution’s first amendment and that it did not have to do with the criminal case. Instead, it was directed toward interest groups.  To which I and others say "BULLSHIT!"  His tirade was directed to any and all who might hold this rat's ass freak to account. 

Salon blogger Amanda Marcotte put this constant appeal to "free speech" horse shit to rest in a recent post, i.e. noting:

"As a Georgia State University law professor, Anthony Michael Kreis, told Salon, "A person cannot walk into a bank and say, 'stick 'em up,' and then cling to the First Amendment's protections." Similarly, it's not "free speech" when Trump told people to commit crimes for him, simply because he used his mouth to do so. Even Trump's former attorney general, Bill Barr, dismissed this gambit by saying, "free speech doesn't give you the right to engage in a fraudulent conspiracy."

Meanwhile prosecutors’ request for the protective order came a day after Trump pleaded not guilty to charges that he orchestrated a criminal conspiracy to forcibly overturn his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden which culminated in his supporters’ January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Trump had also sworn in court that he would not intimidate witnesses. But obviously nothing this POS says or claims holds an ounce of truth since he's a congenital liar.

 In the court filing, special counsel Jack Smith argued that the restrictions he sought were “particularly important” in the case because Trump had a history of using social media to post statements “regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with legal matters pending against him”.

Smith’s office thus properly requested that Trump’s attorneys be barred from sharing copies of grand jury interviews and other “sensitive” material handed to them as part of the legal process known as discovery. The office also asked that the protective order be imposed before Trump’s attorneys had a chance to weigh in.  The judge (Tonya Chutkin) gave Trump until 5pm local time today to respond to prosecutors’ request.  Predictably, Trump's imbecile attorney, John Lauro, said on Sunday on CNN (and 5 other networks) that his side intended to fight the request.  Look for more "free speech" babble.

Prosecutors warned that if Trump shared public statements stemming from discovery material, “it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case”.  Which ought to be a no brainer. As the time for further indictments moves on and hearings and trial dates approach, Trump grows more deranged, defamatory and desperate. He really needs to be locked up to calm his sorry ass down if nothing else. But also to protect witnesses, prosecutors, even the judge.

Judges in other ongoing criminal cases against the fecal roach have warned him against his public comments. At a court hearing in New York in April, state judge Juan M. Merchan told Trump to not make comments “likely to incite violence or civil unrest” after the former president took to Truth Social and alluded to potential “death and destruction” if he was charged with a crime.  But up to now Judge Merchan has not brought the hammer down. Maybe because the spectacle of Dotard being dragged away in handcuffs might arouse his MAGA minions? Who knows?  But he's been given more than enough leeway already.

Merchan, whom Trump has called “a Trump-hating judge with a Trump-hating wife and family”, is weighing the state’s prosecution of the former president for allegedly falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Trump also faces federal charges in Ft. Pierce FLA for his alleged illicit hoarding of classified documents after leaving the Oval Office. Trump has pleaded not guilty to those cases as well.

The swine now also faces a possible fourth indictment in Georgia, where Atlanta prosecutors have been investigating his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results there. He could face charges of racketeering and multiple state election crimes, including engaging in a conspiracy to commit election fraud.  Note as the charges and indictments have multiplied so has Trump's outrageous behavior.  As my psychology prof niece Shayl put it over the weekend:

The time now is to nip it in the bud which is why I hope Judge Chutkan imposes a total gag order on him with the threat of jail if he doesn’t comply. Free speech doesn’t apply. You cannot shout “Fire!” in crowded theaters which is the equivalent of what he’s doing, whether his supporters see that or not.”


With which I totally, 100 percent concur.


See Also:

Trump says, ‘I’m coming after you.’ We should take him at his word.


by Amanda Marcotte | August 5, 2023 - 7:24am | permalink

— from Salon


Within the first 48 hours of Donald Trump's latest indictment, on federal charges related to his attempted coup after the 2020 election, the number of Republican excuses for his crimes rivaled the number of votes he demanded Georgia election officials fabricate to steal the election. (Which was 11,780, for those whose memory needs refreshing.) In the true spirit of competitive GOP hackery, each "defense" was dumber than the last.

There were claims that "free speech" provides Trump blanket immunity for conspiring to overturn an election, on the grounds that most conspiring is done with vocal cords. As a Georgia State University law professor, Anthony Michael Kreis, told Salon, "A person cannot walk into a bank and say, 'stick 'em up,' and then cling to the First Amendment's protections." 


by Robert Reich | August 4, 2023 - 7:54am | permalink

— from Robert Reich's Substack

THE KEY DATE TO KEEP IN MIND is January 20, 2025. Trump’s main legal defense will be to stall the start of any trial until after that date.

He’ll argue that it is impossible for him to get a fair trial as the leading Republican candidate for president.

If U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan rejects Trump’s motion to delay, his lawyers will appeal her decision to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. If the D.C. Court of Appeals rejects the motion, he’ll appeal to the Supreme Court.


Trump Cheers the Defeat of Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team - The New York Times (


by Joan McCarter | August 4, 2023 - 7:35am | permalink


Gaslight King Trump Drives Unhinged "Mob is coming for ya" Rhetoric Out of Utter Desperation 


Trump Regrets Political Violence? Don't Freaking Make Me Laugh! 


by David Badash | August 4, 2023 - 6:50am | permalink

— from The New Civil Rights Movement


Donald Trump was arraigned in a Washington, D.C. federal court Thursday for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and as a condition of his release U.S. Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya admonished the ex-president to not commit a crime and to not attempt to influence a juror, warning he could be sent to jail.

“The judge said the most important condition of release is not committing any new crimes while on release, which could lead to him being detained and could add to the sentence he may eventually face,” NPR reports. “She told Trump it is a crime to ‘influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone’ connected to the case. Trump said he understands.”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow added that Trump was told directly by Judge Upadhyaya, “You’ve heard your conditions of release. It is important you comply to your conditions of release. You may be held pending trial in this case, if you violate conditions of release.”


by Aaron B. Pryor | August 1, 2023 - 7:46am | permalink

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